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Bernard Hacker



Tercio de Flanders

A tercio of about 2500-2550 men would have gotten about 17000 escudo's a month. My rough tercio of 2837 has an upkeep of 176, and I was pretty loose in designing it. Assuming 1 Gold = 100 large-value escudo's it fits somewhat

2,591 escudo's to raise, 176 escudo's in pay.
Commanded by the Maestro de Campo Mendoza.

Under him:

Major-Sergent (Captain of the second company)
Paymaster and 3 assistants
Provst and 6 underlings
Chaplain, and 2 ordinary chaplains

Each coy with,

1 captain (and his page)
1 alférez
1 sergent
1 abanderado (ensign),
3 musicians
1 clerk
1 chaplain and 1 barber

10 Companies of Pike
Coy divided into:

10 x corselets grande escuadra of 100
Heavily armoured pikemen who make up the first few ranks of each tercio square.
Type: Men-at-Arms (50)
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armor: Partial Plate (35)
Total Cost: 112 Gold
Upkeep: 6

10 x single pikemen grande escuadra of 100
Lightly armoured pikemen whose only requirements are strength and endurance.
Type: Men-at-Arms (50)
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armor: Plated Coat (5)
Total Cost: 82 Gold
Upkeep: 6

2 Companies of arquebusiers
Coy divided into:

7 x arquebusiers grande escuadra of 100
Type: Men-at-Arms (50)
Primary Weapon: Arquebus (25)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armor: Padded jacket (3)
Total Cost: 93 Gold
Upkeep: 8

Totals (Book)

137 officers, supernumeraries
1,000 corselets Pikemen
1,000 single Pikemen
700 arquebusiers

Francis I.'s Provincal Legions

Assuming some veterans. An "regular" provincial legion would more commonly have no veterans, all militia.

Organized into 6 Bands (597 Rising, 49 Upkeep)
Each with:

3 x coy corselets of 100
Type: Men-at-Arms (50)
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armor: Partial Plate (35)
Total Cost: 112 Gold
Upkeep: 6

5 x coy pikemen of 100
Type: Militia
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon: Nein!
Armor: Padded Coat (3)
Total Cost: 15 Gold
Upkeep: 3

2 x coy arquebusiers of 100
Type: Men-at-Arms (50)
Primary Weapon: Arquebus (25)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armor: Padded jacket (3)
Total Cost: 93 Gold
Upkeep: 8

Totals (Book)

1,800 corselets Pikemen (2016g/Raise; 108/Upkeep)
3,000 single Pikemen (450g/Raise; 90/Upkeep)
1200 arquebusiers (1116g/Raise; 96/Upkeep)
Totals (3582g/Raise; 294/Upkeep)

Sphere Stuff

Leviathan II System Control Ship (4x Super Battleship)

Mobility: -1+2: [1]
Evasion: -1+0.5+1: [0.5]
Armor: 12+13.5+4 [29.5]
Shield: +3 Armor, +3 AP
Protection: 1 AP (energy) Protection
Structure: 10+9+1 [20]
Hits: 100+240+20 [360]
Reactor: 675
Power Requirements: 666
Spaces: 500+200
Engineering/Hull Coefficient: 25/20
02 x Fusion Thruster (-100 Spaces, -200 Power)
45 x Fusion Reactors (-45 Spaces, +675 Power)
02 x Jump Drive (-14 Space, -50 Power)
06 x Double-Bonded Lunar Titanium (-120 Spaces)
02 x Anti-Beam Laminate (-40 Spaces)
Rating 1 Flash Field (-20 Spaces, -160 Power)
10 x Hatches (-20 Spaces)
40 x Hanger
Fixed Equipment
18 x Linear Cannons (-90 Spaces, -180 Power)
03 x Siege Railcannon (-150 Spaces, -60 Power)
04 x Anti-Ship Missiles (-20 Spaces)
04 x VLS AA Launchers(-20 Spaces)
04 x Scattering Beam PD (-8 Spaces, -16 Power)
04 x Vulcan PD (-8 Spaces)
10 Flak Cannon (-20 Spaces)

Commodore Karl Lorient dissipeared with twenty billion credits, three thousand workers, and enough steel to build several Drake MK VII's over three years ago. A missing persons report was not filed.

