Muriel Duskmantle

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Name: Muriel Duskmantle

Race: Wood Elf

History: Born to a tribe of amazons deep on the jungles of Xendric, Murie grew up learning how to hunt, raid tombs, and most importantly, how to locate and destroy those who would seek to harness the ancient sealed evils for their own use. The strongest of these are those that do not countenance corruption in their pursuit of power- and it is these spellcasters from whom the amazons trace ancestry. Many such wizards or artificers have long forgotten the reasons they came to Xendrik, and live out their years as part of the tribe.

Unfortunately for Muriel, overhunting on the part of her tribe and their neighbors has resulted in a terrifying reputation for the region- those who are still willing to make an expedition are often so powerful as to do it completely unnoticed, or come in such force that any attack would result in a total decimation of the area by the great houses of Khorvaire.

With the available local stock of arcane spellcasters dwindling or made of those with sub-par will and ability, Muriel has been sent out on a pilgrimage to find the one critical thing she needs to become an adult in the eyes of her village.

A Wife.


Str: 14 +2 = 16 [+3]
Dex: 14 +2 = 16 [+3]
Con: 12 -2 = 10 [+0]
Int: 14 -2 = 12 [+1]
Wis: 14 [+2]
Cha: 8 [-1]

HP: 12

AC: 10 + 4 (Chain Shirt) + 3 (Dex) -1 (Vulnerable) = 16 AC
Ranged Attack: +7 vs AC
Ranged Damage: 1d8+3+1 (Sonic)
Melee Attack: +6 vs AC
Melee Damage: 1d6+3

BAB: +3

Fort: 3
Ref: +3
Will: +1


1. Trap Expert (Trapfinder as Rogue, disable device as a class skill), Wild Empathy
2. Favoured Enemy [Arcanists] (Complete Mage substitution feature)
3. Combat Style [Archery] - Rapid Shot feat.

Spells Known: As Mystic Ranger/Ranger
Level 0 Spells: As Druid

Spell Slots

0: 2
1: 2

Typically Prepared Spells

0: Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
1: Entangle, Calm Animals, Resist Energy

Bloodline: Lost Tradition


1. Point Blank Shot (level 1), Weapon Focus [Longbow] (Flaw)
3. Rapid Shot (ranger), Far Shot (level 3)


1. Vulnerable, -1 AC

(Fluff:) Muriel is often 'that hot chick in skimpy clothing' or 'the girl', and thus male enemies, especially centaurs and gnolls, will make her a priority target- usually for the purpose of capture and unsundry purposes.

+2 Dex, +2 str, -2 con, -2 int
Spd: 30 ft
Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments
Low-Light vision
Weapon Prof Shortbow/Longbow/rapier
+2 listen/search/spot
Detect Secret Doors
Favored class: Ranger


6+1=7, x4 = 28. +14 = 42 skill points at level 3.

Class skills are:

Disable Device: 3
Handle Animal
Hide: 1 (2 pts) Heal
Jump: 1 (2 pts)
Knowledge (Geography): 1 (1 pts)
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1 (1 pts)
Knowledge nature): 1 (1 pts)
Listen: 6 (6 pts)
Move Silently 6 (6 pts)
Open Lock: 1 (2 pts)
Search 6 (6 pts)
Spot 6 (6 pts)
Survival 1 (1 pts)
Swim: 1 (1 pts)
Tumble (Skilled City Dweller feature swap): 4 (4 pts)
Use Rope


2700 gp

Gloves of the Starry Sky (3/day convert 1st level spell slot into CL= your CL magic missile) 1100 gp
Mithral Chain Shirt - 1100 gp
400 gp, Dragonfang composite Longbow (Masterwork +1, +1 energy damage per hit [Sonic])
60 arrows - 6 gp
50 ft Silk Rope - 10 gp
Vial of Liquid Sunlight - 20 gp (Torch)
5 gp: Spell component pouch.
Explorer's Outfit: 10 gp
Scimitar: 15 gp
Thieves Tools: 30 gp