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Elizabeth Allegheny

Outstanding Issues: Little mundane punch. But given the concept, that's appropriate. Need Essence, Nature and Demeanour chosen. Gambling and/or subterfuge could do with being a point or two higher.

Tradition: Orphan
Essence: Questing
Nature: Rebel? Celebrant? Deviant?
Demeanour: Rebel?
Age: 17
XP: 0
XP Used: 0



Everything is real. Stories are just as true as reality, and words and pictures are a gate through which they can enter our corner of the world.


Cards with pictures. She'll make her own eventually. The 'Earthbound Deck' for coincidental effects is holstered on her lower left arm. The 'Cosmos Deck' for vulgar effects is holstered on her left thigh.

  • Correspondence: green border
  • Entropy: black border
  • Forces: yellow border
  • Life: red border
  • Matter: grey border
  • Mind: pink border
  • Prime: white border
  • Spirit: purple border
  • Time: blue border



Str: 1
Dex: 4 (sleight of hand)
Sta: 1


Cha: 3
Man: 4 (bald-faced lies)
App: 3


Per: 3
Int: 2
Wit: 3



Alertness 3
Athletics 1
Awareness 1
Expression 1
Intuition 5 (strategies from nowhere)
Style 1
Subterfuge 3


Gambling 3
Stealth 2


Cosmology 3
Enigmas 2
Linguistics 1 (English, Japanese)
Occult 3


Willpower 6
Arete 3
Quintessence 0
Paradox 0


Avatar 3
Demesne 5
  • The Palace of Hopes is a grand castle, casino and gaming parlour. Inhabitants and guests are pitted against each other in grand games of luck, skill, imagination or anything inbetween, for wagers of all kinds and sizes. Their trials and tribulations, alternately entering the depths of despair and heights of success, produce grand stories and entertainment for spectators - but spectators should beware that they are not trapped or tricked into a game themselves.
  • In this realm Elizabeth is the Queen of Games, a harlequin in black and blue with a crown for a jester's hat (or vice-versa). With a sweep of her fingers, she can create new games, define their rules, reward heroic victors and punish debtors and cheats.
Dependents -3
  • Elizabeth is not estranged from her family, even though her cubicle-managing father, schoolteaching mother and baseball-aspirant younger brother are as whitebread and mundane as can be.
Dream 3
  • If Elizabeth loses herself in a book or film or TV show, she sometimes comes back to reality with insights on related topics.
Resources 1


Mind 1
Prime 2
Spirit 3

Merits & Flaws




+2 Arete (8)
+5 Demesne (5)
+1 Willpower (1)
+2 Intuition (4)

Principality of Estalian

Population: 0 (0)
Transhumanism: 4 (6)
Infrastructure: 0 (0)
Growth Potential: 1 (0)
Military Support: 0 (0)
Space Fleet: 0 (0)
Diplomacy: 4 (6)
Espionage: 4 (6)
Advancement: 2 (8)
Unique: 2 (3)
Emergent: 0 (0)
Magic: 4 (6)

This is the life. We're right at the core trading route of the Empire, its mighty navies protect our traders from pirates, we just brokered a peace treaty between the Empire and the Barbarians to further expand our markets, most of the Emperor's eunuchs are on the take from us and have you seen my new dress? With the forcefields? It's delightful, don't you think? Ah, what a golden age we live in.


Hey, where'd everybody go?

Backup Nation Concepts


Early National
Mixed Population
Garden World
Crisis Situation
Innovate Madly
Collapse of the Middle Kingdom
Sudden Change of Government
Still Free
Steel Dragons? Fort up?
Single Party Governance

Zhengyi was an early chinese colony on a lush Eocene-replica world. The hostile native wildlife presented a problem, but nothing that could not be solved by a militia. A more significant problem was presented by the hybridization of a native pathogen with the common cold to produce an alarming epidemic. The Chinese Colonial Authority was ineffective and bumbling in solving this, so the natives had to rapidly institute controls and expand medical infrastructure. Reforms were instituted and the nation shared henceforth in Chinese prosperity, but the seeds had been sown that would blossom when the Breakdown struck. The colonial government, compromised by independents with a dash of communist romanticism, was quickly reorganised into an independent state that nationalised everything. Now the inhabitants of the Nation of Zhengyi fiercely uphold their newfound independence and are desperately searching for a way to secure it against the resurgent Chinese juggernaut.


