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Named after its founder, David Marche, this nation was originally a collection of transhumans, commissioned by a private company to set up a mining operation. In order to circumvent competition with the British-based Kentwich Corporation, the Rim was considered, and Marche leapted upon the opportunity. After cajoling for a the funds and manpower necessary for his vision, set out with a colonization force towards a cluster of potential systems, with dreams of personal power as undisputed leader of a thriving mining operation.

They awoke from their slumber amid several uncharted worlds, contact with Earth abruptly broken partway into the voyage. With no word from the company, Marche landed on the most suitable world – a lush planet replete with tangled rainforests – and begun constructing his empire. Seeking to explore further, the colonists focused on propulsion technologies and building transports, to acquire further resources and to reestablish connection with Earth. The latter proved difficult, and like any good, patriotic Earther, Marche gave up on it in favour of his own people.

Today, Marcheland has a strong economy, bolstered by advanced propulsion systems. The discovery of delta dust led to the advent of prolific FTL, lengthening supply routes and extending the transgenes further into the Rim. The discovery of other longshots provided Marcheland with the one thing that was lacking – a greater international market, which the businessmen and smugglers approach with lucrative intents.

History Paths

A1) Pioneers (+60 pop)
A2) Transhuman (+20 transgene)
A3) Garden World (+60 pop)
B) The New Men (+60 pop, +20 transgene) C)

E1) Open for Business (+100 wealth, +FTL application)
E2) Crossroads (+60 pop, +100 wealth)
E3) Into the Darkness (+FTL application, +100 dust)