Strike Force Zero Gadgets
Raiden Heavy Electrolaser
Part of the push to make death rays coincidental. Gigantic electrolaser, size of a light machine gun. Nonconcealable. Can dial damage from 1-10 B/L, and has a "battery" of 40 dice of damage (lethal damage takes double power). Living targets hit by the Raiden who fail to soak the damage are stunned for their next turn, adding +1 to action difficulties.
UV Knife
Anti-hemophage melee weapon as a last-resort for agents, using a binary chemical to create a brief but intense burst of UV light. Attacks as a normal knife, but deals additional (1-3 levels?) damage against creatures vulnerable to UV. Due to its use of a blade made of tempered glass and transparent plastic laminate and the side effects of the reaction, a successful attack shatters the knife and renders it useless as both a cutting tool and a UV delivery method.
Samurai Powered Exoskeleton
100 pounds of ceramic, kevlar, and hydraulics. Hardened Armor at 5d, cannot jump or run. Replaces user Str/Dex with Strength 6/Dexterity 1, runs out of power after 3 hours. Bring your extension cord. Called shots to the rear-mounted battery packs (at +3) can render the user immobile.
Noncombat Equipment
Sensor Glasses
Simulates Rank 1 sensory magics at a 1-success level. Most common are Forces 1 (Nightvision), Life 1 (Heartbeat sensor), Mind 1 (Bioelectrical monitoring)
Other Stuff
Janus Semi-Automated Sentry Gun
7.62mm machine gun mounted on a remote-controlled platform. Can be set to operate via teleoperation, semi-autonomously (user designates targets, fires with a pool of 4d), or fully autonomously. Only has very limited intelligence-typically set up to automatically fire on any target without human-normal body temperature. Personnel with severe fevers should not walk within its firing arc.
- Uses the .30 caliber machine gun stats (Technomancer's Toybox p.92), has a Dex + Firearms pool of 4d when operating autonomously.
- .30 Caliber MG: Diff 6, Damage 6/12, Rate 21/5, Capacity 100.