Tast Morei

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Tast Morei
System Info
World Name: Tast Morei
Map ID: W 79
Surface Gravity: 10.59 m/s^2 (1.08 SG)
Climate: Warm - Tropical
Atmosphere: Oxy-Nitro, 130 kPa
Population: 20 400 000 (Estimate)
Population Breakdown:

23% Genetically Enhanced

56% Cybernetic Augmentations

21% Environmental Modification Only

Capital: Timyorva
Type of Power: Independent Enclave
Wealth: 160
Industry: 315
Domestic He3: Classified
Strategic Resources: 50 Delta Dust
Military: Colonial - Independent

National Overview

As Of January 2195

Genre: Shadowy Police State

Head of State: Classified

Head of Government: Do You Not Understand, Citizen?  Classified

Government: Oligarchy with Internal Meritocracy

Political Relationships:

  • Rim States: Allied
  • Independent States: Allied
  • Commonwealth of Independent States (Sino-Russian Sphere): Warm
  • People's Republic of China (Sino-Russian Sphere): Cold
  • European Union (European Union Sphere): Neutral
  • Pacific-American Commerce Union (Pac-Am Sphere): Neutral
  • The Liga (Pac-Am Sphere): Neutral
  • United States of America (Pac-Am Sphere): Neutral
  • Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union (ZOCU Sphere): Neutral


Environmental Adaptations (10) - Tast Morei's populace opted to submit to genetic modifications to allow them to more quickly adapt to the its alien biosphere and its suffocating tropical climate. Outwardly they aren't much different than most other people, however there are some notable differences in their internal anatomies that a physician might find curious.

Cyberize! (10) - Horrified by the unintended consequences of gene splicing but unable to keep pace with their genetically enhanced peers, however damaged they may be, many of Tast Morei's people turned to electronic implants and mechanical systems as a safer alternative to submitting to genetic alterations themselves.

Medium Shipyards (Free) - Originally Tast Morei was not easily supplied by the core worlds and large spacefaring vessels were neccessary to construct and then transport helium fuel and raw materials from spaceborne mining and extraction operations.

State Secrets Act (10) - Some governments are suspected of having a hidden 'black budget' for secret projects tucked away in accounting errors and suspiciously expensive bathroom fixtures. On Tast Morei this secret budget is a dangerous financial black hole that devours huge amounts of funds and inquisitive accountants.

Tank Industry (10) - During the spring of 2285, a journalist from New Eden was able to smuggle footage of armoured vehicles on Tast Morei blocking bridges and highways leading into and out of its capital districts, with hundreds of angry protesters shouting from behind barricades. While it made for a very powerful piece for the six o'clock news, it has resurfaced in recent years in the hands of military analysts eager for glimpses of the colony's military technology. It was evident at the time that it was able to produce sophisticated vehicles, and it is assumed that continues to the present.

Aerospace Industry (10) - The eugenics program was not without a few success stories either. Focusing around physically enhanced pilots, a newly founded aerospace company called Outworlds Aeronautics based on Tast Morei had begun designing and marketing improved variants of existing core world export designs to the Rim and ZOCU states. Shortly before the war it was rumored to be on the verge of putting its own in-house designs into production, however following the cessation of hostilities, the company has not publically filled outside orders and is assumed to be supplying the local military.

Helium Embargo (-70) - Guilty of siezing helium shipments, Tast Morei has been condemned by the HEC for piracy and willful violation of interstellar law. It goes without saying that the HEC refuses to sell He3 to the world until its government admits its wrongdoings and offers compensation for the victims of its self-centered aggression. Nobody is holding their breath on that, though. Regardless of the HEC's sentiments, in the annuls of interstellar power Tast Morei actions are seen to have some legal legitimacy and the incidents are viewed as a private spat between the muti-stellar corporation and the colonial government.

Untrust Fund (-15) - The onset of the War of 2287 and the Helium Crisis combined with the massive costs of two decades of treatment for millions of first-generation genetically enhanced children sent Tast Morei into near economic collapse. Seven years later with sanctions making interstellar trade difficult, the situation has not greatly improved.

Ensigns of Industry (-15) - Tast Morei hit its industrial plateau decades ago, and without a massive population influx its growth has required immense capital expenditures for automated facilities. The cost of automation has also skyrocketed in recent years, as access to cheaper Core Worlds equipment has diminished.

