Talk:Press ganged!

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Note: FBH reserves right to reject all concepts for no good reason. FBH Only wants concepts he'd like, so try to fit in with that (this doesn't exclusively mean girls).

Ginnar the Dwarf

Positive Qualities: Fighting, Fixing Things, Carousing.
Negative Quality: Diplomacy
Appearance: Ginnar is squat and muscular, he has a huge nose, and an enormous billowing red beard. Beyond that he wears a rough leather and cloth outfit with lots of pockets and tools in it. For the most part he fights using a giant wrench.
Personality: Gruff and direct, but deep down a good fellow. Doesn't much like being told what to do or shanghaied.


Positive Qualities: Latent Psionics, Perception, Stealth
Negative Quality: Not too strong
Appearance: A thin girl with furtive, wide green eyes, and long, messy blonde hair. She has a brand on the center of her collarbone, a strange, looping pattern she can't remember. She often wears a long, dirty cloak she found over her beggar's clothes.
Personality: Nervous, paranoid, and scared, living on the streets and being hunted for her 'gifts' has made her mistrust everyone. She has a lot of built-up anger, which manifests through her talents.

Class Archetype: Mage ( +1 Knowledge, +1 knowledge (magical law) and +1 Wits (dealing with magical rituals), +2 Arete)

Strength 1 (1)
Dexterity 2 (3)
Knowledge 5 [4+1] (10)
Psychic Law 2 [1+1] (1)
Wits 3 (6)
Rituals 2 [1+1] (1)
Perception 1 (1)
Integrity 1 (1)
Charisma 2 (3)
Unassuming 1 (1)
Psionics 6 [4+2] (10)
Precognition 1 (1)
Telepathy 1 (1)


Sorcery (Allows access to the Arete stat)
Stealth (+3 to stealth rolls)
Seer (visions, danger sense and scrying)
Telekinesis (Moving stuff with her mind, force fields)

Hildegard Burgstaller

Positive Qualities: Negative Quality: Appearance: Personality:

Class Archetype: Rogue (+1 Dexterity +1 Wits)

Strength: 3 (6)
Knowledge: 1 (1)
Dexterity: 5 [4 +1] (10)
Duelist: 2 (3)
Musketeer: 2 (3)
Acrobat: 1 (1)
Wits: 3 [2 +1] (3)
Charisma: 2 (3)
Willpower: 4 (10)


Athletics (Ability to Run, Jump, Climb)
Weapon Master (+2 to all Attacks)
Endurance (+5 HLs)
Disbelief (Access to Willpower, which is reverse Gnosis/Sorcery)

M'Bekoe of Tsldhana

Positive Qualities: Sailing, Fishing, Fighting
Negative Quality: Tribal

Potential Mal 2

Player: Maloncanth
Class: Priestess

Strength: 2 (3cp)
Dexterity: 3 (3cp)
Knowledge: 2 (3cp)

Spirit Lore: 3 (3cp)

Wits: 2 (3cp)

Unflappable: 1 (1cp)
Perception: 1 (1cp)

Charisma: 5 (10cp)

Gnosis: 6 (10cp)

Curses: 1 (1cp)

Theology: Spirits