Kanonian Military Equipment

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Reinforce class Aviation Destroyer


  • Reinforce (Proton Alpha)
  • Reinforce Zwei (Proton Delta)

Mobile Weapons


The Kanonian designation of the standard Peltast, the KMS-204 Virago was widely produced through the 60's and 70's first under assembly and then production license in an initial pan-ZOCU standard version and then in numerous branching variants during the 80's as Kanonian engineering bureaus fully licensed the designs and specifications from Londenium Metals. These early-80's offshoot versions included one for orbital operations, one optimised for surface combat in Kanon's wet climate and forested terrain (by far the most common), and most notably, the KMS-211 Virago Sprite, the first amphibious mobile suit. The experience gathered in these tinkering adventures was of inestimable value to the maturation of Kanon's now dominant mobile suit design and production industry and quickly resulted in the development of its replacement. Having already secretly retooled for the introduction of the KMS-307 Knightress Warden, the Virago/Peltast series was no longer in production by the time of the PACT invasion. Nevertheless, it remained the most common mobile suit on the Kanonian battlefield to the end of the ground campaign, even finding its way into the hands of irregular forces operating behind PACT lines.


  • KMS-204 Virago
  • KMS-205 Virago Sylph (orbital operations)
  • KMS-206 Virago Warden (homeland defence variant)
  • KMS-211 Virago Sprite (amphibious variant)


The Knightress is Kanon's local designation of its own flagship mobile suit, the OMF-06 Hoplite, the most iconic of ZOCU's mobile suits. Although best known for lsat minute efforts to perfect the design for orbital use and the dramatic running of those schematics and prototype units by the 16th ZOCU Mobile Volunteer Battalion, the first production units of what would become the Hoplite were actually a terrestrial variant. The KMS-307 Huntress was essentially an earlier prototype version of the planned judged adequate for surface operations and then quickly rushed into production to answer the massive conventional superiority of the PACT invasion force. Unlike the mature Peltast derivatives, this early version of the Hoplite began its career as a finicky machine, plagued with reliability and maintenance problems. Nevertheless, the Huntress reached the lowland defense lines in a slow but steady trickle. Its myriad mechanical issues were continuously ironed out and eventually contributed to the later KMS-314 assault variant.

Once offworld, the pan-ZOCU Hoplite designation became much more widely known, even amongst their Core opponents and the Japanese and Korean troops that had first encountered it on the surface of Kanon. After repelling the invasion and a very short production run of the standard Alpha variant, a version optimised for Kanon's dominantly high tech industrial base was ordered, which became formally designated the Knightress. Though it shared over 80% parts commonality with the standard Hoplite Alpha, the Knightress included uprated electronics, homegrown systems and a dizzying surfeit of gadgetry that made it a difficult but ultimately rewarding variant to pilot.

In the post-war period, despite overall cutting of military expenditures to address debt and deficit, a pan-ZOCU program cropped up to upgrade surviving war era Hoplite derivatives by stuffing them with whatever cutting edge technology the mature frame can handle. Many analysts designate this megaparticle armed Winged Knightress variant as a 3.5th generation mobile suit.


  • KMS-307 Huntress
  • KMS-310 (original test type; now displayed in the Royal War Museum in Londenium)
  • KMS-311 Knightress Alpha (Hoplite Alpha)
  • KMS-312 Knightress




Amphibious Mobile Suits

KMS-021 Marin

During the Breakdown years, security concerns over Kanon's large Theta dust reserves along with growing national confidence and technical expertise spurred Kanon to develop an indigenous mobile suit industry. This entailed licensing the Londener OMF-04 and then developing a new machine off of it that catered to Kanon's environment. The result of these initial forays into combat mecha was the KMS-021 Marin, an evolution of the Peltast and the first amphibious mobile suit ever produced. Although primarily a technical and engineering exercise, a limited number of these machines were rolled out during the early 70's. Production resumed briefly as the somewhat updated KMS-022 Marin Hope to bolster homeland defences as Core relations froze just before the war. The Marin came to engage invading PACT forces during the Kanon Campaign both at and behind enemy lines, proving highly effective where terrain permitted.

KMS-111 Acgal

The KMS-111 Acgal was a third generation mobile suit developed concurrently with the OMF-06 Hoplite, a cousin with which it shared only modest parts commonality. It was the first mobile suit designed from ground up purely for terrestrial combat and amphibious capability. Although produced only in limited numbers for a limited time, the Acgal proved a deadly foe to PACT ground and was a constant danger to low-flying aerospacecraft since it was often equipped with external AAA options. The Acgal series were decommissioned in the postwar years of belt-tightening.