Late National
Mixed Population
Hell World
Tough It Out
Single-Party Governance
Hyperdrive Repair Research
The CIS, and the Future
Whatever The Cost
Where No Man Has Gone
Immoral Breakthrough

Russia, hungry for power, established a colony dominated by the Special Research Bureau on the frozen planet Konstantin, around the star Tsiolkovsky, both named for the father of astronautics. Its relics of posthumanity yielded many secrets and clues, for a price, and when the breakdown ended and the (other! D:<) Great Powers were distracted by colonial concerns, the men and women of the Bureau followed the clues to recover a certain object, now kept under heavy guard.

The Bureau has obtained the first piece of the puzzle. When their design is completed, Russia will rise again.

Siberian theotech colony with a load of MGS and Xenosagears nonsense.


Dominatly Transgene
Boys From Brazil
Make My Own Bloc
Transhuman Supremacy
Production Centre
Future Government

Magnate who wouldn't play ball, buddied up with the other guys. Now feels rather out of place but is making the most of the situation.


Dominantly Transgene
No Suitable World
Posthuman Structures
Artefact Find
Feral Drone Attack
Artefact Find
Extra Fabs
Go Wierd
Strange Discovery
Feral Drone Attack/Extra Fabs
Still Alive
Exploration Launching Point?
Hypertech? Fort up?

Perpetual war on the Megastructure with defence drones. Low-tech, but uses dust tech like particle beams and shields.

Sphere Technology


Static Harpoon

Advanced FTL drives depend largely on scrubbing causal static from the jumper as quickly as possible. Reversal of these techniques allow an object (such as a railgun or rifle shell) to be 'charged' with static and launched into an enemy, rendering them unable to jump until their drive can clear the interference.

Efficient Catapult Construction

This is not an application per se, however the cost to construct catapults is affected by your Catapults TI similarly to application cost.

Special Rifle Shells

The relatively large caliber of electrochemical rounds allows for some special ammunition to be deployed.
Burst Rounds
A large explosive charge makes shells less effective against heavy armour but more able to target agile craft.
Penetration -3, Strength -3, Burst Bonus +6
Rounds designed to give a secondary boost to a smaller penetrator are more effective against armoured targets. The increased speed of the final projectile compensates partially for range issues, with sufficient stabilisation.
Arrays of composites with exotic internal magnetic structures can be installed into a shell such that they create a 'field explosion' upon impact, temporarily destabilising nearby energy shields.
Sufficiently advanced powers can fit a high powered laser inside a naval rifle shell. Present power supplies and heat resistance mean it can only fire for an instant before burning out, but this is enough to extend the effective range of the weapon and provide an energetic touch to strikes on kinetic-resistant enemies.


'Duodec' is the pinnacle of chemical energy density in natural metrics. With sufficient barrel and housing reinforcement it can be used to fling shells dramatically faster than other chemical weapon solutions.

Field Thrust Vectoring

Projection of forcefields past the body of the ship allows for greater control over the trajectory of the ejected mass from thrusters, and hence more precise control over the movement of the thrustee.

Semi-Sustainable Fusion Thrusters

A great deal of the energy produced by conventional fusion thrusters is wasted. Sophisticated reaction chamber design incorporating far narrower exhaust nozzles enables much of this waste radiation to be captured and fed back into the system, reducing power requirements.

