Anne Croft

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Name: Anne Croft
Player: Norseman
Nature: Caregiver (Kindness / Lack of Confidence)
Eidolon Type: Primordeal
Demeanour: Conformist (Co-Operation / Low Self Esteem)
Convention: Formerly Iteration X

Arete: 4
Willpower: 8 (8)
Quintessence: 5 (5)
Paradox: 0

[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Injured, -1
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Maimed, -2
[ ]: Crippled, -5
[ ]: Incapacitated


Physical (4)
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2
Mental (8)
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 5 (Bookworm)
Wits: 4 (Intuitive)
Social (6)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 5 (Social Engineering)
Appearance: 2


Alertness: 1
Awareness: 1
Dodge: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Skills (7)
Drive: 1
Energy Weapons: 1
Firearms: 1
Hypertech: 3
Jury Rig: 3
Research: 3
Stealth: 1
Technology: 4 (Electronics)
Knowledges (9)
Computers: 4 (Hacking)
Enigmas: 3
Investigation: 1
Linguistics: 3 (English; German, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese)
RD Data (Infernalist): 3
RD Data (Superstitionist): 3
Security: 4 (Bypass)


Life: 0
Correspondence: 3
Forces: 3
Entropy: 0
Dimensional Science: 0
Matter: 0
Mind: 3
Time: 0
Prime: 0

Background, Merits and Flaws

Construct: 2
Genius: 5
Enhancements: 5
Resources: 3
Sanctuary: 5
Library: 5
ADEI - Free
Poker Face
Officially Dead
Amnesia (-2)
Echoes (-2) – A soft sound like a distant clockwork
Confused (-2)



Lessons Learned


Physical Description

A picture of Anne Croft wouldn't do her justice, mostly because a still picture would show her as a rather attractive and athletic young woman. Seeing her in person however rather detracts from this favourable impression, as her cold, dead eyes and expressionless face often causes an uncanny valley like effect from onlookers.

Anne is roughly 5'5", has brown hair and brown eyes, and an athletic build. Her computer jack is hidden beneath her slap near the upper part of her spine. Normally she wears jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, and a jacket or vest with multiple pockets, all of which are picked for comfort and practicality rather than appearance.


Very little is really known about Anne Croft's former life. At least to her and her companions, presumably Control and the higher ups in the Syndicate know exactly who she was and what she was up to. Attempts by people on lower rungs of authority to track her past identity have failed completely.

Anne's earliest memories are of being an Iteration X computer worker in charge of security at a major Iteration X construct in North America. Her work performance was excellent, only marred slightly by a certain lack of imagination and curiosity. However her particular construct suffered from a great deal of financial trouble, due to certain high-energy tests going very awry.

Much like high level athletes enlightened scientists are sometimes traded between Conventions, which is more or less what happened with Anne. The transfer was mostly to her liking as she'd have access to superior resources and get far greater challenges. Indeed given how much the Virtual Adepts kept messing with the Syndicate it's safe to say that she had every chance to demonstrate her skill.

IT was the Avatar Storm that caused her transfer to SEC. There were many highly qualified computer experts around, but her lack of private or professional entanglements made her stand out from the rest. That she was also considered too unimaginative to be tempted was another advantage, since they were going to be investigating Pentex.

Character Construction

Iteration X Background
Flexible Spheres
Flaws: +6BP
+1 Perception: 5BP
Resources: 3BP
Sanctuary: 5BP
Library: 5BP
Construct: 2BP
Willpower +3: 3BP
Poker Face: 2BP
Officially Dead: 2BP