Historical Brief

In the earliest days of interstellar exploration, the world of Tast Morei was little more than a luminescent blip only visible in the electronic eye of a radio telescope in Earth orbit. It garnered little notice until a deep space probe, treading where no earthly creature had yet to go, found a shimmering jewel where optimists had hoped at best to discover an interesting rock. The first true images, not blurred or masked by interstellar dust, revealed a globe of water shrouded in clouds, shining brightly in the light its paternal star. It was a cosmic improbability, finding an Earth-like world within even distant grasp. Pushing past the clouds, though, a more stunning discovery awaited - a world that was alive with an alien biosphere, opening up the possibility of colonization without the need for terraforming. Even though it was years away, it immediately attracted a brand of frontiersmen who truely wanted to live the fantasy of a simple life on a brave new world. It also attracted less glamarous and disgruntled personal and corporate interests who were bedazzled by the successes of the posthuman generation, and sought to seek new horizons where Earth could not impose its increasingly conservative values.

The initial colonization in the latter half of the 21st century was a relatively quiet affair without the monumental scale of a terraforming project. But unlike a sterile ball of rock and ice, a living and breathing system had its own challenges. Basic human anatomy was not properly equipped to handle the alien microbes or digest the local food sources, not to mention there was also a risk human-borne bacteria could irreversably damage the ecosystem. This had, of course, been provisioned for and the first colonists lived in Domes - glorified self-enclosed tent-cities that filtered local air and water to fulfill their basic needs. Not needing sophisticated vacuum-grade recycling and recirculation plants made the venture far more economical than a blank slate world, but it had been made clear from the first day planetside that the colonists would not be content to spend their lives in a bubble.

Tast Morei was a younger world than Earth, its primordial atmosphere lacking in oxygen by comparison. It was warmer, too, owing to its brighter sun. Plentiful in water, most of its land mass was covered in tropical vegetation and prowled by complex animal life. It did take years for the local biosphere to be properly analyzed, but eventually the scientists learned enough about their new home to determine what it would take in order for the colonists to be able to abandon their shelters. However marvelous the human anatomy may have been, it would require generations of adaptation before the colonists became acclamated enough to the world's atmospheric composition and biosphere that it would not pose health concerns, and even then life would not be easy. The people were faced with not only spending their entire lives in the confines of their Domes, but their children and possibly grand-children as well. It was a daunting prospect, but there was an equally weighty second option that would allow everyone to walk the new world freely within only a few more years. That option was to borrow adaptations from the indigineous life and directly modify human body chemistry and internal anatomy to be more compatible with Tast Morei's climate and creatures. During the colony's infancy it was a hotly debated topic. It promised to make life vastly more comfortable and give the colony a strong head-start compared to others that required decades of terraforming, but it was seen as a veritable Pandora's box of hidden risks in the shadow of the relatively recent posthuman exodus. The debate lasted about as long as there was free space left in the Domes for the second wave of colonists, which was to say not very long at all.

The geneering project, or to use its dull governmental label, the local biosphere adapations program, was a fantastic success and soon faded from the consciousness of the growing society. Freed from its confines, the colony's population exploded and its economic growth shattered projections. It was the dream of a prosperous new world finally realized, and for a time it was a land of plenty. Years faded into decades, and all but the most excessive material needs were sated. That was enough for the first generation of immigrants and the children that had grown up in the confines of the Domes. But those who came after, spoiled by the windfalls of their parents, would need something more.

By the 2150's, the colony had begun to stagnate. Its population simply wasn't big enough to sustain expansion indefinitely and the existing plethora of technologies available had been developed to their practical limits. It was not Earth with billions of people to come up with new innovations, or a stockpile of posthuman technology to pillage. It was then that people began to look back on the successes of the first widespread genetics program and saw the one avenue they had yet to explore. They could not deliver their children the world of seemingly limitless potential they had enjoyed, but they could make them smarter, stronger and better than their parents had ever been.

Embraced wholeheartedly, the program saw Tast Morei's first generation of transhumans born in 2160. Initial results were impressive and soon after genetic enhancements were available to the entire populace, becoming a cultural craze. Unsurprisingly many individuals suffered from genetic defects, but with a few successful years the cases of physical maladies began dropping and were mostly forgotten about. But after ten years new and more subtle problems began to emerge. Pathological tendancies began to develop in the first generations of embryo-engineered children and many of the adults who had undergone genetic enhancements. The colonial outlook changed overnight as an entire civilization came to realize that not only would it be innundated with [i]millions[/i] of potential sociopaths and maniacs, but they had doomed their own progeny to a horrific fate they had not dared to imagine.

