Alexander Vincent (Exile)

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Chief Mechanic Alexander Vincent


Name: Alexander Vincent
Codename: The Mechanic
Eruption Type: Revelation
Concept: Pulp Fiction Inventor
Virtue: Caregiver: Regain WP when you receive tangible proof that you have helped another.
Vice: Hedonist: Spend WP to resist indulging in your chosen pleasure. Regain WP if indulging in such is obviously a bad idea.
Allegiance: United Nations Space Command


Alexander Vincent is a short (5'5"), lithe young man with shoulder length blonde hair and deep green eyes, even dormed down he has pale, nearly perfect skin. Although he is very attractive he's pretty, in a feminine sense, rather than handsome. Normally he wears either his UNSC uniform or a tight t-shirt with a nerdy text on it and tight jeans.

Personality wise he is somewhat retiring and likes to spend considerable amounts of time either working or playing computer games. Aside from that he likes sitting in the ship bar playing coy and waiting for someone to pick him up. That said he not only has a strong work-ethic, but feels that his abilities obligate him to help others where he can. To that end he also feels obliged not to be an asshole to people, just because he's more capable in various ways.



Physical (3)

Strength: ●

Brawl: 0
Melee: 0
Might: 0

Dexterity: ●●●●● (Nimble)

Athletics: 3 (Dodging)
Drive: 1
Firearms: 1
Heavy Weapons: 1
Legerdemain: 0
Martial Arts: 0
Microgravity Ops: 1
Pilot: 1
Stealth: 0

Stamina: ●●

Endurance: 3 [free]
Resistance: 3 [free]

Mental (7)

Perception: ●●●●● (Observant) ● (High End Electromagnetic Scan)

Awareness: 3
Gunnery: 1
Investigation: 0

Intelligence: ●●●●● (Bookworm) ●●●●● (Engineering Prodigy; Analyze Weakness)

Academics [History]: 1
Bureaucracy: 1
Computer: 5
Engineering [Aerospace]: 5 (Spacesuit Maintenance +1)
Engineering [Electronics]: 3
Engineering [Gunsmithing]: 1
Engineering [Military Engineering]: 1
Engineering [Robotics]: 3
Linguistics: 3 (English; Formal English, Mandarin Chinese, Formal Chinese, Japanese)
Science [Materials Science]: 5
Strategy: 0
Medicine: 1
Survival: 0

Wits: ●●●●● (Creative) ● (Quickness)

Arts: 0
Biz: 0
Intrusion: 1
Rapport: 1
Tactics: 3 (Retreat)

Social (5)

Appearance: ●●●●● (Bishonen)

Intimidation: 0
Style: 3 (Smoking hot)

Manipulation: ●●

Diplomacy: 0
Interrogation: 0
Streetwise: 0
Subterfuge: 0

Charisma: ●●

Animal Training: 0
Command: 0
Etiquette: 0
Instruction: 0
Perform: 0


Initiative: +11
Movement: walk 7m, run 17m, sprint 35m
Willpower: 10 (10)
Quantum Energy: 45 (42)
Quantum: ●●●●●
Taint: ●●●

Natural 7B+1B/6L+1L
Second Skin 10+4B / 10+3L


Strike: d5, +0 difficulty, 4B
Kick: d5, +1 difficulty, 5B
Clinch: d5, +0 difficulty, 4B
Tackle: d5, +1 difficulty, 5B, both roll athletics at +2 diff or suffer knockdown, target destabilised (+1 diff for next turn) on success
Block: d5
Dodge: d8

Health Levels

[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Bruised, -0
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Hurt, -1
[ ]: Injured, -1
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Wounded, -2
[ ]: Maimed, -3
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Crippled, -4
[ ]: Incapacitated


