Radomir Ryazanov

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Revision as of 12:36, 11 April 2009 by Ral (talk | contribs) (New page: Pilot: 5 (Death Rides, Ambush) {Zarbrahs!*(1)}<br> Movement +1, (Melee +1 in suitable machine; from Martial Artist) Physical: 3 (Gun Kata) {Acrobat(1), Martial Artist(1)}<br> Melee +1 Ch...)
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Pilot: 5 (Death Rides, Ambush) {Zarbrahs!*(1)}
Movement +1, (Melee +1 in suitable machine; from Martial Artist)

Physical: 3 (Gun Kata) {Acrobat(1), Martial Artist(1)}
Melee +1

Charisma: 2 (Intimidation)

Command: 2 (Dramatic Escapes)

Technology: 1

Wise: 3 (Fastroping, 2nd Degree Theft**) {Witless Wanderer(1), Disaster Cook***}
Stealth +1, Cooking: -3

Conspiracy: 1

Mecha: 4 (Theft)

Powers: 3 (Punishing Arrogance)

(*-Zarbrahz!(1) Your foes strike from afar, sit amidst guards, or cower behind Extremely Heavy barricades. By trickery, cunning, or sheer audacity, you will bypass their defenses, punch through the weakest point, or simply fill their sniper scope with your onrushing fist without explanation.
+1 Mecha Movenet
Speciality: Ambush)

(**- This generally consists of accidentally finding something to steal while attempting to steal something else. Or accidentally falling into the correct hangar while attempting to sneak into the incorrect one.)

(***- All food is ridiculously spicy. All drinks are disgustingly alcoholic. Immune to own cooking and thinks it's delicious. Hardy individuals may tolerate it, and a truly hardcore individual may appreciate it, but most will run screaming after the first bite.)

Bartender (1): Patron of Ratty, Invisible, Seedy, Smoke-Filled Bar.
Reliable Second (3): Bookish Ninja. (Best stats: Physical, Wise, and Technology)

Adventurous (-1)
Exciteable (-1)
Soft Heart (-1)
Haunting Past (-1) (requires alcohol)

-Luck: Doom Resistant
-Spiral Power
-Performance Push