Civilian Tech

Imago System

Virtual reality has existed for a long time, but its widespread integration with physical reality is a thorny technical issue requiring extensive cataloguing of phenomena, adaptive pattern recognition, and the creation of networks simultaneously open and secure. Nevertheless the benefits to productivity are remarkable.


More cumbersome than true gravity control, but not dependent on posthuman technology, pseudogravity is a giant on the horizon of up-and-coming technology. Early forms are only applicable to very large scales, but the availability of environmental force in space without cumbersome spin sections is nevertheless a boost to trade, tourism and logistics.
Naval Pseudogravity
Further advances in pseudogravity make it applicable to large ships, improving crew health and reducing the need to supply medical supplements.
Miniaturised Pseudogravity
With sufficient the Waldzell effect can be practically utilised on even the smallest craft.

Socioeconomic Model

By the 22nd century, sociology is wholly embedded with economics and is becoming firmer by the year. Although a unified theory still eludes even the greatest thinkers, diligent work can produce a mathematical model for a given community, granting the government a far better understanding of the consequences of a given policy, and much more control over the community's direction. Of course, externalities can always intrude upon neat mathematical reality.


Nova Cannon

The essence of electrochemical weaponry is that of a shell propelled by sudden thermal expansion. However, as increasingly desperate League scientists have discovered, there are limits to mundane chemistry, and macro-scale weaponry has persistently remained beyond practical feasibility. The development of effective plasma containment changes this. By using a large shell with advanced containment mechanisms, a high-grade plasma blast can be 'caught' and used as both initial boost and sustained thrust to propel the shell at tremendous velocities, until containment fails and the plasma is explosively released.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 75
Subsidiary Indices: Electrochemical Weapons 35

Nephilim Replication

Human industry is fundamentally too coarse to manufacture true nephilim armour, but advanced study can provide enough understanding to create it using posthuman fabricators or Velan nanomachines.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 60
Subsidiary Indices: Materials 20

Xenofabricator Construction

The grail of nano-manufacturing is a fully adaptive system that can construct any object given plans and feedstock, turning fabricators from irreplaceable resource to expandable infrastructure.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 100

Drone Intelligence Adaption

Reprogramming the central processors of Velan drones and installing them in human craft is an affordable and accessible solution to creating autonomous vehicles for powers without sophisticated industry and computing ability.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 125
Subsidiary Indices: AI 16

Metabolic Reactor

Velan drones have a versatile metabolism. Their ability to survive in almost any system for long periods relies on their ability to extract energy from a variety of sources by altering reactor architecture to match the input. The output is low, and the system must be topped up with nanomachines on occasion as the intense energies burn them up, but a craft with a metabolic reactor can run for months or years without resupply as long as the crew have access to rocks, gases, corpses or almost anything at all. These reactors are the cause of the iron 'drone droppings' that pose a navigation hazard in infested systems.
Required Feral Xenotech index: ??
Subsidiary Indices: Power ??

Mechanocyte Farms

Persuading delta dust to replicate is a long-since solved problem, and it is only natural that similar attempts would be made regarding Velan nanomachines. The lack of Core research infrastructure out in the Rim made deciphering enough of the code to mass-produce general purpose 'stem nano' a challenge, but nevertheless some communities have constructed breeding vats for the priceless resource.

Plasma Injection Missiles

By replacing the chemical fuel block with a magnetic bottle injected with plasma before launch, missiles can be given superior acceleration and a nasty added punch.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 45
Subsidiary Indices: Missiles 30

Basic Theotech

Theta Catapults

Catapults made with theta dust are no faster than normal catapults, but they require far less dust and fewer structural components to support said dust.
Required Basic Theotech index: 50
Subsidiary Indices: Catapults 25

Theofabricator Construction

The grail of nano-manufacturing is a fully adaptive system that can construct any object given plans and feedstock, turning fabricators from irreplaceable resource to expandable infrastructure.
Required Basic Theotech index: 100

