New Dawn

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Nation building SD set after WW3. The PC's take part as one of the major factions trying to rebuild a shattered world in their own image despite competition from scavengers, other factions, and each other.



Adaption of the Gurps 3d6 roll under system, this version tailored specifically to a Warzone 2100 style post apoc setting. This very much a work in progress, and is being posted here for review and comment by fresh eyes and ears. Please note that the rules depicted here are what the GM would see, the players side of things will be much simpler.


Players can't buy actual infrastructure or resources directly, instead having to use industry to build the appropriate item. All Infrastructure and Resource production require Citizens to run, having a draft cost per point produced. Funds are produced by unmobilized Industry, unmobilized Research, Trade, and precious metals. The exact amount produced by unactivated Industry and Trade is governed by Domestic Support.

Food: Feeds your Civilians and Soldiers alike, requires Water and Energy to produce.
Energy: Powers industry, produced from Fuel, Nuclear fuel, or Renewable Energy caps.
Wealth: Required to pay upkeep and mobilize industry/Research. Deficit spending is legal, but any debt acquired is charged interest and will lower DS.
Industry: Required to produce units, infrastructure upgrades, and upkeep.
Research: Required to increase your advancement and design new Meta-Caps. Generated by Labs


[This section needs to be revised]
Resources work similarly, requiring Extraction caps to be built in order to produce and process the resource from an available Reserve pool. Some resource pools refresh over time, such as Water and Timber, but most others do not. Once used up the Known reserve is expended and one must either seek out new sources or wait for it to recharge at the first of the year. Only a small selection of resources are actually required for production, with the others merely providing various bonuses to units produced. Any resources allocated to your civilian population will increase domestic support/economic strength.

(Primary resources required for most production)
Water: (Used by your citizen, for Food production, and possibly Fuel production)
Oil: (Must be processed with a Refinery cap into Fuel. Assumed to have sufficient byproducts for other uses)
Coal: (Can either be used straight for a penalty to reliability and transport, or processed into synthetic fuel like oil)
Timber: (Very bulky if used straight or can also be processed into synthetic fuel at greater inefficiency. Also a substitute low tech construction material)
Uranium Ore: (For Nuclear Tech and Armor, must be processed for the former.)
Iron: (Primary material used for most production)

(Secondary resources that while optional offer a host of various unit or structural bonuses)
Copper: (Used to produce basic electronics)
Aluminum: (Used to produce items with strict weight limits like Aircraft and Rocketry. Armor boost as well?)
Silicon: (Required for advanced electronics based on microprocessors.)
Tungsten: (Armor bonus?)
Lithium: (Bonus to Aerospace items due to weight reduction and fuel additive. Required for Tier 2 Nuclear Weapons.)
Gold: (Can be converted to Wealth , possible secondary use as a higher performance substitute to Copper?)
Silver: (Can be converted to Wealth, possible secondary boost to Medical/Nuclear tech?)
Gems: (Can be converted to Wealth, possible secondary use in Energy Weapons?)
Nickel: (Armor bonus and secondary use as a boost to Aerospace items due to High Strength Alloys?)


All researched items will take the Meta-Cap or Base Templates cost in months, and require that the available research points be mobilized. For each doubling of Funds used to mobilize the effect of each point is also doubled, but the GM is free to assign hidden negatives per their discretion. Such hastened development surely has little time for proper testing.Otherwise its assumed their working on civilian projects related to a powers economy thus generate additional wealth when unmobilized. While this does mean research will take much longer than production, it does reflect the reality that its much harder to develop or refine a tech then to actually produce it.

Individual caps cannot be researched, instead the meta-cap as a whole must be researched before use. Related Meta-Cap designs of the same type can benefit from prior research however by finding the difference between the two in unrelated caps and only having to research those. Thus a +5 Armor Meta-Cap with +3 Armor and +2 Compact, if one already had a +3 Armor Meta-Cap with +2 Armor and +1 Compact, could be researched as if it was a +2 Armor Meta-Cap with +1 Armor and +1 Compact. Research to increase a meta-caps size by more than ½ rounded up its previous size will cause the GM to roll in secret for one or more hidden negative caps, with the amount of rolls being proportional to the number of excessive caps. These will not be known to the player nor will they reduce cost or size even once revealed since they are considered design mistakes that their research and production teams missed. Thus the only way to discover these is with field testing, either via an op for exercise or wartime deployment. Once discovered the negative caps can be researched out as normal.

