Aberrant 2.0 Abilities
- Strength
- Brawl
- Melee
- Might
- Dexterity
- Athletics
- Drive
- Firearms
- Heavy Weapons (New Skill: covers use of man-portable non-guided heavy weapons)
- Legerdemain
- Martial Arts
- Pilot
- Stealth
- Stamina
- Endurance
- Resistance
- Perception
- Awareness
- Investigation
- Gunnery (New Skill: covers use of computer-assisted weapons and artillery)
- Intelligence
- Academics (Field)
- Bureaucracy
- Computer
- Engineering (Field)
- Intrusion
- Linguistics
- Medicine
- Science (Field)
- Survival
- Wits
- Art
- Biz
- Rapport
- Tactics
- Appearance
- Intimidation
- Style
- Manipulation
- Interrogation
- Streetwise
- Subterfuge
- Charisma
- Command
- Etiquette
- Perform
- Instruction (New Skill: covers teaching people)