Talk:Second Sphere History Paths

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The Paths

Starting Amounts

Nothing! All paths will add up to the equivalent total.

Exploration Era

Exp-1) World Type

No Suitable World (Go to Exp-2)
Unfortunately, sometimes a prime spot simply lacks a nice place to drop your cities down, or your FTL drive wandered off-course. Time to build your own!
Hell World (Go to Exp-3)
Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds. Habitability is not one of them.
Terraformable World (go to Exp-4)
There is a finite number of garden worlds within easy reach of human starships, but many more marginal worlds that with a bit of work can become comfortable places to live.
Garden World (Go to Exp-5)
The gems of any colonization effort, most garden worlds were seeded with life more than a hundred million years ago by the Precursors, the garden-gods of the Milky Way.

Exp-2) No Suitable World (automatically change one dot of Ground doctrines for one dot of Fleet doctrines)

  • Must choose 'None' in Precursor Relics.
Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +150 PIP, + 50 CIP)
In a world with no up or down, the man with hands for feet is king.
Build Our Own (+ 300 PIP)
Gerald O'Neil gave us the plans, all we need is effort.
On The Castles Of Gods (+ 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + 100 Applications)
Some posthuman structures can be used as foundations for larger, human habitats.

Exp-3) Hell World

Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
A normal human won't survive Chernobyl Beta. A normal human.
Tough It Out (+ Morale, Balls, + 2,500 infantry, + logistics)
We've defeated everything this world could throw at us.
Make Do (Scraphunters, + 2500 vehicles/aircraft, + 100 PIP, + 1 SP)
We're not where we wanted to be and there's no way back, so we need to use absolutely everything to its utmost.
Thousand-Year Plan (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
We'll make this rock terra-compatible if it takes a thousand years!

Exp-4) Terraformable World

  • May not choose 'Extensive' in Feral Drones.
Get To Work (+ 90 pop, +150 PIP, + 1 SP)
Once the terraforming efforts have begun, many worlds were opened up for additional waves of colonists.
Artifact Rush (+ 100 CIP, +50 Wealth, + 100 dust, + 30 Pop)
Sometimes artifacts of posthuman provenance are found, leading to a surge of investment in an effort to extract them.
Fascinating Pharmaceuticals (+ 200 Wealth, +30 Pop, + 50 CIP, + 1 SP)
Some worlds have biospheres that are not fully compatible with Earth-based biology but nonetheless have intriguing and valuable biomateriels.
Terraforming Failure (Defensible, + 1 SP)
The worst-case scenario is a chaotic destabilization of the planet's climate, often making things worse than when they started.

Exp-5) Garden World

  • Must chose 'None' in Feral Drones.
Population Boom (+ 120 pop, - 100 wealth)
With Earth's overpopulation causing significant ecological effects, efforts were made to move as many people off-world as reasonably possible.
Cash Crop (+ 100 Wealth)
Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years. Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
Xenomorphs (+ 2,500 military)
This garden has snakes.

Exp-6) Precursor Relics

None (+15 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5, may not spend SP on dust)
Some star systems were simply never touched by the Precursors.
Limited (+ 100 dust, + 5 SP)
Most worlds with complex biospheres were seeded in the distant past by the Precursors and now the ancient relics of their technologies lies locked in the rocks below.
Extensive (+ 200 dust, - 50 PIP)

A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.

Exp-7) Feral Drones

None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
Feral drones generally left G-type stars alone.
Limited (+ 30 population, +50 Wealth, +100 PIP)
Some worlds nonetheless had local populations.
Extensive (+ 2500 fleet, + 100 Fabers)
Extensive drone hives were almost exclusively found around red M-type stars.

Exp-8) Posthuman Footsteps

Observation Posts (+ 100 CIP, + 10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
Posthuman seed-probes scattered all across known space and were often used as markers for development - or looted for resources.
Nano-Factories (+ 100 Fabers, +100 PIP)
Some elements of posthumanity was favorable to their baseline cousins, providing the access codes for various pieces of nanofabrication equipment.
Data Core (+ 150 applications, +1 Global Tech Level)
Accessing data cores was a surefire way to increase technological development.
Hostile as fuck (+ 5,000 military)
Nobody's quite sure what they're guarding, but they're really good at it.
Industrialized Spacetime And Magic (+500 Theta, -300 Dust)

Exp-9) Location

Backwater (+ 100 PIP)
Nice and quiet.
Routed (+ 100 CIP)
Along a major arm.
Hub (+ 60 Population)
What it says on the tin.
Strategic (+ 2,500 military)
Too important to lose.

