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Deadeyes Anders

Name: Jay Anders Deadeyes
Player: NPC
Allegiance: Proteus
Concept: Elite Hitman
Demeanor: Bravo
Quantum: 1+2=3
Willpower: 3+2=5
Eruption: Trauma (Gunshot to the groin; he doesn't talk about this much)

A former mercenary soldier turned Elite hitman.


Physical (6)

Strength: 2+2 (4) (Compact)

Might: 1
Throw: 3
  • Mega Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3+2 (5) (Fast)

Athletics: 3
Drive: 1 (He has a dirt bike)
Judo: 4 (Multiple Opponents)
Firearms: 5 (Multiple Targets)
Stealth: 3
  • Mega-Dex: 3
Accuracy (P159)

Stamina: 2+1 (3)

Endurance: 3(Free)
Resistance: 3(Free)
  • Mega-Stamina: 1
Hard Body (P162)


Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3

Awareness: 3

Intelligence: 4+1 (Excellent Memory)

Wits: 4 (Iron Nerves)

  • Mega-Wits: 1
3 x Quickness


7pts (PG 139)

Node: 2 (p143)
Backing: 1
Eufiber: 5


  • 2 x Armour
+6L/6B Soak.
  • Level 2 Disrupt [Disrupt + Intelligence] d7+[3]
Multiple Powers Extra
  • Level 1 Hammerspace (Warp)
Weakness (5 levels): Items in familiar areas only.
  • Level 1 Telekinesis [Dex+Tele] d6+[3

Merits and Flaws

  • Ambidextrous (-1)
Roll 1 extra die when attacking with two weapons.
  • Intolerance (Homosexuals) (+1)

Bonus Points

15 + 0 Flaw

2xQuantum (-14)
1 Background

Nova Points

49+6 NP Base

7 Mega-Attributes (-21)
2 Enhancements (-6)
2xArmour (-6)
Level 2 Disrupt (w/Extra) (-10)
2 x Body Modification: Extra HL's (+1 Bruised, +2 Maimed) (-2)
6 Attribute Dots (-2)
2 Willpower (-2)
Level 1 Telekinesis (-3)
Level 1 Warp (-3) 5 Levels of Weakness


3 (+6 NP)


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 0/14L/15B

w/+2L/2B (Stamina)
w/+1L/2B (M-Stamina)
w/+6L/6B (Armor)
w/+5L/5B (Eufiber)


Many x Knife Dam: Str+2d10L
Standard Railgun Acc: 7 Damage: 10d10L
Large Railgun Acc:+2 Damage: 20d10L
Thrown Object: Acc: 0, Damage: (Str/m-s,+/-1-3)
Grenade Launcher (Acc:-2) range: 400
  • Frag 8d10L (Full dmg all targets within 3m, half within 6m)
  • Flash 2d10B (blinds as Strobe 2)