Mega-Perception ● (High End Electromagnetic Scan)
High End Electromagnetic Scan: By spending 1 Quantum he may see through and inside an object up to 120 meters away.
Mega-Intelligence ●●●●● (Engineering Prodigy; Analyze Weakness)
Analyze Weakness: Roll intelligence then again a number of dice equal to your successes to strengthen or weaken a system.
Engineering Prodigy: Add an amount of dice equivalent to Mega-Intelligence to any engineering roll.
Mega-Wits ● (Quickness)
One additional action each round
Molecular Manipulation ●●●●●
On a Per + MM roll he may identify the chemical composition and properties of any object up to 200 meters away
Animation: Animate objects with a Man + MM roll.
Destruction: On Dex + MM roll inflict 10L damage on inanimate objects up to 100 meters away
Molecular Alteration: Int + MM roll lets you temporarily change and transform stuff up to 50M away.
Second Skin: Soak +10B +10L
Shape Alteration: Wits + MM roll lets you permanently mould things at touch range.
Body Modification
3 Levels of Redundant Organs
2 x-2 HL and 4 x -4HL
1 x-0 HL and 1 x -1HL


Eufiber: ●
Dormancy: ●●●●●
Node: ●●



3 Taint points

Androgynous (Bishounen look)



  • Some minor cosplaying aids (mostly female)
  • Extensive zero-G make-up kit
  • Large light-weight mirror
  • Small collection of RPG dice in secure transparent cases
  • Small collection of copper, tin, and iron bars. They are used to make recreations of historical clockworks, but sometimes for other purposes
  • Artificial diamond bar, kept in a box with the legend "Back off DeBeers!"
  • Several sets of tarot cards ranging from late 18th century antiques to more modern reproductions
  • Old pirate flintlock pistol, genuine 17th century antique
  • Huge collection of historical technical drawings
  • Large historical, anime, and fantasy collection, though mostly in digitalized shape


Construction Track

Will 10: -14 BP
Background +1: -1BP
Attributes +8: -4 NP
Dexterity +1
Stamina +1
Perception +2
Intelligence +1
Wits +2
Manipulation +1
Quantum 5: -14NP (two tainted)
Mega-Perception 1: -2NP
Mega-Intelligence 5: -10NP
Analyze Weakness: -1NP
Mega-Wits 1: -2NP
Molecular Manipulation 5: -15NP
Additional Skill Points 12: -2 NP
Computer +2
Engineering [Aerospace] +2
Engineering [Electronics]: +3
Engineering [Robotics]: +3
Science [Materials Science] +2
Body Modification (Redundant Organs) 3: (6 taint XP)

XP Track

XP Earned

Episode 1 – 8XP

XP Spent

Gunnery 1 – 3XP
Rapport 1 – 3XP
Engineering [Military Engineering] 1 – 1XP
Engineering [Gunsmithing] 1 – 1XP

XP Planning

Lessons Learned

  • Having prep time, even a little, is the difference between a cakewalk and a hard won struggle

Background Story

Alexander Vincent was born in 1998 in Hicksville Nebraska, where his short stature and nerdish way made him a target of bullies and his father's derision. Things didn't get much better when he realised that he was a bisexual, though he tried his best to deny this while he lived at home. The day that he turned 18 he left for California.

After gaining a scholarship to UC Berkeley he began studying electrical engineering, but he always felt things weren't going so well. During one particularly strenuous period he began experiencing massively powerful headaches, until suddenly he found that the seemingly impossible assignments he'd struggled with for so long were now very simple. Of course when he also solved a certain very difficult technical issue it soon became clear that he'd erupted.

Naturally the engineering companies were lining up to sign him on, but he wound up working for NASA helping design the next generation of spacecraft. In his spare time he was also busy designing cheap computers and programs for use in poor countries. Thus combining his desire to help mankind into space, with his desire to help them right here on the ground. It was this desire that got him involved with the United Nations and eventually the United Nations Space Command.

As a part of the design staff for ISV Unity Alexander was very helpful in pointing out weaknesses, but also in doing quick on the spot repairs of the prototypes. It therefore seemed like a good idea to include him on the crew, and indeed he was quite excited about the idea. Overall he did a good job of trying to fit in with the rest of the crew, striking a particularly good tone with the Captain.