Technocrat Cara

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Vital Statistics

Name: Jeanne Kunigunde
Player: Andronicus
Convention: New World Order
Methodology: Operative
Avatar: Pattern
Demeanor: Fanatic (Dedication; Stubbornness)
Nature: Survivor (Perseverance; Lack of Trust)
Arete: 5
Willpower: 5
Quint: 0/4+0 (Overcharge) + 13 Dream Tass
Initiative: 0
Paradox: 0


Bruised (-0) [ ]
Hurt (-1) [ ]
Injured (-1) [ ]
Wounded (-2) [ ]
Mauled (-2) [ ]
Crippled (-5) [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]


Regular Speed: 16 yards
Running Speed: 32 yards


Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4 (Smooth)
Stamina: 4 (Tenacity)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 3+1
Perception: 4 (Hunter)
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3


Talents (Base 13)
Alertness: 2
Athletics: 1 (In the bedroom)
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 2
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 3
Subterfuge: 2
Skills (Base 9)
Disguise: 2
Firearms: 3
Melee: 3
Stealth: 2
Knowledges (5)
Science: 2 (Psychology)
Terrorism: 2
Linguistics: 2 (Chinese, Russian)
Investigation: 4 (Collecting the facts)
RD Data: 2 (Vampire)


Avatar: 4
Rank: 2 (FBI)
Mentor: 4
Resources: 1 (Inheritance trust)
Enhancement: 4

Enlightened Sciences

Ars Animae (The Refining Fire): 3
Ars Conjunctionis (Similitude): 0
Ars Essentiae (The Gateway): 2
Ars Fati (Venom): 0
Ars Manium (The Pharaoh's Army): 1
Ars Materiae (Clay): 0
Ars Mentis (The Watcher): 4 (Specialty Sphere) (Magick Specialty: Mind Control)
Ars Temporia (All Men Know): 0
Ars Vis (the South): 1

Magickal and Mundane Equipment

Noethung (Sword of Mars)(Foci for Ars Mentis) Dam: Str[2]+3 (Arete 2; 10/10 Quintessence)
Noethung is a powerful rune sword inscribed with enochian runes inlaid with silver along its blade with Cara's true name inscribed within, in a manner befitting such a relic.
Attack, Parry, Damage @ Difficulty 3.
Sword Arete 2, @ Difficulty 5, to add Forces damage (Arete+1x2) to a attack. Pool of 10.
Ryomou's Eyepatch (Arete 3; 13/15 Quintessence)
[Defence]When activating the eyepatch, which does not require lifting it, and spending 1 quint, and it reduces the damage of the next incoming attack. When on and active in defense mode the patch glows with a arcane eye with a Pentagram of Hermes within. Functions as an interrupt; as long as Cara can see the attack she can activate the Eyepatch. [Up to 6 HP of damage soak]
[Attack]When in attack mode the pentagram turns in revolutions until the lines of the pentagram are a spinning pit of darkness. The attack does half the damage of a normal Ars Essentiae attack (which is: Arete+1x2) but extended (per turn).

Glock-17 (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmg: 4, Range:20, Rate:4, Clip:17+1)
Officer Chucks Service pistol (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmg: 4, Range:20, Rate:4, Clip:17+1)
Borrowed Sisters Shotgun (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmge: 8, Range 20, Rate 3, 8+1Clip)
X-5 Pistol. 11 Rounds in the clip. 6L damage, rate ?, range 40.
Primium Claw. Str+1
Poison coated suicide dagger


Merits and Flaws

Iron Will (-3)+3 dice against mind control powers, or spend 1 WP to automatically defeam mind control effects
Insensible to Pain (-5)

Icy (+2)
Construct (+2)

(Echos) No Reflection/Vampire Mythos (+3)



202XP - Total. 63XP open.

Life Lessons