Mass panic ensued and the people demanded their government find a way to quickly correct the condition. But scientists came to the sobering conclusion that the sheer scale of the problem was beyond their abilities. Treatment existed, however it was a delicate and time-consuming process to pick apart each individual's brain chemistry to find out what had gone wrong. A more alarming problem was the discovery that the same degenerative traits would pass to subsequent generations, implying that the crisis would spiral out of control without radical action. The government's response was quick and heavy-handed. Immediately the colonists who had undergone genetic modification were segregated and civil liberties curtailed. Quarantine was imposed thereafter, trapping both the dangerously unstable and all those who could potentially transmit the flawed genetic code should they go untreated.

The War of '87 was a fitting climax to more than a decade of civil unrest and general deterioration of society. Located near the boundary between the Rim and the Core Worlds, enormous political pressure was brought to bear on Tast Morei to enter the conflict, either supporting the independence of the Zodiac worlds or assisting in putting down their rebellion. But already plagued with internal difficulties, the independent colony refused to participate. Regardless of the decision, early in 2287 a ZOCU task force arrived and siezed a particularly large and poorly defended helium-3 extraction complex located in the outer reaches of the system, cuting off the energy supply to Tast Morei and neighboring worlds. History would remember it as a bold and politically savvy maneuver, since the facilities had been constructed by the Helium Energy Consortium and according to trade agreements were not actually under Tast Morei's juristdiction. This made it impossible for the colonial military to intervene without jeopardizing its claims to neutral standings. The HEC was not particularly moved by this logic, however, and cited the colony for cowardice in refusing to engage an obviously hostile invading force. The Zodiac commanders were equally unmotivated by threats of political backlash to release the facilities and restore the fuel supply to Tast Morei. The standoff ended violently four weeks later, when a task force arrived from the core worlds and expelled the rebels after two days of furious engagements. Neither party was particularly delicate in the firefights that raged around and inside the helium production plants, resulting in severe damage. This participated an energy crisis on Tast Morei, which had no other source of fuel to fall back on.

With stockpiles already low, the situation threatened to cripple the colonial military and make it an easy target for continued aggression. Lobbying the HEC to dramatically increase external shipments to make up for the shortfall proved to be a futile endeavor between the war effort and the bitter political debackle. It was the only issue in the last decade on which the outraged people of Tast Morei cried out in harmony with government. The plea garnered an unsympathetic response from the HEC; insisting that in exchange for increased quota, the colony admit fault and front the funds needed to rebuild the destroyed plants - funds that did not, and would not exist. On the other political fronts the war was steadily intensifying and it was already abundantly clear that Earth abhored genetic engineering. Real fears began to emerge that the war could widen if the Zodiac worlds fell and that Earth might seek to bring all the colonies under its heel to ensure such dissent never occurred again. The idea of mothballing the fleet was unthinkable and so a bold decision was made.

In the coming months, convoys carrying He3 in the surrounding regions were subject to raid and siezure. Initially the HEC was unable to determine the culprit due to the continued hostilities, but as the war neared its end links began to appear with a supposedly neutral Tast Morei. Accusations began to emerge that the helium plants had been surrendered by the colony for political concessions, although no proof of this has ever surfaced. By war's end both parties were engaged in legal battles over the issue and the ongoing fuel defecit. On one hand the HEC argued that Tast Morei was sponsoring piracy and on the other the colony argued that the HEC was attempting to recuperate the loss of its facility through extorsion. As the debackle dragged on from weeks into months, convoys in the area continued to come under threat even after the signing of the Treaty of Sirius. Diplomatic attempts to resolve the situation ultimately failed and a total embargo was imposed. This had decidedly little impact and served only to formalize the mutual hostilities. Talks have not resumed since. The HEC has made attempts to find a military solution to the issue with mixed results. While military forces of neighboring worlds concented to fire on ships engaging in piracy in their soverign space, raids tended to occur outside their jurisdictions.

The raids, however successful they may have been, were not adequate enough to supply the world's energy needs. Largely out of the public eye, power rationing regularly plunged civilization into complete darkness. Already angry and frustrated by the laggard pace of the government's medical programs, militants within the quarantine areas began to arm themselves and utilized the blackout hours to rally and organize assaults on the military forces controlling the affected neighborhoods. It opened a new and bloody chapter in the world's history, whose first page came to be known as the Winter Riots of 2188. Energy rationing and the ensuing violence continued for years. The few recent reports from Tast Morei indicate that the situation has stabilized somewhat and the massive outages stopped. However since the end of the war it has proven difficult to gather any additional information on this subject, and government officials actively resist attempts to gain access to these 'quarantine areas'.


