Olympus Dome

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Olympus, The City of the Gods

Welcome to Olympus Colony Pamphlet

Welcome to Olympus Colony, the city of the gods, where you will be treated to the absolute heights of luxury and decadence that the moon can provide its visitors. Built around the old United States military station Olympus, the Olympus dome has transcended its humble origins as a military station to become the world's richest and most beautiful city, rated the #1 Extraterrestrial Colonial Destination by Google Analytics (a subsidiary of OrgoTek World Services) and Mitsubishi-Sony Analysis, with the highest real estate value and highest real estate stability as rated by leading financial think tanks such as Google Financial, Microsoft eTrade, and Ulanbator Industrial Banking. We hope you enjoy your stay.


  • Relax at the Grand Olympian Hotel, the finest five-star hotel on the moon. Pamper yourself in its fully-featured spa, enjoy its avant-garde restauraunts, or win big at its gambling tables.
  • Protection and security provided by Kaysen-Proust Security Services, the finest private security contractors in the solar system, with an unsurpassed record of bodyguarding and protective services to the rich and famous, and unmatched levels of professionalism and courtesy. These well-equipped men and women are trained to protect your livelihood and life against anything from lunar gangs to aberrant attack.
  • The entire Dome is gravity-generator equipped, providing a comfortable constant 0.9 (+/- 0.1) G to ensure that inhabitants feel like they're just at home-or on Earth, for that matter.
  • The finest apartments, restauraunts, and shops in the entire solar system. Olympus Dome is where trends start, where big names make their debut, and where stars are born.
  • Olympus nightlife is not just literally out of this world, it's figuratively so as well. The solar system's best and trendiest nightclubs are all found in Olympus dome.

Olympus Dome Regulations

  • The Olympus colony is under independent administration but no visa is required for holders of Chinese or FSA citizenship. Note that FSA regulations require Olympus Dome to keep records of the visits of all FSA citizenry for their own safety and security.
  • You may be under surveillance at any time in the public areas of the Olympus colony. Attempting to sabotage, subvert, or otherwise tamper with any surveillance equipment is illegal under Olympus law and may result in civil prosecution.
  • The Olympus dome is heavily reinforced but not indestructable. Any attempts to breach the dome will be responded to as warranted with civil and criminal prosecution.
  • Due to the risk of collateral damage from weapons discharge or dome breach, all weapons are illegal without valid permits. The penalty for carrying any weapon without a valid permit is from 250 to 1,000 RMB plus indenture of no more than six months, while carrying any weapons capable of potentially breaching the dome to vacuum increases that penalty to 250,000 to 1 million RMB, plus an indenture period of no less than five years and no more than twenty, and mandatory psionic aversion therapy.
  • Implant weapons must be declared and shut down ahead of time to prevent any potential safety incidents from occurring and inconveniencing guests and residents.
  • If anyone is suspected of violating any of these regulations, report them to the Olympus Dome Security Forces, the FSA Militia, or the PRC Military Police at once.

Olympus Dome Locations

Olympus Base Museum

The original Olympus base is still active and has expanded over time to meet the needs of the FSA military, but part of the original base's first and second floors have been converted into a museum. See the history of the Olympus base from its beginnings, to its critical role in the Aberrant War, to its postwar guardianship of the Solar system. Open hours from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM.

The Grand Olympian Hotel

One of the most famous hotels on the Moon, the Grand Olympian plays host to all sorts of important delegates, the rich, and the famous. Heavily secured with its own redundant systems, the Olympian costs a tidy sum per night to stay in, but features luxurious accomodation, fine in-room dining and several five-star restaurants, a fully-stocked fitness center, and a casino floor for those who believe in indulging in vice. Personal information and goings-on in the Olympian are heavily secured and encrypted, giving it a reputation for hosting shady after-market deals and scandalous trysts.

