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Longshots attempt 2

History of the Colony A1) Seperatists (+1250 military) The colonists desired to make a new world they could exist without the genderism of Terra. When they applied, the Transfeminism movement enjoyed a underground popularity on several darknets (although a 'home' greynet was utilized to get people to a actual darknet) where information was disseminated to those who found themselves in the parts of the world where they were persecuted or derided. While desiring the same things as any woman, they made one simple observation during conversations on the various networks.

First, that as long as the stereotypes from western civilization (judaeo-successor religions) existed, they would never find equality. [This was obvious, but was only agreed upon as the basis of most of consensus after the first draft of a colonization plan had been uploaded and a ```````Mopeyennui`20:50, 2 September 2010 (UTC)~~ those who were intrested to the nascent 'Longshots' programme.] This was followed up by a transhuman on the forum appending the theory that when berift of optimal gender mates, un`-optmial gender pairings become acceptable.

Simpily, the theory is that when forced to decide, a unoptimal arrangement is acceptable by many, and that social programmig can make anything acceptable, despite 'natural' decisions. (To the point where the original option will be tossed aside by those who wish to remain 'normal' to the new sociological model they were raised around, although some might 'leave' and rejoin the normal gender based model - the loss rate is acceptable.

This lead to the

A1) Seperatists (+1250 military) They escaped earth, and so built military equipment to defend themselves in the wasteland they ran to. (Also to check if Earth followed them.) A2)Transhuman (+25 transgene) ....already modified somewhat.,,, A3) No World (+shipbuilding) Why live on a natural target? Strength woudl see them through.

B1) The New Men (+60 population, +25 transgene) Despite the effects of the event, this is when a ship of Baselines entered the system, right as the preplanned 'fascist' phase of the local colony was in effect. They were enslaved. (Even if it didn't make economic sense.) Experments were made to increase the transgenic state of the main population. B2) Military Action (+1250 military, +doctrines) The military side of the Enslavement.

C1) Ideological Purity (++morale, +100 PIP, -relations) Sieg Heil! C2) Social Management (+morale, +25 transgene) Social controls increased. More experments means more transgene. C3) Supermen (+25 transgene, +doctrines) More Transgene (science finally paying off), military formalizes doctrines.) Chaotic Event) Freaks (+25 transgene, -60 pop) A few broken eggs from the lower class will allow for random discoveries. These will be applied to the Ubermensch's genetic project.

Totals 150 population 100 fabricators 400 PIP 200 CIP 200 Wealth 150 Delta Dust 12,500 military+1,250+1,250 15 SP (All TG) 162.5 Transgene (w/SP) +Shipbuilding +++Morale ++doctrines -relations

A beautiful mind

When the colonists arrived, each was already 'modified' , yet more modifications were required, Intelligence was added to aide in colonizing the system.

40.5 - 100% Int 2 (15) Soc 2 (13) App 4 (11)

80.5 - 50% Int 4 - 34 Soc 4 - 30 App 5 - 16.5

81 - 50% Int 3 - 24 Soc 3 - 21 Endurance 5 - 25 App 4 - 11