Talk:Blaz Blue: Quantum Suicide

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Ravia Ravness (Andronicus)

Elf Cyber-Ninja (?) with a tormented past.

Attributes 20 CP

Physical: (3) 3 CP
Smarts: (2) 1 CP
Perception: (4+1) 6 CP
Far Sighted +1 (1 CP)
Integrity: (3) 3 CP
Charisma: (4) 6 CP (Elf)
Otherworldly +1 (1 CP)

Ars Magus I'll burst your guts!

Ranged. Ravness Ars Magus manifests itself in an array of chains, or wires, ending in blades which she uses to attack. (Perception)

Domains 30 MP + 7 Flaw

Energetics: (5+1) 15 MP
Transmutation: (3+1) 6 MP Restriction: Blades Only +2
Vitalism: (3) 6 MP

Drive Gut Buster

Blast 2 (10 MP)

Merits/Flaws 15 CP + 7 Flaws


Backing NOL 3 CP
Legendary Attribute 5 CP Perception +1
Integrated Gut Buster 5 CP
(Ars Magus) Seithr Reservoir 4 CP 10 Rounds Charge
(Ars Magus) Ars Arsmagus 5 CP (Kinetics/Transmutation +1)


Dark Past (+1 CP + 6 MP) Names and faces have histories. Responsibilities.
Amnesia (+7 CP) She woke up. The room was black, empty, and the stench of decay struck her nose. Stumbling up, chest pounding, she barely noticed the blood on her hands until she tried to grab ahold of the wall to pull herself up. Fumbling in a pocket she found her torch, and a badge. Illuminating the room she read it. Novus Orbis Librarium. R. Ravness.
Blood Bound (+1 MP)


A kitsune. Roll 1d7+2 for number of tails.

Player: Shrike
Physical 2 (1)
Smarts 3 (3)
Quick-witted 1 (1)
Perception 3 (3)
Integrity 3 (3)
Charisma 5 (10)
Fast-Talking 1 (1)
Energetics 5 (15)
Mentalism 5 (15)
Seithr Resistant (6)
True Magic (7)
Rich (2)
Phobia - Dogs (+4)

Shinohara Kana

Kana joined Novus Orbis Librarium because she believes in the order they bring and that they protect the world. She leads a highly disciplined and regimented lifestyle and takes things rather seriously. She shares an irrational fear of dogs with Pandora and as a result the two can sometimes be seen to freak out together.

Unlike the other agents, Kana is a perfectly ordinary human catgirl who has no superhuman attributes nor wields anything exceptional like a Nox Nyctores or Idea Engine. Most people assume that her sword, The Tower of Mortal Failing is her Ars Armagus. While this is technically true, neither Kana (nor anyone) can use The Tower's unknown seithr-ignition abilities as its bloodline has long since died out; Kana inherited it indirectly. Instead, she keeps up with the other agents through an extreme level of swordsmanship.

EXP: 0/0 (2MP Banked)


Physical: 4 (6CP)
Smarts: 2 (1CP)
Perception: 4 (6CP)
Integrity: 4 (6CP)
Charisma: 2 (1CP)


Kendo: 4 (6CP)


Elementalism: 3 (1MP)
Cannot Create (+2)
Energetics: 6 (15MP)
Mentalism: 2 (3MP)
Transmutation: 3 (1MP)
Cannot Create (+2)
Vitalism: 2 (3MP)


Strike: Dumbo's Feather (5MP)

Potential Merits

Iron Will (5CP)
Legendary Domain: Energetics (5CP)
Legendary Skill: Kendo (3CP)
True Magic (7CP)

Potential Flaws

Addiction: Tea (-2CP)
Addiction: Training (-2CP)
Phobia: Dogs (-4CP)
Primal Marks: Catgirl (-3CP)

