Alex Vincent (Starlet)

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Alex Vincent


Name: Alexander Vincent
Stagename: Alex Vincent
Eruption Type: Revelation
Concept: Bishounen superstar
Virtue: Caregiver: Regain WP when you receive tangible proof that you have helped another.
Vice: Hedonist: Spend WP to resist indulging in your chosen pleasure. Regain WP if indulging in such is obviously a bad idea.
Allegiance: No one in particular


Alexander Vincent is a short (5'5"), lithe teenager with shoulder length blonde hair and deep green eyes, even dormed down he has pale, nearly perfect skin. Although he is very attractive he's pretty, in a feminine sense, rather than handsome. Normally he wears either outrageous stage gear, or tight jeans with a black t-shirt. However he can dress up for special occasions.

Personality wise he is somewhat retiring and likes to spend considerable amounts of time either working on new music or playing computer games. This of course clashes with his stage persona, who is supposedly quite the ladiesman. Unknown to many people he is also heavily involved in charity work and donates a large chunk of his wages to the disadvantaged.



Physical (3)

Strength: ●● ()● (Precision)

Brawl: 0
Melee: 0
Might: 0

Dexterity: ●●●●● (Nimble) ● (Fast-Tasks)

Athletics: 3 (Dodging +1)
Drive: 1
Firearms: 0
Heavy Weapons: 0
Legerdemain: 0
Martial Arts: 3
Pilot: 0
Stealth: 3

Stamina: ●● (N/A) ● (Tireless)

Endurance: 3 [free]
Resistance: 3 [free]

Mental (7)

Perception: ●●●●● (Perfect Ear)

Awareness: 5
Gunnery: 0
Investigation: 0

Intelligence: ●●●●● (Bookworm)

Academics [History]: 1
Bureaucracy: 0
Computer: 3
Engineering []: 0
Linguistics: 3 (English; Spanish, Formal Spanish, Japanese)
Science []: 0
Strategy: 0
Medicine: 1
Survival: 0

Wits: ●●●●● (Creative) ●●●●● (Artistic Genius)

Arts: 10 (Writing)
Biz: 1
Intrusion: 0
Rapport: 5
Tactics: 1 (Retreat +1)

Social (5)

Appearance: ●●●●● (Bishonen) ●●●●● (Almost Live)

Intimidation: 0
Style: 10 (Smoking hot +1)

Manipulation: ●●●●● (Charming)

Interrogation: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 5

Charisma: ●●●●● (Magnetic)

Command: 0
Etiquette: 5
Instruction: 0
Perform: 5


Initiative: +16
Movement: walk 7m, run 18m, sprint 38m
Willpower: 5 (5)
Quantum Energy: 28 (28)
Quantum: ●●●●
Taint: ●●
Temporary Taint:

Natural 3B/2L
W/Eufiber 5B/4L


Strike: d8, +0 difficulty, 4B + [5]
Kick: d8, +1 difficulty, 5B + [5]
Clinch: d8, +0 difficulty, 4B + [5]
Tackle: d8, +1 difficulty, 5B + [5], both roll athletics at +2 diff or suffer knockdown, target destabilised (+1 diff for next turn) on success
Block: d8
Dodge: d9

Health Levels

Quantum (4) + WP (5) + 2 * Sta (4) + 6 * M-Sta (6) + M-Dex (1) + M-Str (1) + 2 * XHLs (18) = 39, Wound Penalty per (Sta [2] + 2*M-Sta [2] + Resistance [3])/2 + 1 = 4 HLs

[ ]: Bruised, -0 x 4
[ ]: Hurt, -1 x 4
[ ]: Injured, -2 x 4
[ ]: Wounded, -3 x 4
[ ]: Maimed, -4 x 4
[ ]: Crippled, -5 x 4
[ ]: Mangled, -6 x 4
[ ]: Pulverized, -7 x 4
[ ]: Mangled, -8 x 4
[ ]: Twisted, -9 x 3
[ ]: Incapacitated x 4
[ ]: Dying x 14


