Suzanne Suzarine AKA Suzanne Smith

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Suzanne Suzarine AKA Suzanne Smith

Suzanne Suzarine’s mother was a mage, a very skilled and competent mage, somewhat admired by her peer group she taught Suzanne how to use magic from an early age, and instilled in her a love of learning magic that lasted within her too this day.

Suzanne’s mother was rich too, and Suzanne never wanted for anything. It was an idyllic existence terminated abruptly when Suzanne’s mother got into difficulty with a vampire. She’d been trying to undermine the vampire, conducting experiments (and occasional out right attacks) against its servants, pin-pricks really given how potent the creature was, hoping it wouldn’t find her and anyway, wouldn’t be interesting enough in avenging pin-pricks to bother doing anything about it.

Initially, it wasn’t, and Suzanne’s mother grew bolder and more successful, too successful. Suzanne was fourteen when her mother came home, bleeding and told her of the situation. Suzanne had to run, run and hide, safe from the vampire’s retribution. Under an assumed name and identity, she went to boarding school… it was only later that she learned her mother had been horribly killed.

Suzanne is filled with rage over this development in fact she’s filled with well hidden hatred of the way the world is presently structured. She seeks the grail in order to gain power, power to uplift humanity at large into a state where they can successfully contest the many super powerful beings that inhabit the shadows.

While her goal is noble, Suzanne herself is a bitter person, her cold loathing for failure and the world at large hidden behind a million false smiles. She’s currently president of the all powerful student council at the elaborate university like Jacqulyn Kennedy Academy for girls.

Magic Circuit 4
Mage Skill 4
Physical 2
Charisma 5
Manipulation 5
Firearms 0
Weapons 1


Perk Filthy Rich 2 points
Secret identity 2 points
Savior faire 2 points

Flaw: hunted 5 (5)
The Sins of Suzanne’s mother reflect upon her daughter, and force her to live in hiding, concealing her true identity behind a thousand false smiles
Flaw: Yandere 3
Flaw: abussive family
