The League: Refuge in Distance

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The League of Outer Stars is a political, military and economic alliance in the Sea of Solomon. Its administrative capital is [snazzy name] orbiting above Outremonde.

Central Committee

Secretary General

Member States


Ares has long suffered from division between transgenic and baseline populations. In the war transgene quislings allowed Magnates to gain a foothold, leading to years of brutal civil war. The scars from this conflict still define Ares' inward-looking society.
Power: Minor
Primary population origin: Multinational
Political stance: Law of the Gun. Ares is primarily concerned with shoring up domestic and international support for the tenuous central government.

Chatham's World

Comet-dropped, carpet nuked and evacuated during the war. Now its high-G inhabitants live deep underground, self-sufficient in their bunkers with a largely nominal allegiance to the League. Chatham's relevance in day-to-day operations is its refuelling station clusters and use as a testing and training ground.
Power: Negligible
Primary population origin: Multinational
Political stance: Still alive.

Finnegan's Folly

Irish Afghanistan
Power: Minor
Primary population origin: Ireland and North America
Political stance: Still alive? Finnegan's central government is weak enough that it mostly minds its own business.

Mazulan Federation

Group of independent African colonies in the Baatsi system that united under a central government to prosecute the War.
Power: Major
Primary population origin: Africa
Political stance: ????


Player: Peel
Primary population origin: Multinational
Political stance: ????

Outremonde Galahad

Player: Andronicus
Primary population origin: Multinational, but heavily focused on Europeans-North Americans.
Political stance: Noble War Prize. Outremonde actively pursued desperate technological purchasing, theft, from the inner sphere and reverse engineering of Magnate technology.


Not Squats, or so he claims.
Player: Arc
Primary population origin: ?
Political stance: ?

Foreign Relations

Magnate Continuum

Status: Perpetual ceasefire.

European Union


Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union

