LOE Ship Test Rules

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Revision as of 13:27, 22 January 2009 by Shrike (talk | contribs)
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OK, Shrike was wondering about things PCs could work on, so rather than cross over into stuff I'm already doing, here's a skeleton of the early ship rules. Subject to change of course - this is just a rough framework. The idea is that equipment is added to the slots, and as technology gets more advanced ships have more space to work with. Note that these additional slots are NOT automatically gained - unlike oLoE there are no discreet tech levels - the TL numbers are just markers to indicate roughly in the tech tree where these ships fall. Each refinement must be separately researched. So if you want super star galleys you will have to research them.

I have only included the slot gains as a rough guide, and only on some ships. They are subject to change as the cost of various systems that might be added is determined.

Now, unlike added caps in oLoE slots are actually filled with discrete systems. Thus unlike adding "+1 weapons", a Ship of the Line might have "2x +1 medium muzzleloader cannon banks" and "2 x +2 heavy muzzleloader cannon banks" to simulate multiple decks of large numbers of 24 pounder and 36-48 pounder cannon. Each weapons fit has a SPECIFIC amount of damage it deals that does not change based on class. Thus to make more powerful weapons loads you must usually stack multiple weapons together. A battleship with "+1 medium gun" has exactly the same gun loadout as a destroyer with "+1 medium gun"

Nevertheless, these systems are still based on what existed in old LoE, so the basic concept of the ships doesn't change, just how they're built.

So what I need are lists of added caps for everything based on the old weapons, armour, engines and other systems going up to TL3 at least. Then we can start playing with slot costs, damage and other abilities.

Galley (TL1)
MDP: 1
Move: 1
Engine Slots: 1 (gain +1 slot at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Option Slots: 4 (gain +2 slot at TL2, +1 at TL3, +1 at TL4, and +2 at TL5)

Small Sailing Ship (TL2)
MDP: 2
Move: 2
Weapon Slots: 3 (gain +1 slot at TL3, +1 at TL4, and +2 and TL5)
Engine Slots: 3 (gain +1 slot at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Option Slots: 1 (gain +1 slot at TL3, +1 at TL4, and +2 and TL5)

Large Sailing Ship (TL2)
MDP: 3
Move: 1
Weapon Slots: 6 (gain +2 slot at TL3, +2 at TL4, and +4 and TL5)
Engine Slots: 3 (gain +1 slot at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Option Slots: 2 (gain +2 slot at TL3, +2 at TL4, and +3 and TL5)

Patrol Boat (TL3)
MDP: 1
Move: 4
Weapon Slots: 2 (gain +2 slots at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Engine Slots: 4 (gain +2 slots at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Option Slots: 1 (gain +1 slot at TL4 and +1 at TL5)

Small Warship (TL3)
MDP: 3
Move: 4
Weapon Slots: 4 (gain +2 slots at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Engine Slots: 4 (gain +2 slots at TL4 and +2 at TL5)
Armour Slots: 2 (gain +1 slots at TL4 and +1 at TL5)
Option Slots: 2 (gain +1 slots at TL4 and +2 at TL5)

Cruiser (TL3)
MDP: 5
Move: 4
Weapon Slots: 6
Engine Slots: 4
Armour Slots: 4
Option Slots: 4

Battleship (TL3)
MDP: 10
Move: 4
Weapon Slots: 10
Armour Slots: 8
Engine Slots: 4
Option Slots: 6

Carrier (TL3)
MDP: 7
Move: 4
Weapon Slots: 5
Engine Slots: 4
Armour: 6
Option Slots: 10
Cargo Slots: 10

Note on option slots:
Option Slots may be loaded with any system, but pay double space for Weapons, Engines or Armor.