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History Path

Exploration Era

Exp-1) World Type
Garden World
The gems of any colonization effort, most garden worlds were seeded with life more than a hundred million years ago by the Precursors, the garden-gods of the Milky Way.
Exp-5) Garden World
Cash Crop (+200 Wealth, +100 PIP)
Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years. Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
Exp-6) Precursor Relics
Extensive (+250 dust, -50 PIP)
A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.
Exp-7) Feral Drones
None (+60 population, +100 Wealth)
Feral drones generally left G-type stars alone.
Exp-8) Posthuman Footsteps
Honeypot (+100 Theta, +100 Fabers, +10 Transgene, -2,500 Military)
Welcome, meatbag, to my Lair!
Exp-9) Location
Routed (+10 SP)
Along a major arm.

Colonization Era

Col-1) Axis Of Colonization
Longshot (+2,500 military, +100 PIP, +100 CIP, +20 SP, +5 to SP limit go to Col-6)
Col-6) Leaving on a wormhole ship . . .
Outer Expanse (+60 population, +100 PIP, +50 CIP, + 100 Faber, +25 SP, +20 transgene)
Col-6B) Prides and Prejudices
New Freedoms (+20 Transgene)
Col-6C) Idealism, Meet Reality
Posthuman Guidance (+100 Theta, +300 fabers, +100 Wealth, +100 dust, +30 Population)
Congratulations! You Passed the test!
Col-6D) Colonial Demographics
Separatists (+2,500 military)
After thirty years of talk, they fled Earth to make a pure world...
Col-6E) Backing
Ragged Refugees (+100 PIP)
....although the cost was nearly ruinous to the loansharks who were fucked over. But who cared about those them?
Col-6F) Colonists
Whoever we could get (+60 pop)
Any that had the retroviral modifications was taken. Many paid the exorbitant cost of the retroviral AND the cost of the ticket out via loans they never paid back. They were not missed.

Local Events

Col-7A) Local Affairs
Political Crisis (+100 Wealth, go to Col-7D)
Political fighting became ruinous when they finally had real power to fight over.
Col-7D) Political Crisis
Space Ethnic Homeland! (+60 population, +100 Wealth, +100 applications, -relations)
Lesbians were permitted, and became a significant part of the population.

Breakdown Era

Break-1) Economic Upsets
Communist Manifesto (+100 PIP, -100 Wealth)
Some that did not like Transfeminism in it's raw state took to transpeople, so the original politicians took a huge pinch of Communism to counter and water down the former.


Break-6) Longshots, Isolated Again
Go Weird (+20 Transgene, +20T Transgenic Tech Level, + 100 CIP, +4Logistics, 10,000military)
Still others fortified themselves in their labratories and got cracking to avoid the political storms outside, and built circuses to quiet the people and ships to quiet the military.

War Era and Aftermath

War-1) Choose Your Side
Independence! (+10,000 military, +5 morale, Indie Tech Paradigm, Go to War-9)


War-9A) Indie World Politics
Transhuman Supremacy (+200 CIP, +20 Transgene, +20 Transgene Tech Level, +Morale, -relations)
The Storm created a Whirlwind!
War-9B) Indie World Economics
Transhuman Resources (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications, +2Global Techlevel, +10SP, SP limit increased by 5)
The Whirlwind gave a bountiful harvest to the researchers who began it.
War-9C) Indie World Military
Supertech Bullshit (+200 Dust, + 200 theta, More Details)
Because copying ZOCU seems like a good idea!

Current Era

Cur-1) The Business of Government
Future Government (+2 Morale, +20 Transgene)
After the Whirlwind those with mothers who blended both screeds remained on top. They inherited the revolution.

Chaotic Events

My Little Lacus (+Transgene, -2,500 Military)
Unfortunate, but the proles got some strange ideas over time from other transhuman groups.


250 Pop
550 Wealth
600 Fabers
+350 PIP
+550 CIP
+550 Dust
+500 Theta
+17,500 Military
+200 Applications
+130 Transgene
+60 Transgene Tech Level
+65 SP
+10 to SP limit
++Global Techlevel
Indie Tech Paradigm
More Details


+6 Morale
Space Monarchy (Autocratic): +3 Military Discipline, +3 Societal Closure, -2 Public Order, -2 Diplomacy
Transhuman Supremacy: +2 Military Discipline, +2 Societal Closure, -2 Diplomacy


+5 Discipline
+5 Societial Closure
=4 Diplomacy+4 -2 Public Order+2

In short, extremely beautiful Space Norks with a high tech level. Strass-Kaiserman boogeyman indeed. Stars in all of Earth's FPS as the steriotypical enemies at the gates a moment from taking over.

Public Order

Public order is a general representation of how much your citizens support the government and/or the nation. Extended conflicts - especially losing ones - can often wear Public Order down.