Research into tech level advancement is done by assigning a number of research points for the entire year towards it. Each set amount gives a roll at the end of the year, with success giving a certain amount of points towards one or more random categories. This is meant to replicate the fact that research in one area can often lead to an unexpected breakthrough in another.


[Currently being Worked On]
The games level of tech is arrayed from TL1 (1730-1879, Industrial Revolution), TL2 (1880-1939, Mechanization), TL3 (1940-1979, Nuclear Age), TL4 (1980+ Digital Age), TL5 (Near Future), and TL6 (Future). These are split among various technical categories depicting ones understanding of the technical details and ability to use them. Only the subcategories may be purchased or increased.


  • Pure: The exploration and development of new mathematics
    • Effect: Averaged with Applied then used as a multiplier to research points, rounded down
  • Applied: The application of mathematical theory to solve practical problems
    • Effect: Averaged with Pure then used as a research multiplier, rounded down


  • High Energy: The study of the interactions between elementary particles and energy
    • Effect: Both enables and governs the effectiveness of energy weapons
  • Thermodynamics: The study of the conversion of energy into work and heat
    • Effect: Controls the efficiency of energy generation, making units and structures require less fuel
  • Nuclear: The study of both the components and interactions of atoms
    • Effect: Governs effectiveness of Nuclear Reactors. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons


  • Organic:
    • Effect: Controls Propellants, Explosives, Fuel, and Medicine. Prerequisite for Chemical Weapons
  • Materials: The development and refinement of man made materials
    • Effect: Increases Health and Armor Bonus
  • Nuclear:
    • Effect: Governs effectiveness of Uranium Enrichment. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons


  • Aerospace:
    • Effect: Governs statistics of Flight propulsion types
  • Chemical:
    • Effect: Governs industrial production of chemicals. Prerequisite for Chem and Bio Weapons
  • Structural:
    • Effect:
  • Nuclear:
    • Effect: Governs Health of Nuclear systems. Prerequisite for Nuclear Weapons


  • Agricultural:
    • Effect: Governs Food production
  • Medical:
    • Effect: Governs effectiveness of Medical practices.
  • Micro:
    • Effect: Governs effectiveness of Medical Drugs, Treatments, and Sanitation. Prerequisite for Biological Weapons


Destroyed units can be salvaged for recycling into a temporary boost of Industrial points and any Resources they contain, or possible recovery of any intact systems. These may be used to kit bash new units of the same type, equip other units, or even possibly provide a modest boost to the relevant Technology categories via reverse engineering. Either way recovered they must be researched before they can be used.


All units are assumed to be green (+0 Training/Veterancy) when first produced barring certain advantages/disadvantages. Experience is assumed to be carried by the crew of a unit, and normally displayed by two slotless caps on said unit. The whole reason to bother with this is each level of experience gives a modest boost to most rolls and decreases their chance of losing Moral.

The first, +X Training, represents experience gained from either skilled instructors or extensive OpFor exercises ran for at least one month and costing ½ Wartime upkeep rounded up. For each month of training there's a secret roll, with success granting the batches in question +1 Training. Failure means resources were expended for no measurable gain in skill, but each failed check gives a cumulative bonus to future rolls until the check is passed. Training is capped with the exact max level depending possibly on certain (dis)advantages.

The second, +X Veterancy, represents experience gained from the battlefield. A check using the same mechanic as for Training is made at the end of each battle for any involved units, with success giving +1 Veterancy and failure only giving a bonus to future checks. However, unlike Training Veterancy is not capped.

Experienced units can pass on a portion of their experience as Training automatically, when not in combat, to a certain amount of newly produced units of the same type per month. This assumes that they've passed on some of what they know during the rookies initial training. While cap on the maximum amount of Training is still in place, it does allow new units to get a leg up in a shorter amount of time.


Each batch of military units are assumed to have a statistic similar to Domestic Support, except simplified. The higher it is the more resistant to subversion, and the lower it is the more likely a unit can be subverted by the enemy. Near the two extremes the chances of them ignoring dangerous or suicidal orders are either decreased or increased. If Zero moral is ever reached that unit has Broken and will attempt to flee from combat or even defect to either the enemy or a neutral third party if possible. Either way until moral is raised above zero the GM runs the affected unit(s) as NPC(s).

Moral can be increased by paying all upkeep in full and on time, being victorious in battle, having few casualties, enjoying an edge in training/equipment over their opponent, having a high level of Domestic Support at home, and employing units with the Secret Police cap. It can be decreased by being late with upkeep or not paying in full, losing battles, taking large numbers of casualties, having inferior training/equipment, and having a low level of support back home.