Advanced Theotech


Powers which can satisfy the fantastic dust requirements can construct standing zero-time gates to other star systems.
Required Advanced Theotech index: 1200
Subsidiary Indices: Catapults 35


Fusion Needlers

The key limiting factor for plasma weaponry is containment, which metric-alteration technology is remarkably adept at. Enterprising engineers have exploited this to combine the two into a long-range weapon with fearsome penetrative power against shields and armour.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 50
Required Basic Theotech index: 50
Subsidiary Indices: Particle Weapons 20

Flash Armour

Embedding dust nodules into nephilim armour enables the projection of an energy field a tiny distance above the surface that disintegrates incoming matter. Some is repelled by the explosion, and the remainder is rendered an incoherent plasma of the type nephilim armour is optimised to reject.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 60
Required Basic Theotech index: 75
Subsidiary Indices: Electronics 20, Materials 25

Dust-Doped Mechanocytes

Through long decoding of programming and longer encoding of programs, posthuman dust can be made to cooperate with Velan nanotechnology. The addition of sophisticated energy control and containment systems to repair conduits dramatically increases their work rate, at the cost of increased power requirements.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 80
Required Basic Theotech index: 80
Subsidiary Indices: Electronics 25

Yogic Reactor

Incorporation of dust in a metabolic reactor both dramatically improves output and more effectively shields the components from the energy released, keeping nanomachine loss below replacement. A yogic reactor can run essentially forever as long as it has access to sub-iron nuclei.
Required Feral Xenotech index: ??
Required Basic Theotech index: ??
Subsidiary Indices: Power ??

Snail (final statblock)

Race: Classic (+1 universal)
Occupation: I-tech (+1 education)
Traits: Obsessed (research) [+3], Dark Past [+5], Obscure Knowledge (AI programming, xenopsychology, esoteric computing, mindstate engineering) [4]
Physical 1 [0]
Smarts 11 [55]
Education 6 [10] specialise Systems Theory 4 [10]
Integrity 4 [6]
Perception 2 [1]
Charisma 4 [6]

Conditioning [0]
Intrusion 2 [3]
Technology 2 [3] specialise Computers 5 [15]
Cacophony Tech 1


Chocobos are large birds related to the common chicken. They come in several varieties.

Yellow Chocobos (common cavalry)

  • Yellow chocobos are the most common variety and can be found across the world, particularly in forests. Their vicious claws and beaks have disembowelled many a handler.
  • Level of badass

Blue Chocobos (common cavalry)

  • These amphibious blue chocobos live near water. They have webbed feet and beaks shaped to capture fish.
  • Aquatic

Green Chocobos (common cavalry):

  • Green chocobos live in mountainous or hilly regions. They can navigate precipitous cliffs and narrow gorges with a speed and agility that startles riders of more ponderous beasts.
  • Celerity

Brown Chocobos (common cavalry):

  • Brown chocobos lurk in deserts and forests.
  • Stealthy

White Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • White chocobos are a sign of good luck. Many tales abound of them aiding injured travellers. Of course, many tales also abound of them demanding payment.
  • Intelligence, sometimes including magic (cure)
  • Regeneration

Red Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • Red chocobos are the unfortunate creation of Fultin the Pyromancer during the necromantic wars. Predictably, they can breathe fire. The incessant heat of their internal organs is distinctly uncomfortable and gives them an absolutely awful temper. Pity the trainer tasked with breaking one.
  • Etheric metabolism
  • Conflagration

Black Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • Black chocobos roost in the stoutest treetops. Their majestic wings, black as the night sky, are so vast and strong as to allow them to fly.
  • Flight

Gold Chocobos (rare cavalry):

  • Gold chocobos, or 'royal chocobos', are the rarest and most wondrous kind. The adventurer lucky enough to find one and foolish enough to attempt to capture it will find a potent opponent as canny and proud as any king.
  • Flight
  • Level of badass
  • Intelligence, sometimes including magic (choco meteor)