Talk:Hermit Crab School - Wuxia Game

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Seo Choo Hee

Korean, also possibly a Princess. Unusually tall.

Iron Knight Style 2: +3 sword -2 on uncertain footing
Defence: 2
Sorcery 3: Iron Skin, Shatter Weapons,
Non-combat skills: Etiquette 1, Disguise 2, Drinking 4, Navigation 1, Negotiation 2


Female Scholar, appears physically delicate and not at all a threat, clad in standard female clothing

Twin Snake Style 3: +1 Dodge/Evade, +1 Hidden/Disguised Weapons, Disad -1 Throws
Sorcery 5: Breath of Fire, Deflecting Wind, Cutting Wind, Servant Summon, Healing
Defense: 1

Skills: Charm 3, Cooking 2, Medicine 3, History 2

Ling practices a north-eastern school of martial arts that focuses upon Qi Sorcery paired with an agile, hard hitting, style of physical combat. This style focuses on evading a foe's blows or at least reducing the damage instead of blocking along with hard/fast blows from the palm, fist, elbow, knee, and feet. The style's weaknesses is a lack of throws. It is commonly practiced by scholars, healers, females, and others who do not usually openly carry weapons or bear armor. Part of the style's "mindset" is too appear non-threatening and as such many practioners make use of various hidden weapons.

Zhao Ziyang

Orphan on a mission of vengeance. Dresses shabbily, may be member of Beggar's Sect.

Swordplay of the Jade Maiden 4: +1 Block, +1 Throw, -1 Strike
Sorcery 2: Embrace of the Jade Maiden - telekinetic sword control, Cloak of the Beggar - stealth
Defence 2
Barter 3
Stealth 2
Streetwise 3
Diplomacy 2

The Jade Maiden Style is primarily one of self-defence. It focuses on protection and unbalancing one's foe, with the practitioners of the sword-variant able to remotely control their blades, distancing themselves from direct physical harm.