Talk:Samantha Greenwood
Answer all questions fully and concisely.
- 1. What is your current employment situation?
- Self employed Egohunter/Private detective
- 2. What was your family like growing up?
- My family were good but crazy. Hard Extropian. I'm glad I left
- 3. Have you ever had to do something in your employment that you were morally opposed to? If so, did you do so anyways?
- Yes. Breaking and Entering, roughing people up, all kinds of things. I did all that. Also was once hired to bring back an innocent guy who'd pissed off the wrong powerful person (the employer didn't tell me) Didn't do that.
- 4. Do you have any current romantic attachments? If so, how did you meet them?
- Yes...No... maybe... We were both hired together to bring back an ego
- 5. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? If so, explain what the illness was and how you recovered.
- No.
- 6. If life were a play, what role are you playing now? What role would you like to play?
- The Hero, Obviously
- 7. Free Association (please say the first word that comes into your head when hearing these phrases)
- Fall Failure
- Anarchy transient
- Titan Enemy
- Earth Graveyard
- Corporation assholes
- Pain romance
- Prayer useless
- Mother Dear
- Hate untidiness
- Sex Maybe
- 8. Have you ever served as a member of any polity's armed forces or a mercenary group? If yes, have you ever been in combat as a member of that organization?
- Yes, I was in the local militia of my home habitat
- 9. Have you ever killed? If yes, explain the circumstances of your first kill.
- Yes. I was hunting someone who didn't want to come. She had friends. We got into a fight, I shot them. Two rounds through the left centre of mass on a blank template. Death was all but instant
- 9a. If you have, have you ever caused permanent death? How does that make you feel?
- Yes. The guy who hired me to bring back an innocent man wouldn't leave me alone. It was the only way
- 10. Please answer this question quickly, without taking time to think it over. What are you most afraid of?
- failure
- 11. How do you spend your free time when not at work?
- I watch XP, I dance, I play video games and I read books about war and politics
- 12. Have you ever become violent with someone you care about? If yes, explain.
- No.
- 13. What is the name of your firstborn child? (If they have none, what would be the first name of their firstborn? Does the name have significance?)
- Angel. I just like the sound of it
- 14. Do you believe the phrase, "The ends justify the means."? Why or Why not?
- It depends upon the ends and the means. If it's important enough end, and a not so immoral means then they do. It's a sliding scale
- 15. Do you have any personal experience with the Fall? If so, explain what they were.
- No.
- 16. Have you ever attempted to bypass computer security? If so, when was that and what type of security?
- Yes. Mostly as a kid. I'm not very good at it
- 17. Have you or one of your forks ever been exposed to the Exsurgent virus (incl. Watts-Macleod)?
- No. Thank god
- 18. Do you possess any strongly held beliefs (a religion, strong opposition to a cause, or strong support of a cause perhaps)? What are these beliefs?
- I believe that the pluralistic liberal state that existed in Europe between the Treaty of Westphalia and the first half of the 21st century was the best mode of human organisation.
- 19. Do you have any technical experience with the use of nuclear or antimatter demolitions charges?
- No. I have a partner who does demoltion
- 20. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
- Leader
Thank you and have a nice day.