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Sphere Technology


Static Harpoon

Advanced FTL drives depend largely on scrubbing causal static from the jumper as quickly as possible. Reversal of these techniques allow an object (such as a railgun or rifle shell) to be 'charged' with static and launched into an enemy, rendering them unable to jump until their drive can clear the interference.


Nova Cannon

The essence of electrochemical weaponry is that of a shell propelled by sudden chemical energy release and thermal expansion. However, as increasingly desperate League scientists have discovered, there are limits to mundane chemistry, and macro-scale weaponry has persistently remained beyond practical feasibility. The development of effective plasma containment changes this. By using a large nephilim-cored shell with advanced containment mechanisms, a high-grade plasma blast can be 'caught' and used as both initial boost and sustained thrust to propel the shell at tremendous velocities, until containment fails and plasma is released into the target.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 75
Subsidiary Indices: Electrochemical Weapons 35

Nephilim Replication

True nephilim armour cannot be replicated by human industry, but advanced study can provide enough understanding of the structure to manufacture it directly using posthuman fabricators or Velan nanomachines.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 60
Subsidiary Indices: Materials 20


Fusion Needlers

The key limiting factor for plasma weaponry is containment, which metric-alteration technology is remarkably adept at. Enterprising engineers have exploited this to combine the two into a long-range weapon with fearsome penetrative power.
Required Feral Xenotech index: 50
Required Basic Theotech index: 50
Subsidiary Indices: Particle Weapons 20


Population: 0 (0)
Transhumanism: 3 (4)
Infrastructure: 2 (2)
Growth Potential: 0 (0)
Military Support: 5 (5)
Space Fleet: 3 (3)
Diplomacy: 0 (0)
Espionage: 2 (2)
General Advancement: 1 (4)
Unique Technology: 4 (8)
Emergent Technologies: 2 (3)
Magic: 3 (4)

Snail (final statblock)

Race: Classic (+1 universal)
Occupation: I-tech (+1 education)
Traits: Obsessed (research) [+3], Dark Past [+5], Obscure Knowledge (AI programming, xenopsychology, esoteric computing, mindstate engineering) [4]
Physical 1 [0]
Smarts 11 [55]
Education 6 [10] specialise Systems Theory 4 [10]
Integrity 4 [6]
Perception 2 [1]
Charisma 4 [6]

Conditioning [0]
Intrusion 2 [3]
Technology 2 [3] specialise Computers 5 [15]
Cacophony Tech 1


Chocobos are large birds related to the common chicken. They come in several varieties.

Yellow Chocobos (common cavalry)

  • Yellow chocobos are the most common variety and can be found across the world, particularly in forests. Their vicious claws and beaks have disembowelled many a handler.
  • Level of badass

Blue Chocobos (common cavalry)

  • These amphibious blue chocobos live near water. They have webbed feet and beaks shaped to capture fish.
  • Aquatic

Green Chocobos (common cavalry):

  • Green chocobos live in mountainous or hilly regions. They can navigate precipitous cliffs and narrow gorges with a speed and agility that startles riders of more ponderous beasts.
  • Celerity

Brown Chocobos (common cavalry):

  • Brown chocobos lurk in deserts and forests.
  • Stealthy

White Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • White chocobos are a sign of good luck. Many tales abound of them aiding injured travellers. Of course, many tales also abound of them demanding payment.
  • Intelligence, sometimes including magic (cure)
  • Regeneration

Red Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • Red chocobos are the unfortunate creation of Fultin the Pyromancer during the necromantic wars. Predictably, they can breathe fire. The incessant heat of their internal organs is distinctly uncomfortable and gives them an absolutely awful temper. Pity the trainer tasked with breaking one.
  • Etheric metabolism
  • Conflagration

Black Chocobos (exotic cavalry):

  • Black chocobos roost in the stoutest treetops. Their majestic wings, black as the night sky, are so vast and strong as to allow them to fly.
  • Flight

Gold Chocobos (rare cavalry):

  • Gold chocobos, or 'royal chocobos', are the rarest and most wondrous kind. The adventurer lucky enough to find one and foolish enough to attempt to capture it will find a potent opponent as canny and proud as any king.
  • Flight
  • Level of badass
  • Intelligence, sometimes including magic (choco meteor)