"Menendez de Aviles" Exploration Cruiser/Battleship/Colonial Monitor (3xBattleship +60)

Mobility: 0+2
Evasion: 0+1
Armor: 8+12
Structure: 8+3
Hits: 40+48
Reactor: 88
Power Requirements: 84
Spaces: 259
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Hull: Coe: 8


2 x Fusion Thruster (-40 Spaces, -80 Power)
11 x Fission Reactors (-11 Spaces, +88 Power)
1 x Jump Drive (-1 Space, -4 Power)


6 x Belted Armor (-48 Spaces)


4x Hatches (-8 Spaces)

Fixed Equipment(2120 Model)

3x Large Naval Rifles (-60)
7x Medium Naval rifles (-70)
1 x White Shark Launchers (-10 Spaces)
1 x Anti-Ship Missiles (-05 Spaces)
3x Flak Cannon (-6 Spaces)

Fixed Equipment (2150 refit "C1")

2x Large Naval Rifles (-40)
6x Medium Naval rifles (-60)
2 x White Shark MKII Launchers (-20 Spaces)
3 x Anti-Ship Missiles (-15 Spaces)
8x Flak Cannon (-16 Spaces)

Fixed Equipment (2185-86 Emergency Refit)

2x Large Naval Rifles (-40)
2x Medium Naval rifles (-20)
2 x White Shark MKII Launchers (-20 Spaces)
3 x Anti-Ship Missiles (-15 Spaces)
2 x VLS AA Launchers(-10 Spaces)
23x Flak Cannon (-46 Spaces)

Class Ships: Menendez de Aviles (Converted to monitor 2146), Juan de Lángara, Reale Carlos, Bristol, Lombardy (Lost 2109), Dresden (Scrapped 2161), General Cornwallis (Sunk 2187)
Originally designed as long-term exploration ships in the beginning of space exploration. The Menendez de Aviles class were all retired from active service with the introduction of the Drake class, but some colonies still retain a few of these old and battered ships. In construction they resemble less a ship of the modern era (such that the Drake represents) and more of a ship envisioned for today by the previous era. Due to concerns over long-term voyages the class was designed to by in a constant state of rotation to provide pseudo gravity for its crew. Perhaps the key factor to the long-term endurance of the class was the extensive armor belting that covers all important interior spaces. While originally intended as a measure aganist whatever damage the hull might take during its exploration mission it served well enough aganist the crude plasma cutters of drones and finally aganist priate and rebel light warships unforunate to underestimate the strength of these ships hulls. In 2120, with widespread understanding of the threat posed by feral Drones, most ships of the class recieved a modernization that involved a very large weapons armament.

In some cases the jump drives of these ships have been stripped or their armament upgraded to be nearly comparable to the Drake; or made into specialized boats of various makes. In the ZOCU War several Men. de. Aviles received rush or emergency modernizations; one was the Reale Carlos at the time serving in the Outremonde Frontier Squadron. At the time of its modernization Outremonde lacked any medium or heavy railguns to replace its naval rifles with but possessed a abundance of missiles and launchers, originally for a now abandoned project to build several missile-centered cruisers. With the upsetting success of ZOCU Peltasts aganist DSF warships the Reale Carlos was stripped of most of its medium naval rifles for additional VLS AA launchers and a immense number of flak cannons twenty-three in total!

While the Reale Carlos was too slow to participate, and indeep far too old to be expected to hold up in anycase, in the Deep Space Fleet's victorious offensive against the rebel colonies the ship served in several actions in the Outremonde system and some neighbouring starzones in the role of both flagship and convoy guard. Notably at the battle of Rooks Drift where the Reale Carlos and a group of guardships interdicted a small group of ZOCU transports ferrying reinforcements to the besieged planetoid and were defeated, causing the surrender of the planetoid a week later. The ship never came up against massed ZOCU strike craft assault where its large AA suite would have proved useful. None the less the class, itself another tribute to the rugged survivability of EU shipbuilding, served honourably either exploring now settled systems, fending off drone attacks and finally in defence of the Union.

"Menendez de Aviles (Improved)" Battleship (4xBattleship +80)

Mobility: 0+2
Evasion: 0+1-1
Armor: 8+12+4 (+4 AP)
Structure: 8+3
Hits: 40+48
Sensors/ECM: -1
Reactor: 225
Power Requirements: 216
Spaces: 279
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Hull: Coe: 8
2 x Fusion Thruster (-40 Spaces, -80 Power)
15 x Fusion Reactors (-15 Spaces, +225 Power)
2 x Jump Drive (-2 Space, -8 Power)
6 x Belted Armor (-48 Spaces)
Rating 1 Scattering Field (-8 Spaces, -64 Power)
3x Hatches (-6 Spaces)
Fixed Equipment 161
4x Large Railcannons (-80, -64 Power)
2 x White Shark Launchers (-20 Spaces)
4x Anti-Ship Missiles (-20 Spaces)
2 x VLS AA Launchers(-10 Spaces)
15 Flak Cannon (-30 Spaces)

