Captain Maeve Kato

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Captain Maeve Cato

Maeve Cato had a plan. She'd had the plan since she was nine. It was not, at least in her mind, a strange one. Everyone wanted to join the New Hampshire's marine corp, after all. The infomercials and recruitment ads promised her everything she'd wanted to accomplish. Journey to exotic locales all across human space, meet fascinating new people, make new friends! What about that doesn't sound exciting?

Apparently not understanding why an Ishtar might be ever so slightly out of place in a frontline marine unit, Maeve Cato planned to become the best Espatier officer in New Hampshire's armed forces.

Then life interrupted her with her very recently deceased mother's spaceship.

It's not what she wanted, but she'll do her best!

Gene Template: Ishtar

Physique: 2 (+1)
Perception: 2 (+1)
Intellect: 3
Wits: 4 (+1)
Charisma: 3 (+2)
Psyche: 3
Edge: 2


3 New Hampshire Espatier NROTC
3 And I Became a Teenage Pirate Captain
1 Cafe Waitress

Skill :+1 Etiquette :+1 Savoir-Faire

2 Magnetic Enthusiasm (+1)
1 Blasters!
2 Wargamer

Cool Stuff:

A Goddamn Spaceship
Snazzy New Hampshire Espatier Armor