Ray's Report

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Ray's Report

To: Admiral XXXXX, Admiral XXX, Admiral XXXXXX
From: Special Agent Foulke
Subject: Tentative Analysis of 313th Tactical Aerospace Squadron, "White Canaries" and the current situation. (Executive Overview)

Your excellencies, I have as directed attached myself to the INTACT squadron as part of my duties to report on the development and status of the unit. First let me stress, that despite the critical tone this report takes, there is no other military unit within the Solar Federation as far I am aware off that is as lethal as this unit. INTACT has in the short time I have been involved with the unit, managed to turn disasters for the Federation into near wins or wins.

First off I shall review the officers and pilots of INTACT that are worthy of comment. All are top of the line officers, but even the elites have their elites... and troublemakers.

First off is Captain Adam Mayram, a veteran of the System War, who was an ace and still flies with deadly precession. His command skills of the unit in tactical matters is above average, but so far there has been no chance to really shine in that department. He however, has two glaring weaknesses. First is that he treats INTACT as more of a military unit than what is called for. His diplomatic skills are next to none, I and his XO have been managing to cover the gap (Re: White Rose Kingdom Incident in attached file) but this is something that needs to be addressed.

Second, is his favoritism and protection of his wingmate. I'll cover her flaws in further sections, however, they are obvious, and can after a while be a threat to structure of the unit. This is troublesome, because they are wingmates he is putting himself in danger for covering her. I'll attempt to correct this by offering some advice, however, it must be noted, the man has no liking for me. Which is to be expected, I'm after all a "spook" who has intruded into their pure military way of life.

Moving onto his wingmate, Princess Theeka Abigale vos Karelo. Potentially she has the ability to be the next Axel Flag of the Solar Federation military, with her bravery and piloting. However, that assumes if she can survive long to do so. I'd dealt with this type of pilot a lot during the System War, the berserker who thinks rules and operation plans doesn't mean anything to them. Constantly she is insubordinate, rude, and flat out maniacal in her mood swings and her ego knows few bounds. If it had been a lesser talented pilot, I would recommend a immediate transfer back to Earth orbit to get our of the combat zone. However, considering her gifts and close relationship with Mayram, I'll attempt to give Mayram advice of what I did during the System War with such pilots. If that follows, she'll either come out dead or with a better sense of perspective of what teamwork means.

With regards to the Executive Officer of Enrique Santiago, there has been no complaints. He is far laid back than most officers of INTACT and is always competent. With regards to his politics, he is night to Mayram's day. However, this has not affected his service to the unit. Again the White Rose incident proved that. He shows far more diplomatic tact then his boss, and the two compliment each other well.

Next is the flight lead Lt. Susannah Raskanos. She is remarkable for her remarkable career. However, what is more remarkable is that the leader of the opposing "ace aggressor squadron" seems to have an infautation with her. Considering their similarities in appearance, and with regards to integration of that prisoner, I'm believing that she and this Alexandra are both part of the same project that the Jovians had been working on years ago. This would've been my first trail to track down with regards to the search of the leak, but given Susannah's constant bafflement and the attitude of the prisoner, this seems highly unlikely. Though, I am going to start to plumb my contacts among the former Jovian for more information.

Finally there is Lt Virgil Covid. He's obviously somebody's pet project. Though, while I respect Covid's ability to fly and his aleph powers, I don't belive this thing is a man at all. His attitude towards life is very much a computer, and there seems to lack a soul to this "man." if I may be allowed to philosophize a bit, the battlefield is not a place for the cold hard machines to calculate and figure out. By taking out the human element, the soul so to speak, the terribleness of war loses meaning. Though, as INTACT has proven, sufficiently advance humans will trash any AI drone, once the pattern is revealed.

I shall deal give a preliminary overview of the impressions and information that is relevant at this level discussion of the enemy we have opposed.

First off, this enemy, the Enteebee crew and its squadrons, are obviously a black ops group funded by the League of Outer Stars. However, I am off the gut feeling that there is a sizable traitor within the organization that is supplying them with information as well as the finical resources. This collaboration is needless to say troublesome. As wells as their ability to out plan INTACT. However, in terms of the grand scale, the threat posed by a single ship is small. They can only launch stinging raids, and eventually they would wear down. Now, the problem is the master behind their strings, and unless we cut that, we won't have peace. Given, the fact that we have been engaging constantly LoS raptors, including what appears to be their latest model, its with a heavy heart I suggest that your excellencies should push for general conflict with the League of Outer Stars, as these attacks are nothing more than state sponsored terrorism.

INTACT should however, remain the lead player on the NTB's operation, though I suggest that there be more units brought under INTACT's direct control to better facilitate such an operation.

The terrorists have some personal of note, that are going to be tricky to deal with. First of them, is their leader Alexandra, whose capture should be paramount to determining the true nature of their group, and lead us on clues to our true enemies. However, this will be difficult, as she is pilot of my grade, who is flying bleeding edge suit. However, considering that Theeka through some bravery and stupid actions, managed to almost shoot her down, this can be done with acceptable causalities if planned properly.

Axel Flag remains a troublesome area. He's a former Federation hero, and many within the ranks still respect him. If he is allowed to go on, there is a possibility of the more deluded rank and file joining with him. I'd recommend that INTACT doesn't take him prisoner, to save us troublesome headache of any court civil or military that would deal with him. Its better to shoot legends in the back, and leave them to rot then keep on bringing them to the forefront.

The heir from House Myrael, should be retained, and sent back to Earth for the Engo House politics to eat him up.

Finally with regards to the analysis of the Solar Liberation Army tape that is floating around, I have no information to make off it. However, at best this is the remnants of the old hardliners who never gave up the war 35 years ago. Considering their timing of announcement, its suspicious enough to think they are perhaps another arm of this tentacle of a conspiracy we're dealing with. The best way to nip all thse would be rebellions for good, as I said before, would be to launch an general offensive against the League, and crush the support structure.

- Special Agent Ray Foulke