Class Ships: Europa Unionale (Planned 2187, delayed, planned 2188; Canceled early 2189)
The rumours of a successor design for the Pallada sent waves of concern throughout the Outremonde Frontier Fleet and its Deep Space Fleet regional command; quickly an idea of Commodore Karl Lorient that proposed constructing a up-scaled and improved version of the Menendez de Aviles class in order to supplement Outremonde's defences and contribute to the upcoming offensive aganist Haraway was adopted. While the rumoured Pallada replacement never bore fruit ground work for the Europa Unionale did however get underway. However by the time the project was almost ready for pre-production it was decided to instead concentrate on smaller-ship production, which could be finished quicker, for the rest of the year. In 2188 when it was planned to begin construction technical difficulties delayed the project until early 2189 when it was canceled after the DSF(O) received its first new Drake Mark VII. The "Super" Menendez de Aviles was not to be. Some rumours, particularly in the shipyards where the ship was intended to be built, suggest that the battleship wasn't delayed in 2187 but was actually completed in 2188 to be kept in secret reserve. Other rumors hold that the ship was involved in a abortive coup in 2189 and had its official records (and crew) purged as a result. Externally the "Super" de Aviles resembles its parent design to such a extent its merely a somewhat bigger version with additional torpedo budges and Drake-style railgun turrets replacing the large naval rifle turrets and a medium turret. In reality had the ship been completed (or if more ships of the type were built) the impact would not have been as great as some would have hoped for; the Drake MK VII was generally a superior design.

"Rocksmasher" Bomardment Platform (3xBattleship +60)

Mobility: 0+3-1.98
Evasion: 0+1.5-1
Armor: 8+17.5+4[29.5] (+4AP)
Structure: 8+6
Hits: 40+72
Sensors/ECM: -1
Reactor: 225
Power Requirements: 212
Spaces: 259
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Hull: Coe: 8


3 x Fusion Thruster (-60 Spaces, -120 Power)
15 x Fusion Reactors (-15 Spaces, +225 Power)
2 x Jump Drive (-2 Space, -8 Power)


6 x Depleted Uranium Armor (-48 Spaces)
Rating 1 Scattering Field (-8 Spaces, -64 Power)


1x Hatches (-2 Spaces)

Fixed Equipment 125 Spaces

1 x Spinal Mount Railcannon (-50 Spaces, -20 Power)
6 x White Shark MKII Launchers (-60 Spaces)
1 x VLS AA Launchers(-5 Spaces)
4 x Flak Cannon (-8 Spaces)
1 x Vulcan PD (-2 Spaces)

Class Ships:
One study proposed building a squadron of Rocksmashers to bombard rebel colony's back to the stone age. While not willing to commit too such extreme actions the Fleet did consider the usefulness of a "giant gun" warship for use against hard to destroy enemy battleships or against fortresses. In order to supplement the heavy spinal mounted railcannon six heavy launchers of the largest anti-ship missiles available are mounted. The ship lacks any specialized medium or close range weaponry - its main weapons do that well enough - but it sports a decent AA suite.

"Kunersdorf " Space Carrier (5xBattleship +100)

Mobility: 0+2
Evasion: 0+1-1
Armor: 8+12+4[24]+4(AP)
Structure: 8+3+3[14]
Hits: 40+48+16[104]
Reactor: 165
Power Requirements: 152
Spaces: 260
Engineering Coefficient: 10
Hull: Coe: 8


2 x Fusion Thruster (-40 Spaces, -80 Power)
11 x Fusion Reactors (-11 Spaces, +165 Power)
2 x Jump Drive (-2 Space, -8 Power)


6 x Belted Armor (-48 Spaces)
1 x Structural Reinforcement: (-16 Spaces) +3 Structure, +16 Hits
1 x Scattering Field (-8 Spaces, -64 Power) Armor+4,Evasion-1, Sensors/ECM-1,+4AP


2x Hatches (-4 Spaces)
121xHanger (-121 Spaces)

Fixed Equipment

2 x Anti-Ship Missiles (-10 Spaces)
2 x VLS AA Launchers(-10 Spaces)
08 x Vulcan PD (-16 Spaces)
12 x Flak Cannon (-24 Spaces)

Space is very unforgiving, but armor plate tends to offset that.

