Maid: The Ascension

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Lighthearted miniseries. Planned to run around midday British time on weekends, so mainly suitable for Eastern hemisphere players.

51 weeks ago your London-based multitrad chantry Idol House suffered a crisis, of threat from the demon Calacthchan and simultaneously hostility from the Technocracy. You appealed to the umbrood Lady Tella, Baroness of Summer Fruits, who gave political protection from Calacthchan and refuge from the Technocracy, at the price of service for one year in her realm.

There is but one week left, when catastrophe strikes.

More details forthcoming.

IMPORTANT NOTE: 'lighthearted' doesn't mean 'totally wacky'. It's not a Marauder game, Real People Personalities are preferred.

IMPORTANT NOTE II: You don't have to be a literal maid, it's just the theme. If you have an obvious competence you'll probably have a job related to that, though you might be roped in to help elsewhere.


  • Characters start with Arete 4 (for free)
  • Additional sphere dots cost 5 BP per
  • Spheres still cap at 3 each and 8 total.
  • Backgrounds will probably be messed with somehow but carry on until I see if any issues present themselves
  • Knowledges cost 1 FP.
  • Martial Arts is a Skill otherwise identical to Brawl
  • To avoid unnecessary multiplication of abilities, maid skills come under Etiquette, gardening under Survival.
  • NEW FLAW: Computer Illiterate (+2): The latest technology might as well be magic to you. You don't know how to send emails or use a word processor, you click on Internet adverts, and you can't understand the tech support guy when he asks you about your 'desktop'.

The Tella Estate

Baroness Tella's estate manifests as a vast country manor, surrounded by gardens and orchards brimming with life, mostly fruit. It is always summer. The established denizens are animal spirits of varying degrees of anthropomorphisation.

Keywords: Bucolic, colourful, summer, fruit

The Halls

The main hall contains the one ancient telephone of the manor, which surprisingly enough can connect to the main British network. At great length Olivia and Electra have managed to feed a 56K Internet connection through it.

The Gardens

The Woods


The Estate fully admits the Verbena paradigm. The Hermetic paradigm is valid inside the library, which was the haunt of a regular Hermetic visitor in years past. However, many effects which would otherwise be vulgar are permissible due to the estate's reality being defined by superhuman spirits, who are not terribly fussed by multiple actions.

Technology-wise, the estate is a full hundred years behind, and gets on significantly better with the quaint, rustic and overgrown than shop-floor shine, which suggests the newfangled and unreliable. Technology in advance of that requires constant maintenance and care. Baroness Tella has dismissed entreaties from the technomages, maintaining that to learn to do without will do them good.