Prototype Rim Powers

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Revision as of 21:58, 18 February 2010 by Shrike (talk | contribs)
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Longshot Mission (+100 Fabs)
Dominantly Transgene (+40 Transgene)
No Suitable World
Adapt (Radical Morphological Change)
Transgene Migration (+60 Pop, +20 Transgene)
Military Action (+2,500 Military)
Feral Drone Attack (+2,500 Military)
On The Edge (+15 SP, -200 Wealth, -200 CIP, -200 PIP, -150 Pop, -10,000 Military)
Exhumanize (+40 Transgene)
Scavenger World (Scraphunters, +100 Common Application)
Drone Whaling (++Xenotech Applications, +2 Global Tech Level)
Future Government (++Morale, +20 Transgene)


It is obvious to all that the future of mankind is found among the stars, adapted for life in vacuum and outside of the gravity wells of planets. The citizens of Chrysalis know. As they scavenge what they can from Velan drones and buy what they can about human augmentation from any who sell the expertise, adapting alien technology into cybernetic implants, they learn more and more about how to create a living thing which can survive in vacuum unaided. One day, they will crack the environmental seals of their colonies and truly live in space.


Longshot Mission
On The Edge
Grand Ambition
The New Gilded Age

The pirates got so bad the government collapsed. Their intrepid leader had a great idea - why not become the government, and then do it again?


Longshot Mission
Mixed Population
No Suitable World
Build Our Own
Crisis Situation
Muddle Through
Transgene Migration
On The Edge
Keep On Keeping On



Longshot Mission
Dominantly Transgene
Garden World
Population Boom
Transgene Migration
Military Action
Miner Beatdown
On The Edge
Get Digging
Death Spiral


Longshot Mission
Dominantly Transgene
Hell World
Make Do
Crisis Situation
Privatise it!
On The Edge
New Gilded Age
Death Spiral
Libertarian Rickroll

Rapture on Titan, without the failpile psychic thing. Black market hub.


Longshot Mission
Dominantly Transgene
Resource-Rich World
Fascinating Pharmaceuticals
Artefact Find
Crisis Situation
Sudden Change of Government
On The Edge
The Podunk Union
The Monolith
Power Projection
Found Religion

The White Flame burns bright in the darkness, bringing enlightenment of all kinds.


Longshot Mission (+100 Fabs)
Dominantly Transgene (+40 Transgene)
Resource World/Simple Ores
Transgene Migration (+60 Pop, +20 Transgene)
Military Action (+2,500 Military)
Miner beatdown
On The Edge (+15 SP, -200 Wealth, -200 CIP, -200 PIP, -150 Pop, -10,000 Military)
It'll work this time, I swear! (+Morale, +10 SP)
Regression (+200 PIP, +120 Population, -100 Application, -2 Global Techlevel)
Salvation Armada (+7,500 military)
Single Party Governance (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Wealth, +60 Population)


Fortosix is a example of a declined biosphere, the few remaining lifeforms are hardy plants and algae masses sparse oceans. The most remarkable feature of the planet is the considerable 'outgassing' of hydrocarbons, recent tidal stresses through an unknown cause (believed to be the passing of a large asteroid body) have led to the cracking of several reservoir which have begun to outpour onto the surface in significant amounts. Lakes of crude oil have sprung up in the past few hundred years before human settlement. Initially designed with resource export in mind, the sheer isolation of the colony soon lead to issues, the difficult working conditions of mining in a substrate festering with oil lead to the collapse of the multiparty communal government and a harsh autocractic single party government who forced the miners in line. With cities choked with smog and seas of oil, it remains a difficult world, but one brimming with resources and potential.


Longshot Mission
Dominantly Baseline
Garden World
Population Boom
On The Edge
Keep On Keeping On
Pod People
I'll Take The Low Road
Hippies Under The Bed

The rulers of Hanns are well aware of one fact - in the long term, manpower matters. With enough people, they will simply be too big to conquer or dismiss, and well-placed to catch-up when the time comes.