Tast Morei has made waves for its ongoing feud with the HEC, although in recent years the frequency of raids on shipping has been decreasing. Diplomatic communication has been sporadic since the end of the War of 2287 and the colony has become isolationist in its policies. It is widely known that Tast Morei has been heavily involved in siezing helium convoys (or piracy, depending whom is asked) for at least the first five years following the war, but due to strained relations it remains a closed book to the rest of the human sphere. Attempts to gain intelligence both overtly and covertly on its military activities have been largely unsuccessful, leading to rampant speculation about the colony's goals. Rumors suggest that Tast Morei has finally solved its fuel problems and is now fully autonomous, which could explain why its activities against HEC interests are diminishing. This may seem to be a positive change in the course of events that may lead to an eventual resolution, however more conservative elements suggest that Tast Morei could be brokering black market transactions between the Zodiac worlds in exchange for fuel, allowing them to secretly violate treaty stipulations. It is a worrysome prospect, but no information exists to confirm either theory.


Being a low surveillance priority following the signing of the Treaty of Sirius, intelligence concerning Tast Morei was allowed to lapse into virtual non-existence. The only extensive records of the world's armed forces and military infrastructure are dated to shortly before the outbreak of war in 2287. Due to its isolationist policies, Tast Morei has proven stubbornly resistant to many agencies' attempts to survey its current military status. At present the ISS has collected a detailed list of pre-war military equipment, but remains unable to confirm current figures, capabilities or deployments.


20x Tast Morei Colonial Army Battalion
Regular infantry battalion
Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Body armour.
+1 Guns
+2 Cybernetics
Tast Morei's regular army has traditionally held the role of a global police force, and was originally tasked with duties ranging from deterring pirate raids on its cities to protecting industrial and research facilities from petty criminals. Fitting of their inglorious assignments, they were poorly equipped and poorly disciplined for most of the colony's history and rarely faced significant opposition. Fear and paranoia prior to the War have transformed the former militia bands into a proper fighting force, tasked with enforcing peace and civil order in the quarantine zones against hundreds of thousands of insane genetically engineered superhumans.

8x Tadast Irregulars
Elite Infantry Battalion
Upkeep: 2 Supply
+1 Body Armour
+1 Guns
+2 Cybernetics
The often bizzarre tactics and hostile environment within the quarantine zones took a heavy toll on the soldiers who policed them when the riots began. With almost a decade of continuous violence, the veterans of the regular army have become a different breed of soldier entirely. Better and more able than their peers, they are the ones called upon to walk openly in the otherwise lawless places and use their skills to put down violence without shedding the blood of innocents.

5x Tadast Party Wagon
IFV Mobilization
Upkeep: 4 Supply
+1 Hovertank
+1 Weapons
+1 Armour
Having gained its nickname from the infamous Winter Riots of 2188 and resulting firefights with military police, this venerable machine was at one time the only armoured vehicle in use by the regular army. Originally intended to be an armoured personnel carrier, once stolen military armaments began to appear in the hands of anarchists in the downtown cores of the quarantine zones it was hastily upgraded to carry vastly more weaponry and armour plating. The original design's powerful magnetic repulsion system was kept despite its inefficiency in the urban theatre, since its dominance of the undeveloped wild lands allowed soldiers to much more effectively cross harsh terrain when either haste or secrecy prevented.the use of the roads.

4x Tank Battalion
Upkeep: 10 Supply
+1 Hovertank
+1 Weapons
+1 Armour
Originally purchased as surplus war materials following the Treaty of Sirius, these relatively new machines have yet to see action in an open battlefield. In the service of the regular army, these vehicles have been relegated to serve as roadblocks and deterrants, however officials fear that a time will come when they are actualy needed.

6x Orbital Defence Battery
Cost: 100 IP
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 2 He3
+1 It Goes Boom
+1 Long Range
+1 Tracking

Air Force:

10x Ghost UAV Flight
DP: 2
Upkeep: 1 Supply 1He3
+1 Surveillance Gear
Considered indispensible for probing into urban disturbances, Tast Morei still operates a number of old Mk. II Ghost reconnaisance drones. While they are dated machines, they are still in use throught the rim due to their economy and ease of repair.

