Megan LaMarsh

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Name: Megan LaMarsh
Concept: Police Detective (RCMP)

XP: 43 XP

Background: Megan grew up in a fairly normal middle class neighborhood, a fairly nice suburb of Chicago. She attended the University of Chicago where she earned a degree in Criminal Justice. After graduating and looking for work for a while she followed the advice of her old roommate, a Canadian, and moved up north to Toronto, Canada. She went through training and became a regular member, eventually working her way up to detective status and plain's clothes work. Megan is very good at her job but this has also made her a lot of enemies with both the Canadian and US criminal underworlds. This was coupled with a significant amount of pressure on her in her private life, such as her parents pressuring her to get married and give them a grandchild, which helped lead to her eruption - which ended with her looking like a twenty year and having shape shifting powers. Before she erupted Megan and her partner were assigned to a special task force of the RCMP as a “Special Detective”.

NOTE: Has an established undercover identity as Franzsika - a mite etc addicted prostitute who works for Cortez's undercover identity of Monte.

A petite, slender, woman with sharp brown eyes and black hair cut in a short but feminine cut. She appears to be an attractive of general Caucasian descent in her thirties but there's little that would make her stand out in a crowd. (Human Form)

Her nova form is taller, has long tied back red hair, green eyes, and looks much more like someone in her early twenties.

Human Stats:

Concept: Protector
Nature: Caregiver
Allegiance: None

Strength: ***
Dexterity: ***
Stamina: ***

Perception: ****
Intelligence: ***
Wits: ***

Charisma: **
Manipulation: **
Appearance: **

Athletics: 2
Drive: 1
Firearms: 2
Martial Arts: 2
Melee: 2
Stealth: 2
Awareness: 3
Investigation: 3
Intrusion: 1
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 2
Computer: 1
Interrogation: 2

Allies: 3 (RCMP Detective/Partner/Close Friend for 1)
Contacts: 3
Backing: 3 (RCMP Detective, Rank of Staff Sergeant, “Special Detective”)
Resources: 2
Cipher: 2v

Willpower: *****
Quantum: *
Taint: 0

Initiative: 6
Walk 7m, Run 15m, Sprint 29m
Lethal Soak: 3
Bashing Soak: 5
Health Levels: 8

1x Kelvar Vest (+2BS, +3LS)
1x Heavy Pistol (5d10L)
1x Rifle (8d10L)

Bonus Points:
5 for * Strength
6 for Backgrounds
4 to bring up to abilities

Nova Stats:

Nova Points:
15 for *** more quantum
10 for ** Shapeshifting
3 for * Mega-Stamina
2 for 12 ability dots
1 for 5 background dots
1 for 3 attribute *

Concept: Protector
Nature: Caregiver
Allegiance: None

Strength: ***
Dexterity: ***
Stamina: ***

Perception: ****
Intelligence: ***
Wits: ***

Charisma: ***
Manipulation: ***
Appearance: ***

Athletics: 3
Drive: 3
Firearms: 3
Martial Arts: 3
Melee: 2
Stealth: 3
Awareness: 3
Investigation: 3
Intrusion: 3
Streetwise: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Computer: 2
Interrogation: 3
Endurance: 3
Resistance: 3

Allies: 3 (RCMP Detective/Partner/Close Friend for 1)
Contacts: 3
Backing: 3 (RCMP Detective, Rank of Staff Sergeant, “Special Detective”)
Resources: 2
Cipher: 2
Dormancy: 5
Eufiber: 1

Willpower: *****
Quantum: ****
Quantum Pool: 28
Taint: 1

Shapeshifting **
Mega-stamina * (resiliency enhancement)

Initiative: 6
Walk 7m, Run 15m, Sprint 29m
Lethal Soak: 6
Bashing Soak: 7
Health Levels: 8

1x Kelvar Vest (+2BS, +3LS)
1x Heavy Pistol (5d10L)
1x Rifle (8d10L)

""SHIFTED NOTE:"" Is shifted into a golem like creature under the blue gel of the temp armor, would be naked underneath if she hadn't shifted. Has two dots in armor, 1 dot in claws, 1 dot in spines (body mod).

Total Soak - 18b/17L from temp armor and shifted (Stone looking) armor
Melee Attacks are lethal
And lethal damage equal to attacker's damage dice pool (up to 10 dice) for anyone connecting with a brawl or martial arts attack.