Talk:China Mecha One Shot

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Revision as of 15:04, 16 October 2010 by Bossmuff (talk | contribs)
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Zhang Na

Intelligence officer crosstrained as mecha pilot.

Gan Shu

Concept: Sniper pilot transgene with Exhuman interests.

Description: Gan Shu is a career military officer and mecha pilot, who comes from the rural areas of the planat Xintang. He hunted the local wildlife there, and was quite a marksman; as a pilot, he operates as a sniper, favouring long material rifles. He is also a heavily augmented transgene who has volunteered for several upgrades as part of his military service, including some experimental cognitive modifications allowing him super-acute spatial awareness. He is a strong advocate of hereditary upgrades and mandatory genetic modification for entire populations - this has caused him to praise Zhang Te, which has got him some undesirably scrutiny.

Gan Shu relied almost entirely on sniper rifles when piloting. He backs this up with missiles and SMG weapons, but ignores melee as 'anachronistic'. He has hightened reflexes and reaction times, and spatial awareness mods. He is also a trained chef.