17x Outworlds 42-Y Interceptor
DP: 4
Upkeep: 5 Supply, 10He3
+1 Internal Booster
+1 Armamanets
+1 Agility
Not long after genetic enhancement became widespread on Tast Morei, local military contractors began tinkering with the colony's fleet of Rafale 5200 series fightercraft to take better advantage of the enhanced capabilities of pilots. Initially possessing little experience and lacking a significant aerospace infrastructure, the only truely successful variants of the aircraft simply mounted a more powerful engine and relied solely on the pilot's ability to handle the increased accelerational forces to actually improve performance. The expertise developed from these initial programs allowed for the development of sophisticated, high-end fightercraft on par with most anything in active service in the Expanse or the Rim.

8x Heavy Lift Vehicle
Upkeep: 2 Supply 10He3
Cargo Capacity: 20 000 CP
+2 Carrying Capacity
Distinct because of its unusual bulk, Tast Morei's class of orbital transports have appeared over the years in both core and rim systems, typically to ferry military supplies back to their home world.


12x Kometa Frigate
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 7.5 He3
DP/cap: 1
+0 Fusion Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jump Drive
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Active Defences
A larger and more sophisticated descendant of the Tast Morei's now defunct short-range patrol ships, these sleek vehicles were originally used for near-orbit operations. They were however reassigned in the 2160's to intrasystem escort and patrol following the HEC's initial proposals to construct a local He3 production facility to supply Tast Morei and the surrounding systems. After the facility's destruction in 2187, the remaining vessels were hastily fitted with a jump drive and dispatched in groups against helium carriers belonging to the HEC. Fast and relatively well defended, they proved to be a versatile and survivable craft that was the first sign of trouble for HEC convoys.

14x Omen Fleet Destroyer
Upkeep: 5 Supply, 15 He3
DP/cap: 2
+0 Delta Dust Jump Drive
+0 Fusion Drive
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Weapons
+1 Active Defences
These rugged and economical vessels formed the backbone of many raiding groups, allowing them to remain faster and more mobile than convoy escorts while at the same time posing a credible threat to the bulk helium carriers that were the true targets of the raids. Typically deployed in groups, their preferred tactic was to simply surround and overwhelm escorting vessels and force a quick surrender before much damage was incurred. All but the most stubborn captains have forced the issue and it has been proven in regrettable circumstances that these ships are able to absorb a pounding, and reply in kind.

8x Ironsides Class Escort
Type: Destroyer
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 48 IP, 16 Delta Dust = 64 IP-Equivalent
Upkeep: 5 Supply, 10 He3
+1 Reactive Hull Plating
+1 Anti-Missile Chaff Guns
-1 AA
+0 Dual-stage Ion Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Rim purchase price: 80 IP equivalent
The appearance of the Mako Interface Striker in the hands of pirates sent shockwaves through the Rim and the Expanse. Nations and captains alike scrambled to find an answer to the low-profile vessel's extreme speed and firepower. Recognizing that it would be difficult at best to design a vessel with comparable performance, many developed worlds began constructing sturdier escort vessels that would be able to weather the Mako's punishing missile barrages and keep on shooting. With most small gun mounts occupied by point-defence turrets, the Ironsides class has little in the way of anti-aerospace armaments. Given its purpose, however, that was a sacrifice many were willing to make. It has allowed the Ironsides to remain an extremely economical vessel that is able to answer the Mako's technological superiority with sheer numbers and spiteful durability.

1x Rampart Class System Defence Cruiser
Type: Cruiser
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 160 IP, 20 Delta Dust = 180 IP-Equivalent
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Naval Railgun Battery
+1 Composite Hull Plating
+0 E-Type Repulsor Drive
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Rim purchase price: 180 IP equivalent.
Too distant from the industrial worlds of the core to easily aquire new purpose-built warships, many of the wealthier independent worlds in the Expanse and Rim were struggling to defend themselves from growing local threats with fleets of aging MacArthur system control ships and converted civilian vessels. The growing market eventually saw several worlds attempt to turn a profit through developing and marketing locally built warships to those who could afford their relatively staggaring price tag. Owing to the limited number of worlds that were able to incorporate newer technologies into their designs, only a few of the myriad of ship variants have survived over the decades. The Rampart class was the most popular of these, an icon of practicality and reliability that was eventually copied and mass produced all over the Rim and the Expanse, where they continue to serve with pride.

