Jack Hammer

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Name: Jack Hammer AKA Allan Smithers
Player: Norseman
Nature: Follower
Allegiance: Whitefire Security Solutions


Strength: 5 (Brutish)
Dexterity: 5 (Fast)
Stamina: 5 (Resilient)

Perception: 5 (Observant)
Intelligence: 5 (Pragmatic)
Wits: 5 (Cunning)

Charisma: 5 (Charming)
Manipulation: 5 (Witty)
Appearance: 5 (Imposing)

Athletics (Dex): 5 (Acrobatics)
Awareness (Pre): 3
Brawl (Str): 5 (Multiple Opponents)
Driving (Dex): 1
Endurance (Sta): 4*
Etiquette (Cha): 1
Firearms (Dex): 5 (Multiple Targets)
Intimidation (App/Str): 1
Linguistics (Int): 1 (English; Arabic)
Melee (Dex): 5 (Sword)
Might (Str): 5 (Throw)
Resistance (Sta): 4*
Subterfuge (Man): 1
Stealth (Dex): 3
Style (App): 5 (+1 Bonus)
Tactics (Wit): 2

Mega-Strength: 4 (Quantum Leap)
Mega-Dexterity: 1 (Physical Prodigy)
Mega-Stamina: 3 (Resilient)
Mega-Wits: 1 (Multitasking)
Mega-Appearance: 1 (Face of Terror)

Armor (L2): 3


Eufiber: 5
Influence: 2
Node: 2
Resources: 3


Debt - Court settlement (2)

TAINT: 1 / 0 temp
HEALTH: 2x Bruised, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated
EXPERIENCE: 0 (41XP spent)

MOVEMENT: Walk: 7 / Run: 18 / Sprint: 38
SOAK: Bashing: 20 (25 Eufiber) / Lethal: 15 (20 Eufiber)

Brawl: Automatic [20] + Strength 5B
Whipsword: Automatic [20] + Strength 5 + 10d10L


Jack Hammer looks every inch the badass, six feet two, built like a brick shithouse, and properly blonde and square jawed. He is rarely seen without his RayBan sunglasses and genuine Cuban cigar. Beyond that Jack Hammer tends to dress to fit in with his surroundings; be it a t-shirt and camouflage trousers for the gym, PMC outfit for the field, or a proper three piece suit for anything else.
Born in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, in 1994, Allan Smithers was a normal, perhaps a little weedy young man. His parents were economically upper-middle-class, but in culturally very, very middle-class. For the most part he had a normal childhood, not very athletic he still did well in school despite some mild bullying.

As he grew order he began to resent what he saw as his parents holding him back and coddling him. In short he wanted to become a real man, and what better place to do that than to join the army? So the day he turned eighteen he entered a recruitment office and signed up. Being sound of mind and body there was nothing his parents could do, so off he went.

Boot camp was certainly rough on him, but being fairly determined he persevered. It was during the more exciting parts of the training that he suddenly erupted. At the time his biggest wish was to be a good, or better yet a great, soldier and a Real Man, thus he came out something like a Hollywood Action Hero.

For the next five years he served in the British Army, mainly in the Middle East where he learned Arabic, and participated in several missions against Islamic fundamentalists. Around this time he discovered his ability to turn into a rampaging green skinned ork, something which tended to scare the living shit out of whomever it was he was facing. Indeed on occasion he was able to disperse groups of Mujahids simply by going into Ork mode. During his tour he earned several medals, something which often made him feel guilty about not taking the same risks as his baseline comrades in arms.

Until a fateful day near the Iranian border... Being a bit too confident Allan Smithers rushed into a fight with an unidentified Nova. Later on he found that the Nova was known as Al-Khidr, the Green Man, suspected of working for the Iranian Pasdaran. A few minutes and sword strokes later Allan was nearly dead, injured in ways he couldn't explain. Fortunately a team of American Novas rescued him from certain death.

During his long hospital stay Allan had time to think about his life, a fifth of which he'd spent in one war zone or another. Despite eventually getting a healer who was able to cure the aggravated wounds, Allan had made up his mind to get a discharge. This was easier said than done, since the army was loathe to see any Nova leave, but in the end he won out.

Once out he realised he didn't really know what he wanted to do. For a while he simply travelled, went to various tourist traps, and spent most of the money he'd saved up. Afterwards he found odd jobs, quite lucrative, but not nearly as profitable as they could have been. Eventually he picked the name Jack Hammer and began doing freelance Elite work, nothing heavy, but enough to keep the good times rolling.

Those good times came to an end at Rosebury Fields, a pseudo-Elizabethan suburb in California. For reasons too complicated to go into it had been chosen as the site of a political debate, and Jack Hammer was the Nova on guard. Unfortunately a group of domestic terrorists, motivated by a rather deluded Nova, decided to start shooting up the rally. At the same time the Nova began throwing pamphlets at the stage, normally that wouldn't be much of a threat but even a piece of paper can cut like a sword if thrown at high enough speeds.

Being highly unfamiliar with crowd control Jack Hammer decided to put on his Game Face, part to scare away the terrorist gunmen, part to see if he could scare of the other Nova. He successfully made the gunmen flee, along with much of the crowd, as well as make a would-be US Senator wet himself. The resulting fight with the enemy Nova was brief and to the point, mopping up after the stampede on the other hand wasn't.

The resulting legal muddle saw Jack Hammer cleared of any criminal charges, but the civil lawsuit went into the millions. Clearly on and off Elite work wouldn't be enough to pay his way out of this one...

Quantum 3 - 14BP
Willpower 6 - 3BP
Mega-Strength 4 - 12NP
Mega-Dexterity - 6XP
Mega-Stamina - 21XP
Mega-Wits - 6XP
Mega-Appearance - 6 XP
Armor - 9NP
Attributes - 7NP
Abilities - 3 1/3NP, 2 XP
Background - 2/3 NP