Olivia Wilson
- Unremarkable origin, born to middle class civil servants
- Unusually uneventful youth. No records of any disciplinary action taken, nor of any class or club/society leadership positions or other merits. Noted to have gotten along very well with all peers.
- Completed an undergraduate double degree program in Medicine (Psychiatry) and Psychology (w. Second Upper Hons.) Recruited from the Front Lines as a sympathizer, tasked to implement Enlightened procedures and observe patients.
- Promoted to Ivory Tower employee due to exceptional adroitness in using Enlightened Science in adjusting difficult cases. Marked for training in more complex Enlightened procedures.
- Promoted to Ivory Tower Servant after demonstration of Enlightened ability. Assigned to [REDACTED] Construct, Psych Ops division.
- Assigned to support joint field operation with Void Engineers, exceptional performance.
- Atypical contact detected between Servant and personnel from another Convention (Void Engineers suspected), Servant broke off contact as ordered, reassigned to administrative duties for observation.
- Servant performed admirably in current position, provided considerable assistance to researchers. Case for reassignment to Psych Ops pending review.
- Servant detected engaging in unauthorized independent Dimension Science research with assistance from previously contacted researchers. Researchers censured, Servant assigned to immediate psychological re-evaluation and reconditioning.
Vital Statistics
- Name// Olivia Rebecca Wilson
- Real Name// [REDACTED]
TraditionConvention// (ex)New World Order - Ivory TowerParadigmScientific approach// Clinical psychology and Quantum mechanics- Concept// Visionary
- Image
SongAria// Nessun Dorma, Giacomo Puccini - Nature// Misfit How can I use these guys to get the NWO off me, or better yet, another Convention to take me in?
- Demeanor// Benefactor I worked towards the benefits of all Mankind, and I still do.
EssenceEidolon// Dynamic- Chantry// Idol House (provisionary)
AreteEnlightenment// 4QuintPrime Energy// 3- Tass// 0
- Dox// 0
- Willpower// 8 (3)
- XP// 0
- Charisma 3
- Manipulation 5
- Appearance 2
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 2
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 3
- Stamina 1
Talents (9 + 2BP)
- Subterfuge: 4
- Acting: 3
- Negotiation: 3
Skills (5 + 2BP)
- Drive: 1
- Research: 2
- Technology: 3
Knowledge (13 + 2BP)
- Academics: 1 (History)
- Etiquette: 2
- Medicine: 4 (Psychiatry)
- Science: 1 (Theoretical Physics)
- Power-Brokering: 2
- Psychology: 4
- Subdimensions: 1
Backgrounds (7 + 2)
- Genius: 3
- Patron: 2
- Resources: 1
- Allies: 5
Magick Enlightened Science
- Psychological Psychiatry - Mind 3
- Futureproofing Bureaucracy - Entropy 2
- Nonlinear Prediction (Focus - Smartphone calculator)
- Actively Actuarial (Focus - Smartphone encyclopedia)
- Quantum dabblings - Dimension Science 1
- Mirrorshades (Focus - Really nice sunglasses)
- Merits - Perfect Liar (3), Unobtrusive (1)
- Flaws - Rogue (4)
- Freebie point spending
- Abilities - 8, WP - 3, Backgrounds - 4
Vital Statistics
- Designation// Ryo-K01
- Real Name//
- Convention//
- Concept//
- Image Song// COOL EDITION, Kuwatani Natsuko
- Nature//
- Demeanor//
- Chantry// Idol House (provisionary)
- Dox// 0
- Willpower// 10 (5)
Physical 7
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 2
- Stamina 4
Mental 5
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 3
Social 3
- Charisma 1
- Manipulation 1
- Appearance 4
Talents (9 + BP)
Skills (13 + BP)
Knowledge (5 + 2BP)
Backgrounds (7 + )
Enhancements: 5
- Flaws - Construct, Short Life, Susceptible to Paradox, Soulless (+10)
- Freebie point spending
- (25)