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Aresian Fauna

In contrast with the Earth, a significant amount of Aresian fauna are saurians that resemble 20th century conceptions of dinosaurs, with thick scaly hides and a ponderous tread. As life on the planet seems to have sidestepped their possibility, the ecological niches occupied by birds as pollinators and insect hunters are filled by genuine flying reptiles and larger insects or arid-dwelling cephalopods. Other than the Aresians themselves, most mammalia are limited to vermin and a handfull of pets and hunting animals kept in the cities of the poles, where ecosystems were partially preserved by by the advanced technology of the polar Yellow Aresians.

It is incredibly likely that the planet lost most of its original species due to climactic shifts, just as the increasing hostility of the biosphere led to the isolation of large caches of technology that surpasses that of current Aresian society.

Translation conventions and the relatively uniform linguistic culture of the Aresian people leads to most livestock having simple names based on the form and function of the animal, free of foreign loanwords. Working animals such as the 'broadback' and 'dragtail' resemble their namesakes, while some species that were only discovered due to the intervention of outsiders, such as the evocative and exotic 'sylph' and the fearsome 'lion-snake', carry names that are anomalous to the standard nomenclature of the Aresian language.