Kazuya Jardin

"Even if I'm not smart, this Vermilion Blade will cut you down with a blazing blow!"
Kazuya Jardin is the son of a famous member of the Novus Orbis Librarium, Jean-Girard Jardin. Like his father, and his father's father, He wields the Nox Nyctores Vermilion Blade, an extremely powerful Ars Magus which takes the form of a combat knife, and has ability over fire and kinetic energy, allowing it to strike with extreme force and set things alight with ease.
Unlike his renowned hero of a father, Kazuya is still immature and not that bright. Prone to charging head on in a fight, the Librarian has poor impulse control, which when combined with his near addiction to good food and drink, has left him in debt. His denseness however, does have some upsides: Kazuya is far too stubborn to ever give up, and he is incredibly strong and tough.
Name: Kazuya Jardin
Concept: Impulsive and broke Hotblooded Shounen Hero!
  • Physical: 5 (10)
  • Smarts: 1 (0)
  • Perception: 2 (1)
  • Integrity: 4 (6)
  • Charisma: 3 (3)
Nox Nyctores
  • Name: Vermilion Blade
  • Type: Edge
  • Domains: [Fire] Elementalism 8 (10), [Kinetic] Energetics 5 (3), [Self] Vitalism 4 (0)
  • Drives: [Astral Heat] Burst Elementalism (15) - normally manifests by enhancing Kazuya's striking with the Vermilion Blade and durability through way of fire and manipulation of kinetic energy. His Astral Heat, Firebird Inferno, allows him to move so swiftly and with such force that he bursts into flames (That don't harm him), while causing nearby objects (And people) to be set-alight.
  • Diehard (5 CP)
  • Legendary Attribute: Physical (5 CP)
  • Legendary Attribute: Integrity (5 CP)
  • Nox Nyctores(+2 Elementalism, +1 Energetics, +1 Vitalism) (7 CP)
  • Seither Resevoir (4 CP)
  • Famous Family (2 CP) Kazuya is the son of a famous member of the NOL, and is fully expected to live up to what his father did, and what his grandfather did, and so on and so forth. So far, he's been a bit of a disappointment.
  • Addiction: Kazuya enjoys great tasting food(2 CP)
  • Addiction: And Alcohol to go with it (2 CP)
  • Debt: This has, unfortunately, left him with a hefty debt to restaurants (2 CP)
  • Blood Bond: Debts that even the heir to a powerful Nox must pay, eventually (1 CP)
  • Dominating: Never ever hit a woman (6 CP)

Jared Madragan

Player: Kerrus
Concept: Self Transmuting Alchemist Badass

Pysical: 4 (6 CP)
Smarts: 3 (3 CP)
Perception: 3 (3 CP)
Integrity: 4 (6 CP)
Charisma: 3 (3 CP)

Ars Magus

Name: Aqua Regia
Type: Armour


Energetics (Self) (5)8 (15 MP)
Mentalism (Self) (2)5 (3 MP)
Transmutation (Self) (4)6 (6 MP)
Vitalism (Self) (5)8 (15 MP)

Character Merits:

Rich (-2 CP)

Ars Magus Merits:

Idea Engine (-9 CP)
Integrated (-5 CP)

Ars Magus Flaws:

Blood Bound (1 CP)
Dark Past (4 CP)
Flaw - Life Support (6 CP)

Flaw Allocation Breakdown: 1 to CP, 10 to MP

Name: Jared Madragan
Age: Unknown- physically looks in his mid twenties.

Jared Madragan is a man with no past. Twenty years ago, he awoke in the wasteland, far from any civilization. He had no memories of who he was, save for a message inscribed on a piece of strange metal, in what he recognized as his own handwriting. It said "Cast away the dross of your past, and become your own future." Jared took that warning to heart, and returned to civilization. As he traveled, memories started to return to him, mostly of places, the occasional person- long since dead- or of particular foods or fragrances. But none of these memories even hinted as his past, and as Jared began to master his Ars Magus, he discovered the reason why: A message to himself, from himself.

"If you're seeing this, it means you've healed enough to know the truth. This Aqua Regia is the water of miracles, but even it has its limits. You're probably wondering who I am," the figure says. Then he steps into the light, and Jared is met with his own face. "I'm you. But a you more monstrous and vile than you can possible comprehend. The things I've done in pursuit of this water, the crimes I've committed, they stain my soul. My dreams are haunted by my unnatural urges, and I can't be near anyone living without wanting to... do things to them. "

"So I decided it had to stop. I took this water and used it on myself as I had never done. I targeted the parts of my mind that craved those unnatural cravings. I excised my entire existence, leaving you a nigh tabula rasa, and dealing nigh irreparable damage to my brain. And so I ceased to exist, and you were born."