KMS-160 Urin

A rare unit , the KMS-160 Urin was a big, heavy suit designed to test the practicality of Kanonian theotechnology in terrestrial combat. Only three were ever built; they came too late to participate in the Kanon campaign and were later deployed to Suzumiya where all were destroyed.

Yamato Project

A secret mobile weapons development initiative undertake by Saitama-Kojima's Integrated Armaments Division, at times jointly with pan-ZOCU (chiefly Transbaalan) development efforts. The Yamato Project had some links to the Cape Project, which was the Transbaal-led intiative to produce aleph supersoldiers. The Yamato Project ultimately led to the IAD's bankruptcy and the final separation of Saitama and Kojima industrial groups.

KMA-170 Tonbogiri

The first mobile armour ever developed, the Tonbogiri, despite being incredibly overbudget, never achieved performance levels deemed sufficient for combat duties. The project was ultimately scrapped after some key innovations had been perfected, with those parts taken on towards its descendent, the Totsuka. The rest of this hulking monstrosity probably resides in an orbital warehouse somewhere.

KMA-200 Totsuka

The KMA-200 Totsuka was a part of both the Yamato Project as well as the greater pan-ZOCU development efforts that ultimately led to 4th generation mobile suits such as the Sarissa and Masamune. The key theotech power, propulsion, and weapons systems were more easily tested aboard a mobile armour as they were incrementally miniaturised. Achieving first flight late in 2186, Totsuka was a vaguely sword-shaped machine featuring mercurion thrusters, several megaparticle cannons and a scattering field. Intermittent testing through 2187 culminated in participation in a single raiding operation deep into PACT space in the hands of Alyssa Aire Altrusia. Thereafter, the renowned ace was recalled (along with a number of other Cape Project veterans) for early prototype testing of the Sarissa. The Totsuka was then tracked down by a special PACT task force sent to hunt it and destroyed by ace pilot Giles Kennedy while in the hands of an unknown.

KMA-240 Kusanagi

By 2187, rival industrialsts (and by extension, the many high officers of the Kanonian Militia that were their relatives) demanded that some sort of tangible, practical machine emerge from the funding black hole of Saitama-Kojima's Integrated Armaments Division. The authors of the Yamato Project (who had even been saving the designation for just such an occasion) replied with the fearsome KMA-240 Kusanagi. An expanded and evolved Totsuka with all the old toys perfected and a slew of new ones, the R&D budget of the Kusanagi was more than that of every previous mobile weapon combined. The resulting superweapon was first deployed at UNSO-1701 in the hands of Alyssa Aire Altrusia, who became infamous as the Beast of Rapture. The Kusanagi was one of the big ace killers along the PACT front and its high profile meant it was more feared than many of ZOCU's more advanced but relatively clandestine projects. Near the end of the war, she was seriously damaged by the combined efforts of Majors Lauren Applefield and Ramlakana McDoom. After the war, the Kusanagi was repaired but then soon mothballed. Its present location is not known.

KMA-300 Ame

Named for the Ame-no-Nuhoko. It was never completed and supposedly destroyed after the war but its parts have never been found.

KMS-180 Amakuni

Originally an early wartime attempt at creating a successor to the Hoplite, the project never got off the ground and the prototypes were instead redesignated and acquired by the IAD for system tests that cost a ton of money and never went anywhere but up.

KMS-210 Sadamune

After the revolutionary KMA-200 Totsuka, Yamato Project engineers pressed on with their efforts to miniaturise previously starship scale theotechnology into a mobile suit. The result, in early 2187, was the KMS-210 Sadamune an expanded and greatly modified Hoplite Beta skeleton with all new bodywork stuffed with the first plethora of Theta dust derived gadgetry fitted to a mobile suit. These early prototype systems had never been intended for military practicality, simply performance and concept demonstration. As a result, the Sadamune was physically taxing and outright dangerous to pilot, accounting for the injury of two test pilots. Its chassis glowed very brightly in operation as the space-time transients produced by the mercurion furnaces had no containment whatsoever. For purely political reasons, the Sadamune found itself transferred to Londenium. It found its way to the hands of baseline pilot [MacRisa] who mastered the machine and became the enormously famous Blazing Star, Londenium's top mobile suit ace.

KMS-272 Masamune

KMS-310 Muramasa

The KMS-310 Muramasa was the ultimate product of the Yamato Project and the final development program which bankrupted the Integrated Armaments Division. The test type unit narrowly missed completion in time to participate at the final Battle of Haraway. A few weeks after armistice, the unit vanished entirely from records.

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