Mega-Strength ● (Precision)
Precision: When the nova inflicts damage, you can choose how amny of the rolled successes to apply. This enhancement is always on and costs no quantum to use.
Mega-Dexterity ● (Fast Tasks)
Fast Tasks: On extended rolls which require effort and knowledge, divide the timeframe of a roll by (Mega-Dexterity). Simple tasks such as painting or gardening can be completed in one combat round (3 seconds). When Fast Tasks is active, a Nova may take advantage of their increased speeds, reloading, drawing, or changing ammunition for weapons as a reflexive action.
Mega-Stamina ● (Tireless)
Tireless: Extremely enhanced endurance, either add three dice to endurance rolls to avoid fatigue, or treat mega-stamina as one higher.
Mega-Wits ●●●●● (Artistic Genius)
Artistic Genius: +5 dice to all artistic ventures.
Mega-Appearance ●●●●● (Almost Live)
Almost Live: The full power of Alex's good looks are visible even through televisions and photographs.
Appearance Alteration: Spend 1 quantum to add or detract up to 4 inches of height and up to 50 lbs of weight, change any other part of his appearance up to 20%.
Sexy Looks: Spend 1 quantum to give yourself the appearance of whatever the person you are with considers most sexy.
Body Modification
3 Levels of Redundant Organs
2 x-2 HL and 4 x -4HL
1 x-0 HL and 1 x -1HL


Followers: ●●●●● (Fanclub)
Followers: ●● (Entourage)
Eufiber: ●●
Influence: ●●●● (Fame)
Node: ●●
Resources: ●●●


  • Entourage. Basically his agent who handles the business end of things, as well as his handlers who take care of any day to day problems.
  • Hordes of fans. Mostly fans of yaoi and bishounen, but there are more normal people there too.


Sexy: Two extra dice in any situation where he is trying to be seductive or otherwise playing on his sexuality to get what he wants.





Construction Track

Will 5: -4 BP
Background +6: -6BP
Body Modification (Extra Health Levels) 9: -3BP
Body Modification (Bioluminescence): -1BP
Merit (Sexy): -1 BP
Attributes +16: -8 NP
Quantum 4: -9NP (two tainted)
Mega-Dexterity 1: -2NP
Mega-Stamina 1: -2NP
Mega-Wits 5: -10NP
Mega-Appearance 5: -10NP
Additional Skill Points 24: -4 NP

XP Track

XP Earned

Session 1 (Average Nova): 4XP
Session 2 (To Wait and Serve): 4XP
Session 3 (Wrestlemania): 5XP
Session 4 (Lies, Sex & Videotapes): 4XP (+1 Fame)
Session 5 (Tearful Reunion): 4XP
Session 6 (Fan Fanatic): 5XP

XP Spent

5XP – Mega-App Extra: Appearance Alteration
5XP – Mega-App Extra: Seductive Looks
5XP – Followers (Entourage)
6XP – Mega-Strength ●
3XP – Biz 1

XP Planning

Lessons Learned

  • You are not getting out of a reality TV show with your dignity intact
  • Keep a close eye on your friends in case they're getting into trouble.
  • Stop being a pervert
  • Do not go into insanely dangerous situations without some sort of backup.

Background Story

Alex Vincent was just your average teenager who enjoyed roleplaying games, computers, and weird conventions where people dressed up in outrageous costumes. In short he was a dreadful nerd. During a particularly hormone laden part of his life he began having splitting headaches. Soon he realised that the people who had scarcely paid any attention to him before were no eating out of his hand.

Although this was a lot of fun it also meant that people kept wanting to spend time with him. Kept inviting him to parties. Kept trying to get in bed with him. For a normal teenager that sort of popularity would be incredible, for Alex it was fun at first but soon grew tiresome. In public he'd put on a party-hard loverboy act, but in private he'd spend a lot of time on the internet where no one knows you're a Nova.

Trying to insulate yourself from the world is however a lot easier if you have oodles of cash, which is why Alex has decided on trying on the N! contest.