"If you are here now, it means you've healed enough to know the truth. The Aqua Regia has a dark history, but perhaps you shall be free of the sacrifices I made to bring it into existence. Cast away the dross of your past, and become my future. Good luck."

Sarah Malinowski

Player: Kokuten
Concept: Mentally-Deranged Physician.
  • Physical: 4 (6)
  • Smarts: (5+1) 6 (10)
  • Perception: 2 (1)
  • Integrity: 3 (3)
  • Charisma: 1 (0)
Ars Magus
  • Name: Insanity Syringe
  • Type: Swarm
  • Domains: [Poison and Medicinal Generation] Vitalism 5 (15)
  • Drives
    • [Drive] Euthanasia Strike Vitalism (5) - Sarah pumps her syringes full of a nerve-toxin that generates immense amounts of pain when the needles strike flesh.
    • [Drive] Chemical Cocktail Burst Vitalism (5) - With a stab of her needle, Sarah injects herself, or another with haystorm mixture of pharmaceuticals, increasing battle performance, and mending wounds.
    • [Drive] Plague Riot Field Vitalism (5) - All of Sarah's syringes strike into the ground, and begin pumping the earth full of toxin. The toxin infects the plants, and affected plants begin releasing a poisonous gas that permeates the area.
  • Diehard: (5 CP) Sarah has several chemicals coursing through her veins, making her generally endurance to pain and shock much higher.
  • Legendary Attribute: (5CP) Sarah possesses an amazing intellect, despite it's maskings under her general mental disorders.
  • Seithr Efficient: (3 CP)
  • Seithr Resistant: (6 CP) Said chemicals also provide immunization to the effects of Seithr and the Boundary.
  • Intolerance: (4 CP) Innate, sometimes psychotic hate of everyone. Her socipathic behaviors are also a deterrant.

Exhack's Test Builds

(Not) Haku-men

Name: Astrea Sorin
Concept: Cybernetic Angel Alex Mercer-chan
  • Physical: 4 (6)
  • Smarts: 1 (0)
  • Perception: 2 (1)
  • Integrity: 5 (10)
  • Charisma: 3 (3)
Ars Magus
  • Name: Zeus
  • Type: Armour
  • Domains: [Self] Vitalism 10 (15), [Self] Energetics 4 (0), [Self] Transmutation 4 (0), [Emotional] Mentalism 4 (3)
  • Drives: [Astral Heat] Field Vitalism (15) - Swallows the battlefield, cocooning all things and participants in Astrea's biomass. Through her, all things become one.
  • Nox Nyctores (7)
  • Idea Engine (9)
  • Integrated (5)
  • Seithr Resistant (6)
  • Aggressive (4)
  • Life Support (6)
  • Seithr Addiction (5)

(Not) Carl Glover

Name: Jackson Ace, of Spades
Concept: Takes Two to Tango
  • Physical: 2 (1)
  • Smarts: 3 (3)
  • Perception: 1 (0)
  • Integrity: 3 (3)
  • Charisma: 5 (10)
    • Dancing: 2 (3)
Ars Magus
  • Name: Smooth Jazz
  • Type: Doll
  • Domains: [Kinetic] Energetics 7 (10), [Touch] Vitalism 7 (10)
  • Drives
    • [Drive] Field Energetics (5) - Allows Jackson to control kinetic energy in the environment around him, converting hard stomps into cascading waves of crushing force and gentle hat tips into repulsive blasts.
    • [Drive] Burst Vitalism (5) - Jackson can enhance himself and Smooth Jazz to become vastly more skillful and radiant for a short time, and recover all wounds from an ongoing battle instantly.
  • Ars Armagus (5)
  • Intelligent (12)
    • Strength 2 (1)
    • Smarts 1 (0)
    • Perception 3 (3)
    • Integrity 3 (3)
    • Charisma 5 (10)
      • Dancing 2 (3)
  • Debt (2)