Colonization Era

Col-1) Axis Of Colonization

PACT Arm (go to Col-2)
EU Arm (go to Col-3)
Chinese Arm (go to Col-4)
UN-Authorized (Go to Col-5)
Longshot (go to Col-6)
Busy Child (+ stuff)

Col-2) PACT Colonization Authority

Inner System (+ 180 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics)
Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 20 Transgene)

Col-2B) PACT Transgenic Relations

Kick 'Em Out! (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop)
New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)

Col-3) EU Department Of Planetary Development

Inner System (+ 180 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics)
Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics)
Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 10 Transgene)

Col-3B) EU Transgenic Relations

Kick 'Em Out! (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop)
New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)

Col-4) Chinese Bureau For Colonization And Exploration

Inner System (+ 240 Population, + 50 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Second Stage (+ 210 Population, + 50 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Outer Expanse (+ 180 Population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 10 Transgene)

Col-4B) Chinese Transgenic Relations

Kick 'Em Out! (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)

Col-4) United Nations Civil Colonization Agency

Inner System (+ 180 Population, +100 PIP, + 50 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Second Stage (+ 150 Population, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + logistics, + 20 Transgene)
Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + 10 SP, + logistics, + 20 Transgene)

Col-4B) UN Transgenic Relations

Kick 'Em Out! (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop)
Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)

Col-5) Leaving on a wormhole ship . . .

Outer Expanse (+ 60 population, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 20 SP, + 20 transgene)
Inner Rim (+ 30 population, + 200 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 20 SP, + 20 transgene)
Deep Rim (+ 100 Faber, + 20 SP, + 20 transgene)

Col-5B) Prides and Prejudices

No Thank You! (+ 60 Pop, + 10 SP, -20 Transgene)
Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop)
Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)

Breakdown Era

Current Era

hey, doesn't guiding star have one too many pluses? -FBH

Recontact! (alternate politics)
Chinese colonies always take an additional "Crisis" path, representing how its colonies were hit particularly hard by the Breakdown.
Running Back into the Fold: (+Techlevel, +Wealth, +Pop)

The few colonies which came back under their own volition to the Chinese Colonial Authority were rewarded by extensive subsidies.

Reconquista: (+Military, +PIP, ++Logistics, -Morale)

There were those unwilling, but too close to the might of the People's Liberation Army to significantly resist "support" being granted to pro-reunification elements.

Still Free: (+Military, +Logistics, +Morale, +CIS relations, -Chinese Relations)

Some colonies are particularly adamant about not bowing to the CCA again.

One Nation, Twenty Systems: (+Pop, +Morale, +Wealth)

Several colonies were strong enough to resist the PLAN but not strong enough or determined enough that it looked to be a good idea to try. In general these colonies found a way to retain great amounts of individuality in their government and society at the cost of reduced government assistance and working with the CCA.

Send in the Blue-Helmets!: (-Pop, -Techlevel, +Fabers, +Military, +Doctrines, ++Logistics)

A few colonies particularly hard-hit had to have significant amounts of the People's Liberation Army committed as well as fabricators for emergency aid, as they had devolved into war, looting, and self-destruction. Twenty years after the recontact they are functional but barely.

Oh god oh god the foundations of our economy have exploded! (alternate economics)
Former Trading Hub: (+Civilian Tech, +Pop, +Dust, -Wealth)

There were Chinese colonies heavily dependent on trade to and from Earth, and when the Breakdown hit their economies collapsed like a house of cards.

Nationalized: (++PIP, +CIP, -Debt)

To survive the Breakdown many once-private industries were nationalized as factories for export and trade lay rusting, keeping the colony's economy going at great cost to the government.

Financially Independent: (+Pop, +Wealth)

A few particularly lucky colonies had prepared well, and did not suffer as much from the Breakdown.

Brain Drain: (-Techlevel, +PIP, +CIP, +Wealth)

Some predominantly mining or manufacturing colonies did not have domestic technical staff at hand and stagnated or regressed technically during the Breakdown. Even with the recent reconnect, they still haven't quite gotten back up to speed.