The Jade Pleasure Dome

One of the (possibly the) best pan-Asian fusion cuisine restaurants in the entire solar system, the Jade Pleasure Dome is a high-end restaurant that costs on average hundreds of yuan per person to eat at. It only uses the freshest ingredients, grown on Luna in a dedicated hydroponics section in the hydroponics and agricultural dome adjacent to Olympus.

Research Results

Olympus Dome

Olympus Dome is interlaced with heavy surveillance systems, and most (95%) of its citizens are voluntarily implanted with an ID chip and biomonitoring system to provide constant medical and location monitoring, rendering crime rates near-nonexistent when combined with the ruthless efficiency Kaysen-Proust security services. Chemical sensors, millimetric-wave and terahertz imaging, and so on are used to ensure that no armaments or illegal contraband can be smuggled around-although Olympus enforces relatively lax rules on drugs and other substances commonly used for "entertainment". The arms ban, though, is nigh-absolute, with exceptions given solely for bodyguards of VIPs and sometimes not even then.

Olympus Base

The joint EU/North American project to create the Western Orbital Defense Network, WODeN, to counteract any Chinese or Indian space militarization programs and defend against aberrant attack, provided for six control sites. Crippen Station, in geosynchronous orbit, the Alpha and Omega ground sites in the continental US and Canada, Maginot Strategic Command Base in France, Sentinel Base in Germany, and Olympus. Of these sites, only three remain: Site Alpha, Site Omega, and Olympus. Crippen is a nonfunctional radioactive wreck, Maginot Base was destroyed, and the Sentinel base was never completed. Site Omega was rendered inoperable by aberrant attack but since repaired.

Olympus was taken by the Space Brigade in 2061, and if they had managed to crack its battle computers, would have provided them the ability to take the entire Earth hostage for their whims. They either did not intend to do so, or did not have the ability to, and thus abandoned the base via the ability of Aberrants to create warp gates, allowing then-American Aerospace Force assault soldiers and PLAASF marines to take the base with zero losses. With the dissolution of the United States and the annexation of Canada, the base fell into the hands of the FSA, whose hands it remains in to this day. At that time, the base was considered for shutdown and when the FSA took over and changed its mind, they had already started building Olympus Dome above and around it. With the PRC and corporate interests warring against FSA paranoia, the base was allowed to maintain its existence, but its formidable external defenses were shut down and moved outwards to provide overall lunar defense and its fail-deadly thermonuclear self-destruct removed. Its internal defenses, however, still remain intact and have been expanded and updated during the rebuilding of the base.

Olympus base has always been heavily guarded, with platoons of soldiers, unmanned combat units, backups upon backups, and internal defensive systems ranging from wall mines to autoguns, but the Olympus Dome has both brought good and bad to the situation. Good, because its current existence as a haven for the very rich and famous has brought with it a need for absolute security and some of the best private security money can buy. Bad, because it has forced most of its most devastating weapons, such as the tactical nuclear missile launchers, gigawatt lasers, and other powerful aberrant-buster weaponry far outside, and provided a potential security breach.


  • Three platoons, FSA armored shock infantry, plus two additional platoons, FSA military police
  • Various unmanned combat drones with heavy weapons to prevent aberrant breach
  • Breach-resistant, quantum-shielded walls, power conduits, and powerplants
  • Quantum-shielded, hypercomputing battle computers
  • Internal autoguns with olaminium penetrator ammunition
  • Teleport/Warp interference systems
  • Eclipsidol V2/Moxoquintaine blowers
  • Possible FSA supersoldier programs, Project FREAKSHOW, Project BLUE FLY

Kaysen-Proust Security Services

Formed by a merger of several foundering agencies, including DeVries National Tactical Solutions, Xe, Unconventional Solutions, and the Janissaries, the ABerrant War and the loss of their most valuable asset has forced them to diversify, but their management experience and well-trained and useful support elements kept them relevant, especially given the number of brushfire wars and corporate conflicts that turned up in the post-Aberrant War world. With the appearance of psions, Kaysen-Proust has been extremely active in luring psions, especially those with military or paramilitary experience, into their fold, and count nearly a thousand psionically-gifted individuals among their numbers. Similarly, they are extremely well-connected and often can access prototype equipment before any organization outside of government special operations teams can count on seeing it.

