Talk:Hermit Crab's School: BM's Wuxia Game

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Kanoe Hisa

A miko dispatched from the distant tributary island kingdom of Hinomoto.She is on a mission to study continental martial arts in order to bring back skills to augment and revitalise the traditional shrine maiden martial art of Kagura. With the turmoil of civil war engulfing her homeland and the gods falling further into slumber, warrior miko are increasingly having to defend their shrines against marauding bandits and ronin samurai rather than unruly supernaturals against which Kagura is best suited.

Style 4
Sorcery 4
Chi Pool 2

Charm 3
Fine Art 3
Integrity 1
Performance 3

Style: Kagura

Kagura is derived from the ancient dances of the shrine maidens originally meant to entertain gods. The martial form of the art was created to deal with unruly spirits in the fields and forests of Hinomoto. Since this is as much a ceremony as a fight, Kagura is flashy and acrobatic but not as practical on a battlefield. Against armoured opponents such as the samurai now fighting for domination of the realm it has distinct limitations. Kagura emphasizes agility, acrobatics and powerful kicks. It is said to be most powerful in the air but some variants keep one limb on the ground at all times. Relatively little use is made of the upper body and defense is almost entirely dodges, often acrobatic ones that open the range. In addition to unarmed combat, Kagura has forms for the katana, naginata and yumi.

+1 Kicks
+1 Dodges
+1 Acrobatics
-1 Disarm (Spirits can't be disarmed, generally.)
-1 Intercept (Kagura has few blocks, so it can't intercept blows effectively.)

Sorcery: Shinto

Shinto is the indigenous religion of Hinomoto and is a conflation of traditional shamanism with continental Taoism. Just like there are countless Taoist and Buddhist sects, there are numerous variations to Shinto. However, all are related to mediating between the human world and the spirit world. While effective with any supernatural, Shinto is best suited for nature gods, elemental and animal spirits, demons and other types of spirit with a "wild" side as opposed to the heavenly bureacracy or tutelary ancestors more common on the mainland.

Spiritual Sense
Kagura was first and foremost designed to fight against the supernatural. This basic technique allows the practitioner to sense, touch and strike the supernatural even when they are immaterial. It helps pierce through effects when such beings try to hide through invisibility or supernatural disguise.

Art of Seal and Release
This art seals away offending magic. It is used to counter sorcery or supernatural abilities. Alternatively, if some preexisting sorcery has been sealed away previously, the seal can be released.

Art of Sacred and Profane
A Shinto ritual that establishes sacred or profane spaces and the borders between. Can be used to santify a space for use by gods or spirits which could please them, entice them to inhabit the area, encourage them to listen to a proposed bargain or otherwise communicate. Alternatively, it can be used to ward an area against unauthorised entry by undesireable supernaturals.

Wind Spirit Kick
Wind spirits around the legs. An enhancement magic suitable for attacks, rare leg blocks or wire fu.

Tan Meifeng

A young woman from a military family, Tan Meifeng is seeking to learn a style so she can extract revenge for the death of the rest of her family, once she finds exactly what led to their deaths during a doomed military mission. Despite her tragic back story Meifeng is a cheerful soul, who practices diligently and studies hard. Only when sleeping does her true desire show itself, as her nights are disturbed by horrible nightmares and dreams of vengence.

Style: 4
Sorcery: 3
Chi: 2
1 point spare.

Calligraphy: 2
Military Strategy: 3
Charm: 3
Study: 2

Style:Tiger Scroll Style

The Tiger Scroll Style is a studious, diligent style of martial arts rather like Meifeng herself. It requires that the martial artist have a weapon readied, that she study other styles of martial arts in order to learn the best ways to fight them. If a martial artist is foolish enough to allow herself to be taken unawares then the Tiger Scroll style will not give her much assistance. It is similarly weak against unknown forms of fighting.

+1 Sword
+1 Disarm
+1 Against known styles
-1 Unarmed
-1 Against styles not previously encountered

Sorcery: Mysteries of the Tiger Scroll

Shatter weapon
With a savage blow the martial artist strikes the breaking point of the enemies weapon, shattering it.

Shadowless Sword
By vibrating her weapon just so, a practitioner of the Tiger Scroll may cause internal shocks to an enemy, potentually destroying them from the inside and doing additional damage.

Tigers Leap
It'd be a pretty bad style if it didn't let you leap from tree to tree and engage in wire fu.

Lie Xhu

A member of the Wudang sect/school of martial arts, and a Taoist priestess. She was sent to study at the Hermit Crab School in an effort to further the order's knowledge and ability to fight supernatural foes. She is something of a scholarly young woman and often appears rather unthreatening to those who are not observant.

Style: 4
Sorcery: 4
Chi: 2

Calligraphy: 2
Lore: 2
Charm: 2
Alchemy: 2
Healing: 2

Heaven and Earth Tai Chi

The Heaven And Earth style is an advanced form of T'ai chi ch'uan, commonly practiced by followers of the Tao. It is a smooth, flowing, style - focused on turning the enemies' strength against them and swift, precision, strikes aimed to kill or disable. The Heaven and Earth variant includes forms for the Jian, Gun (Staff), and unarmed.

+1 Swords

Taoist Sorcery

The Way of Five Elements
This art uses traditional talismans, hand written spells handed down over generations, and knowledge of the five elements to launch basic elemental attacks or to empower their weapons with the elements.

Sense the Qi
A disciple of the Tao learns to feel and sense things as they truly are, according to the principles of the Tao and their Qi. This technique allows the practitioner to sense, touch and strike the supernatural even when they are immaterial. It helps pierce through effects when such beings try to hide through invisibility or supernatural disguise.

Healing of the Tao
Among the skills learned by any priest or priestess of the Tao are the traditional and ancient arts of medicine and healing. Some can reach further, drawing on the Tao to guide and aide them in healing.

The Way of Fu
A taoist sorcerer can use talismans to summon spirit servitors to aid them in a host of ways, including combat.