Ge-90 Franz Combat MS

Stats (Assualt Frame)

Speed: 4+10[14]
Agility: 4+9-0.66[12.34] "B" [12.01]
Evasion: 3+7[10]
Armor: 10+2[12] "B" [13]
Hits: 4
Reactor Output/Usge: 16/12 [Barzam B] 16/14
Component Space: 12+4+4
External Carriage: 12+2+2

Frame Expansion x2

Internal Components: 16+4

4 Fusion Reactors (4 Space, +16 power)
10 Thrusters (10 Space, -10 Power, +10 Speed, +5 Agility, +5 Evasion)
4 Verniers (4 Space, -4 power, +4 Agility, +2 Evasion)
2 Armor (2 space, +2 Armor, -.66 agility)

External Equipment (Franz-A): 14+2

1 x Dobergun (-12 spaces)
1 x Alpha Axe (-2 spaces)
1 x AMS (-2 Space)

External Equipment (Franz-B): 14+2

1 x Heavy Railgun (-10 spaces, -3 power)
1 x Alpha Axe (-2 spaces)
1 x AMS (-2 Space)
1 x ERA (-2 spaces, +1 Armor, -0.33 agility)

Lombardia class Mobile Cruiser (5xCruiser +50)

Mobility: 0
Evasion: 1
Armor: 4
Structure: 5
Hits: 20
Sensors/ECM: 0
Reactor: 105
Power Requirements: 102
Spaces: 100+50
Engineering Coefficient: 4
Hull: Coe: 4
2 x Fusion Thruster (-16 Spaces, -32 Power)
7 x Fusion Reactors (-7 Spaces, +105 Power)
2 x Jump Drive (-2 Space, -8 Power)
4 x Double Bonded Lunar Titanium Armor (-16 Spaces)
1 x Anti-Beam Laminate (-4 Spaces)
Rating 1 Flash Field (-4 Spaces, -32 Power)
2x Latches(-4 Spaces) (Generally a Salamis Capsule)
51 x Hanger Space
Fixed Equipment 46
3x Burst-Modal Linear Cannon (-15, -30 Power)
2 x Anti-Ship Launchers (-10 Spaces)
1 x VLS AA Launchers(-5 Spaces)
2 x Vulcan PD (-4 Spaces)
6 Flak Cannon (-12 Spaces)

As part of the 2182 10-Year Plan in 2187 a new cruiser development project was undertaken to take into account the lessons learned in the war; most importantly to integrate the usage of Autocuirasser’s directly into the Mobile Fleet concept. The class features a relatively fresh design; two large engine pods connected to the main body which itself sports a large hanger. With a hanger capacity for 12 AC’s the ship combined a powerful main battery of three burst-modal linear cannon turrets and double anti-ship missile launchers for direct combat, giving it a well-rounded offensive capacity. Defensively the class features the new Luna titanium armour and a Flash Field, much like the Europa class battleships. The Lombardia herself was officially launched in 2190 for the Outremonde Fleet from the Necromo Shipyards.


*[size=3]Qin Qi Xianyu [/size]
*Scion of Guan Yu +1 Physical, Wits, Charisma, Education, +2 Attributes
*Han +1 Charisma (High Society) and +1 Education (Law)
*Warrior (+1 Finesse and +1 Physical.)
*Berserker (+1 Physical and +1 Physical (Toughness))
*Health (Death) +1 Physical and +1 Education (The Underworld)
*War +1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Toughness)
*[b]Character Points:[/b]   75
*[b]Magery: [/b]  0
*[b]Finesse: [/b]  4 (3 CP +1 Warrior, +1 War)
*[b]Finesse (Blade): [/b]  2 (3 CP)
*[b]Physical: [/b]  8 (10 CP + 1 Death, +1 Scion, +1 Warrior, +1 Berserker)
*[b]Physical (Toughness): [/b]  1 (0 CP +1 War)
*[b]Education: [/b]   1 (0 CP +1 Scion)
*[b]Education (Law): [/b]  1 (0 CP +1 Han)
*[b]Education (Underworld): [/b]  1 (0 CP +1 Death)
*[b]Wits: [/b]  2 (3 CP +1 Scion)
*[b]Charisma: [/b]  3 (0 CP +1 Scion, +2 Scion Free Points)
*[b]Charisma (High Society): [/b]  1 (0 CP + 1 Han)
*[b]Charisma (Otherworldy): [/b]  1 (1 CP)
*[b]Legend [/b]: 2 (6 CP)
*[b]Relic [/b]
*Armor (20 CP) +1 Legend
*[b]Fief and Followers[/b]
*Fief: 1 CP (Small Town). Qin is the Commander of the District of Yuen on the planet Xuyuan.