Although they project a veneer of civility, they are extensively active around European and Middle Eastern warzones, and many of their recruits come from gang warfare backgrounds from, say, the former European Union territories or Russian gang wars. However, this information is extremely obscure and essentially impossible to find on the OpNet. Rumor has it that their primary suppliers are high-tech enclaves in the former EU and the Russian government.


Gravity Generator

Developed in 2045, these advanced systems have become much cheaper than their original variants but are still extremely complex and fairly rare. The original gravity generators were actually antigravity generators, used to simplify the difficulty of zero-G manufacturing and prototyping by allowing small bubbles of microgravity to be produced on Earth. These systems were riotously expensive, often costing as much as a billion dollars for a device that could provide a 50-centimeter bubble of microgravity, especially since many of the components were only understandable by aberrants, although psion orders such as Orgotek have reverse engineered their operaitonal principles.

The more recently developed grav-plates use similar principles but are cheaper to use. However, such "easy gravity" generators provide fluctating gravity unsuitable for complex research and development. They do, however, provide sufficiently reliable gravity for colonization efforts or inertial dampening. However, grav-plates are expensive and in general are only used to provide gravitated common areas where people can exercise and meet, reducing dependence on bone growth pharmaceuticals or artificial skeletal elements.

The Qin have provided biotech "gravity moss" which is cheap enough to allow for its installation into almost any colony without worry for cost, but it provides extremely low acceleration (~0.15 G maximum) and as such is only suitable for reducing microgravity bone loss.

New Gear


Restraining Rig
The Restraint Rig is a less crippling (but also less useful) Aberrancy deterrent that provides controllability to at-risk novas, keeping them from stepping across the threshold to Taint 10. The rig is implanted, and visible as it interfaces with the spine and most major nerve groups, a combination of harness/exoskeleton that can be worn under clothing but not hidden by it unless it's bulky clothing. This system essentially halves the difficulty of resisting mental aberrations and prevents the Nova from buying Tainted powers or Quantum if it would push them over the Taint 10 threshold.

It also provides a constant inflow of Enferon, Moxoquintaine and other taint-suppressants which give the Nova an effective equivalent of the Taint resistant merit. Unfortunately for the users, these rigs are inevitably designed to be unremovable, also suppress powers to some extent (Novas with restraint rigs cannot powermax) and drastically reduce the efficiency of a Nova's node, effectively halving the number of quantum points a Nova can spend in a round.

Chemical Weapons

Enferon is a Nova drug that provides resistance to Taint, reducing the amount of temporary taint a character gains for 24 hours by 1 (min 0), but preventing the character from powermaxing and increasing the cost of non-permanent powers by 1 Quantum.

Eclipsidol V2
A slower-acting but much safer (for everyone involved) version of Eclipsidol, this version reduces the immediate and uncontrollable impact of the first version, but also does not produce the same dangerous effects when used on novas with any form of offensive power. Novas in clouds of V2 Eclipsidol pay double for any quantum power or enhancement they use (the additional quantum cost is dissipated harmlessly) and lose 3 quantum points/round, or 1 point every second.


Izmerch Arms Concern Sanction Advanced Combat Rifle
Although Japan is considered rightfully to be the capitol of hardtech advancement, the Russian Federation is not very far behind them due to the extensive use of transgenically enhanced scientists with extensive intellect enhancement. The Sanction uses a revoutionary multistage accleration system to provide unprecedented velocity to its 2.5mm discarding-sabot flechettes.

Accuracy +2, Damage 12L AP:4, Range 150, RoF 25, Magazine 50