   0: The government has effectively lost control of the nation. 
   1: The state is creaking at the seams and is likely only held together by the thinnest of social contracts and the fear of state power. 
   2: The state functions, after a fashion. Police death squads roam the favelas. At this level or below, Secret Police cost 1/2. 
   3: About the lowest level at which the state can be described as 'stable', though it is a prickly stability at best. 
   4: There is a definite undercurrent of unhappiness but the trains do run on time. The highest Public Order in which Secret Police are available. Democracies generally cannot survive dipping below this level. 
   5: Eh. 
   6+: The people are increasingly happy with the government and their lot in nation. This makes the nation increasingly resistant to actions that could disrupt it as well as improves the likelihood of positive events occurring. 

[edit] Diplomacy Diplomacy is the art of dealing with other nations and often requires a deft touch both externally and internally. A nation's external interests may not align to the wishes of its citizenry.

[edit] Military Discipline Military discipline is pretty self-explanatory. While most relevant in ground actions, discipline is the 'secret sauce' that turns good militaries into great ones.

   0: What discipline? Formations collapse the moment they encounter enemy troops and entire groups of soldiers will surrender to unmanned recon drones. 
   1: Soldiers are barely more than warm bodies in uniform. They may fight, but reluctantly at best. 
   2: Only the most loyal of troops put up substantial fight; passivity is the norm and leadership is weak. 
   3: Military morale is low and dissatisfaction is common, but the apparatus of conflict functions. Frag the LT! 
   4: The quality and preparedness of different formations is irregular, but ultimately solid - but at the same time, fragile. A substantive loss could send discipline spiralling downward. 
   5: The mustered soldiery is fit and ready to serve. 
   6+: The best of the best, sir! 

[edit] Societal Closure Societal closure is a measure of how difficult it is to infiltrate a nation, how much information is simply available to the public and similar concepts. In broad terms societal closure acts as a defensive boost against enemy espionage of all sorts as well as a major control on how many State Secrets a nation may have. (See the Covert rules for a breakdown)

   0: Society is open and it is trivial to acquire information about people, institutions and things save those that are outright secret. Many democracies in the liberal western tradition are at this level of societal closure - i.e., not at all. 
   1: Some restrictions exist on information, mostly that deemed 'sensitive'. Society remains, by and large, open. It is not uncommon to find democracies here as well. 
   2: The government is beginning to make even relatively mundane information inconvenient to acquire at this point, though society as a whole remains open. This is typical for democratic governments in a war situation. 
   3: The government is jealously guarding information of the most trivial sort and even society has begun to internalize a certain closed-mouthedness. 
   4: Vhere are your paperz? 
   5: Paranoia is a byword and dissent or the unusual is frowned upon - or outright attacked. 
   6+: Paranoia is no longer an unhealthy mental condition, but the norm. 

[edit] Taxes Taxes are supplementary to Wealth, and basically represent public willingness to condone unpopular but effective tax reform, the use or elimination of grey/black markets, etc.

Every point of Morale put towards Taxes increases Wealth by 75.

The Elite ('>10%': x1 87-73=14pts)

The Elite are transwomen and a number of women who have the genetics to be part of the ruling elite. Those women who are part of this class will mostly be married, although they can only marry a transwoman. (If they marry female, they will both lose this elevated rank, and become parts of the Inner Party, with a loss of privledge.)

To get around this, one or both women will try to find a transwoman with a harem, and join it as favored. If only one joined as favored, she will have to convince her husband to marry the other woman into the harem. (Even if she's not 'favored'.) This can and does go awry, and many stories exist despite how the ruling transwomen disdain these stories, where one woman left outside a harem is married by another transwoman and the two are seperated. If they choose to be married to one another directly, both can be expected to be reduced to being part of the Inner Party, if both are disowned by their families they become part of The Masses even if they have advanced abilities, with upward mobility only possible if they join the military. No matter their orientation, those who are former military if they retire with honors are made part of the Elite. This was long ago a concession to console the masses.

Women can be 'elevated' and perhaps given the retroviral treatments to become genetically part of the Elite by being married to a transwoman, or by being married into a harem by a transwoman - no matter whom instigated the marriage. (Which can only be done by somebody able to change the mind of the husband.) Harems do cost money, and are only done by those who have the money - although they are a status symbol and preferred by the wealthy as they can be shown off in groups. The military also for army soliders upgrades it's soliders to the 'elite' genotype. (Another way of becoming a elite, join the military and be upgraded.)

21 +3 Int

18 +3 Soc

18 +3 Phys

18 +3 React

12 +4 App

The Masses ('>90%': x4 160-60=87pts)

14 +2 Int

14 +2 React

12 +2 Phys