6x Kacha Novosi Heavy Cruiser
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3
DP: 2
DP/cap: 2
+0 Delta Dust Jump Drive
+0 Grav Drive
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Weapons
+1 Armour
Estimated to be at least thirty years old, these grand colonial warships were once the pride of the fleet. By the War era they showed their age, however continuous upgrades throught the years has extended their operational lifetimes. It is suspected that these vessels are only still in service due to Tast Morei's past economical problems preventing new construction, since their oversized engines require considerably more fuel than more modern equivalents. While changes in operational requirements no longer require the ship to enter atmosphere, it remains nonetheless capable of controlled flight and to this day remain some of the largest ships in the Rim capable of doing so.

1x Gangut Class Battleship
Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 2
Cost: 200 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Armor
+1 Scattering Field Emitters
-1 Slow
-1 AA
+0 Arc-Plasma Rocket Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
During the 2030s and 2040s, the combined Russian and Chinese exploration and colonization forces were running into particularly persistent feral drones. While only two ships were lost outright, continued non-critical damage taxed long supply lines. A program was thus instituted to increase the survivability of the fleets.

It was originally intended to simply update and increase the armor on the existing Gangut battleships, but a more technically audacious solution was instituted. A powerful sperical scattering field was fitted that could effectively deflect both physical impactors and directed energy weapons, the precursor to the heavy combat shielding found on almost all modern combat vessels. This proved so effective in service that all existing battleships were refitted with a similar shield array. Unfortunately, sidescatter emissions from the shield emitters interfered with high-frequency AA tracking sensors and the Ganguts were notoriously incapable of effectively engaging aircraft, choosing instead to hunker behind their bubble-shields.

1x Gangut class Battleship
Type: Battleship
Tech Level: 3
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 80 He3
DP: 5
+1 Armor
+1 Scattering Field Emitters
-1 AA
+0 Arc-Plasma Rocket Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
In the eyes of most states outside the Rim, the Gangut battleship class was rendered obsolete decades ago.  And indeed, only in the Rim will anyone still find an operational one as many of those states do not have the expertise or facilities to upgrade one to more current technology.  Tast Morei is one of the few worlds that cannot easily afford more modern, yet still obsolete, Independence War-era vessels but has the industrial capacity to upgrade them to present-day standards.  Thus far a lone Gangut battleship has been so refitted, and in addition to extensive systems upgrades its main drive core and powerplant were overhauled, eliminating the design's largest fault: its speed.

1x Borodino Class Battle Cruiser
Type: Battleship
Tech: 3
Cost: 300 IP, 100 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 120 He3
DP: 5
+1 Heavy Railgun Turrets
+1 Aerospace
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
-1 AA
Originally built in opposition to the European Union's Drake Class Battleship, the Borodino Class suffered from a rushed design phase and often flawed construction. While both more heavily armed and far faster than the Drake, or nearly any other capital ship of the time, the Borodinos were badly armored and extremely lacking in anti-aircraft defenses.

Both of these flaws proved fatal in the Russian Fleet's first encounters with fast and highly mobile ZOCU aerospace forces. The heavy damage and losses incurred to the Borodinos was a heavy blow to the pride of the Russian Fleet, from which they have not entirely recovered from even today.

Civilian Shipping:

8x Deep Space Resupply Ship
Cargo Capacity: 200 Units He3
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3
Special: Uses Warship FTL speed
+0 Delta Dust Jump Drive
+0 Gravity Drive
+1 Ablative Hull Plating
+2 Helium Tanker

8x Fleet Logistics Ship
Cargo Capacity: 10000
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3
Special: Uses Warship FTL speed
+0 Delta Dust Jump Drive
+0 Gravity Drive
+1 Ablative Hull Plating
+2 Cargo Capacity

2x Heavy Conveyor
Cargo: 12x Heavy Lift Vehicles
+1 Armour
Formerly a merchant ship, this single conveyor class vessel was aquired by the military to assist in the transit of its equipment purchases from other worlds. In light of its valuable cargo, it has been fitted with armour plating.

6x Bulk Freighter
Cargo: 200 000
+1 Armour
Once they carried helium from the outsystem production facilities to the hungry plants on Tast Morei, but now these immense bulk helium carriers found more recent use as the lynchpin of Tast Morei's convoy raids. It is clear that these formerly civilian vessels have been militarized, as heavy armour plating protects its holding tanks and vital compartments in light of its more hostile working environment.
