User talk:G.G.

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Revision as of 21:04, 3 October 2011 by G.G. (talk | contribs)
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Failed State 101

Exp-1) Terraformable World
Exp-4) Get to Work
Exp-6) Limited
Exp-7) Limited
Exp-8) Observation Posts
Exp-9) Backwater

Col-1) Longshot
Col-6) Inner Rim
Col-6B) Control Them
Col-6C) Never Gelled
Col-6D) Separatists
Col-6E) Ragged Refugees
Col-6F) Whoever
Col-7A) Warfare!
Col-7C) Full Scale War

Break-1) Stability
Break-6) Juche!

War-1) Independence
War-9) Still Alive
War-9B) Crash Industrialization
War-9C) Fleet does the Flying

Cur-1) Secret Tyranny

X-1) Surveillance State

Chaotic) Revanche!


Public Order: 3
Diplomacy: 1
Military Discipline: 2
Societal Closure: 5

Final Stats

SP: 66
SP Limit: 40
Population: 300 Base bonus: 150
Trangene: 30
Morale: 12
Wealth: 478 + 150
PIP: 1800 + 150
CIP: 550 + 150
Fabbers: 300
Delta Dust: 350
Theta Dust: 0
Military: 52500
Doctrines: 40
Logistics: 60
Global Tech Level: 16
Applications: 200
Stockpiles: 2500
Debt: -1