Domestic Support:

This is a measure of the level of support and faith your government enjoys at home, and determines the amount of funds garnered via taxation, the cost of activating industry for the month as well as the general populaces resistance to subversion and agitation. This can be raised or lowered in much the same way as Moral, save excessive mobilization or the lack there of also has the appropriate effects.

High levels make them very resistant and willing to pay more of their fair share, while low levels mean more skip out on paying taxes, industry costs more to mobilize due to corruption and provide fertile ground for enemies to gain a foothold in their minds. If this ever reaches zero, your power is assumed to fall into anarchy and civil war breaks out between the government and a now GM run NPC populace.

Unit Design:

[This section needs to be revised]
All producible vehicles, structures, and weapons are considered primarily bare hulls/structures without turrets including only the basic systems as required by common sense. A templates default statistics are set by choosing a propulsion type, which then assumes the template is of the appropriate unit type. Structures, obviously, don't need to worry about this.

They come with a default number of slots that can be increased with research to mount additional Meta-Caps, which only cover the major systems such as Weapon, Propulsion, Systems, Armor, and Turrets. These are considered Meta-Caps, due to being a cap thats actually a combination of others for accounting purposes. Only Meta-Caps take up an items System Slots, their exact size being determined by of the sum of all positive caps as modified when required.

Thus a Cannon with +3 Range, +2 Firepower, and +1 Autoloader (Increase in RoF) would take +6 Slots in anything mounting it. Negative Cost to produce will be calculated separately by the sum of all positive caps reduced by all negative caps, while size will be determined by the sum of all positive caps then modified by the appropriate caps such as +1 Size. If one were to add -2 Large, one would reduce reduce the final total for cost purpose by two but increase it by the same measure for determining the slots required. Conversely, if +2 Compact was added its total would be reduced by two for determining size but not cost.

[Misc notes below that need to be incorporated above]

  • Turrets are designed similarly, except they only take up a fraction of their Slot capacity in the mounting vehicle/structure.
  • Design Sequence = Template>Metacaps>Final Statistics
  • This system will be using Shrikes idea of pre-determined build times for ease of play.
  • Item stats are considered to stack by simple addition and subtraction with components granting a percentage of the bases Health and Profile. This means that an items Health, Profile, Upkeep, and cost are a sum of all its components. Thus an item who's Template had W Health, Propulsion with X Health, and Weapon with Y Health would have a sum of Z for its total Health. Total used slots not only determine cost, they determine the invisible stat of Weight which modifies the units Speed and Maneuverability. Armor is assumed to protect all components, while not entirely realistic its meant for ease of play.

Universal: (These are used to modify Meta-Caps)
+X Compact: Slotless each level taken reduces positive number of caps by one for the purposes of determining size but adds its value for determining cost
+X Range: Increases maximum weapon or vehicle range
+X Speed: Increases maximum projectile or vehicle speed
+X Factory: Increases amount of Industry produced
+X Generator: Increases Energy generated
+X Renewable: Produces Energy without fuel but at only half the rate
+X Housing: Housing cap for population
+X Refinery: Allows the conversion of Oil, Coal, Timber, or Water to Fuel for varying cost in energy
+X Extraction: Increases X resource produced
+X Agriculture: Increases food produced
-X Large: Slotless, each level taken reduces total of positive caps by one for the purposes of determining cost but adds its value for determining size.

+0 Systems: Catch all for any systems that not a weapon, armor, turret, or propulsion.
+0 Armor: Physical protection from damage.
+0 Turret: Provides additional slots external of a vehicle/structure in exchange for taking up a fraction of their internal slots.


Structures: (Immobile but has twice as many slots for the same size)

  • T: Pillbox, Foxhole, small group of landmines or other similarly sized structure.
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • S: Small fortification, One car Garage, or small Workshop
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • M: Medium fortification, multi-car garage, cottage factory
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • L: Large fortification, small Tank Depot, small Hanger, Small Factory
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • XL: Very large fortification, large Tank Depot, Large Factory
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:

Unit: (Less slots than a structure but are mobile)

  • T: Man sized vehicle or actual infantry.
    • Speed:
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • S: Jeep sized vehicle
    • Speed:
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • M: Humvee, MBT, or a Small Fighter
    • Speed:
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • L: Semi-Tractor with Trailer, Locomotive, Large Fighter or a Small Bomber
    • Speed:
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:
  • XL: Small Ship, Zeppelin, or Large Bomber
    • Speed:
    • Profile:
    • Armor:
    • Health:
    • Slots:
    • Cost:

Propulsion Types:

  • +0 Wings: Makes the template an Aircraft
    • Move: Flight
    • Speed: Fast
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Low
    • Fuel: Medium
    • Cost: Medium
    • Notes: Heavier then Air
  • +0 Rotors: Makes the template a Helicopter
    • Move: Flight
    • Speed: Medium
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Low
    • Fuel: Medium
    • Cost: Medium
    • Notes: VTOL+Hover
  • +0 Gas Bag: Makes the template a balloon or airship
    • Move: Flight
    • Speed: Slow
    • Profile: Large
    • Health: Very Low
    • Fuel: Low
    • Cost: Low
    • Notes: Lighter than Air
  • +0 Rockets: Makes it a rocket of some sort
    • Move: Flight
    • Speed: Fast
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Very Low
    • Fuel: Very High
    • Cost: High
    • Notes:
  • +0 Wheels: Makes the template a wheeled vehicle
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Fast
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Low
    • Fuel: Low
    • Cost: Low
    • Notes: Poor cross country performance
  • +0 Half-Track: Makes the template a half track
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Medium
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Medium
    • Fuel: Low
    • Cost: Medium
    • Notes: Moderate cross-country performance
  • +0 Tracks: Makes the template a tracked vehicle
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Slow
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: High
    • Fuel: Medium
    • Cost: High
    • Notes: High cross-country performance
  • +0 Hover: Makes it some sort of GEV
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Very Fast
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Very Low
    • Fuel: High
    • Cost: High
    • Notes: Amphibious, cannot operate in broken terrain
  • +0 Legs: Makes the template a legged vehicle
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Slow
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Low
    • Cost: High
    • Notes: Best cross-country performance
  • +0 Walk: Makes it an infantry unit
    • Move: Ground
    • Speed: Slow
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Very Low
    • Fuel: None
    • Cost: Very Low
    • Notes: Makes unit an organic infantry man or squad, restricted to Tiny template
  • +0 Propeller: Makes the template a conventional boat
    • Move: Water
    • Speed: Medium
    • Profile: Small
    • Health: Medium
    • Fuel: Low
    • Cost: Medium
  • +0 Hydrofoil: Makes it a hydrofoil equipped vessel
    • Move: Water
    • Speed: Fast
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Medium
    • Fuel: Medium
    • Cost: High
    • +0 Wing in Ground: Makes it a WEG vehicle
    • Move: Aquatic
    • Speed: Fast
    • Profile: Large
    • Health: Medium
    • Fuel: Medium
    • Cost: High

Conventional Weapon Types:

  • +0 Projectile: Any weapon that fires an unguided physical projectile that lacks sustained propulsion.
    • Dam: Low
    • Range: Medium
    • Acc: Medium
    • RoF: Medium
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: High
    • Supplies: Low
    • Cost: Medium
  • +0 Missile: Any weapon that fires a unguided physical projectile that has its own propulsion
    • Dam: High
    • Range: Long
    • Acc: Low
    • RoF: Low
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Low
    • Supplies: Medium
    • Cost: High
  • +0 Energy: Any weapon that fires either a beam or pulse of coherent directed energy.
    • Dam: Low
    • Range: Short
    • Acc: Very High
    • RoF: Very Low
    • Profile: Medium
    • Health: Low
    • Supplies: High
    • Cost: High

Warhead Templates:


  • Tier 1: Pure Fission weapons. Bulky with limited yield, requires Enriched Uranium
  • Tier 2: Thermonuclear Weapons. Bulky with no maximum yield, requires Enriched Uranium and Lithium


  • Tier 1: Early Chemical Agents such as Chlorine and Mustard Gas, poor performance and duration
  • Tier 2: Advanced agents such as VX and Sarine, better performance and duration


  • Tier 1: Early biological agents such as Small Pox or Anthrax. Weak, slow spreading and easily treated
  • Tier 2: More advanced agents with superior duration, spread, and resistance to treatment


[This section needs to be revised and expanded]
Combat uses a simplification of the Gurps rules. Its split into five levels, which from highest to lowest are: High, Low, Surface, Shallow, Deep.

Units get a bonus to hit units below them, and a penalty to hit units above them?

Any unit reduced to 0 HP is considered disabled, and destroyed at -1x HP. The former will give the chance of salvage for intact components as determined when the issue arises, the latter will only allow for recycling into industrial points and recovery of any resources.


[This section needs to be written]