Talk:Here be Dragons

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Revision as of 15:27, 24 October 2010 by Mopeyennui (talk | contribs)
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Enter questions as top level bullet points. Leave as many as you like. Thank You.


  • I'm surprised you're actually asking people to leave questions. On IRC you usually act irrational and ramble incessantly like you're possessed by an ancient Mesopotamian devil, generally lacking coherence or lucidity. - Exhack --
  • Incidentally. What IS this new project of yours, anyway? - Exhack --
    • It's various 'nations' and 'stories (well backgrounds/plots/characters)' from my private scifi setting. Which itself is comprises a entire galaxy (or what little I've written up about it/have in my head unwritten.) The basic idea is that as of 50,000 the galaxy is gifted with magic, and magical abilities are mettled out based on 'conservation of plot' (a entire mythology behind the event exists.. not on 'paper' yet. The idea is that each world gets powers distributed amoungst the popluation based on 'thematics' and well.. plot.) After the event, depending on how world's dealt with magic, it exists in various forms later on. Some worlds kept magical knowledge around, a few didn't in any meaningful amount.)

This page (well the article) is self contained 'setting' of it's own. I actually want questions about the setting as presented in the article (well the bits that have been written.)