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System Info
World Name:
Map ID:
Surface Gravity:
Population Breakdown:
Type of Power: Independent Enclave
Domestic He3:
Strategic Resources:

National Overview

As Of January 2195

Genre: Boobs! ^-^

Head of State:

Head of Government:

Government: Multi-Party Democracy

Political Alignment:

Traits: History Paths(tentative)
Resource base → Dominantly transgene → Garden World(Pop boom) → Transgene Migration → Crisis Situation!:Innovate Madly → Isolated:Go Weird → Planet Walmart → Expanse Production Center → Friends from ZOCU → Chaotic Event: Reaganomics(Thatchernomics? :p )

Total bonuses: PIP: +++++ CIP: +++ Transgene: +++++ ARROWS Relations: + Pop: +++ Wealth: + Dust: + Air Doctrine: + Ground Doctrine: + Mecha Tech: + Mega Particle Cannon Tech: +

Government Bonuses:
+ Morale
+ Application(Common)
+ Wealth/CIP

PIP: 1000 + 240 = 1240
CIP: 800 + 240 = 1040
Wealth: 600 + 240 = 840


What eventually became Valera was initially supposed one of the first longshot missions ever to make their way from Earth. Facing what was felt to be increasing persecution in the future, the leaders of a multi-national band of early transgenes decided to stake a place out of their own before things on Earth deteriorated, which they eventually did. Although the planning had been an easy process, the logistical and financial aspects of the journey were far less straightforward, and quite far along the way the realization set in that they could not get the infrastructure together without outside help. For several years the Valeran mission languished earthside, deadlocked in negotiations until a corporate sponsor, a mining conglomerate that had been eager to scope out new and faraway sources of minerals as a long term investment, approached the leaders and offered to provide them the necessary funding and materials in exchange for an interest in whatever valuable metals and ores were found. Faced with the prospect of further delays and finding the terms of this agreement quite generous, the mission leaders quickly approved it.

And it was finally then that the Valeran mission finally began it's journey. In the early days, these longshot jumps were considered quite risky, the technology for faster than light travel still in it's infancy. Thankfully this particular colonization jump was successful, and while it took a number of months to get there, the mission's ships arrived at their destination intact. Their destination planet was no slouch either, with it's varied but very highly livable climate with more than enough mineral riches for them and their sponsor. It was in earnest then that the posthuman provided fabbers began to churn and construct the first settlements of their new world.

However mysteries about their new home remained. To the south pole lay not ice and snow, but a hot desert, a development that confounded weather researchers that attempted to explain the phenomenon. Imaging flights over the region discovered large pre-existing structures, likely of alien origin. After that discovery, it was decided to close that area off to trespassers and treasure hunters, but given the potential for discoveries, perhaps it was unavoidable that eventually someone, motivated by scientific curiosity or avarice, would eventually get through.

In any case, the testimonies of the person or people who finally managed to do so were never heard from again, the ruins and the desert having likely claiming them for their act. However the aftershocks wouldn't. Within an instant, all animal life within the desert died en masse as the air around the deserted became some sort of pathogenic state, as if the desert was “cleansing” itself. Then, when it was finished with the Southern Desert the alien pathogens spread themselves worldwide, poisoning the air and somehow making offworld communications impossible. Many Thousands perished in it's wake, almost all of them male, a fact that quickly caught on by the colonial government , which put everything with a y-chromosome it could find under isolation. It was a strange and awkward turn of events, and many had severe misgivings about quarantining what had previously been half the entire population, now reduced to a mere small fraction of it's former self that were seen as disease resistant, but it was thought to be necessary, lest there be nothing left of them at all.

Realizing that they were on the cusp of a great societal change, the colonial government also took to acquiring up every single iron womb, every single cloning machine they could secure, more than a few of those from less than legitimate sources formerly used for less than legitimate purposes. With little knowledge on how to operate them, the government soon put them to work, embarking on a crash course on their manufacture and use alongside teams working to defuse the airborne pathogens or perhaps find a way to transhumanize their way out of it's effects. Though none of these measures proved to be the one silver bullet to getting their way out of this crisis, all of these paths did manage to converge together, as improved models of population machines began churning out stronger and better templates while scientists labored on how to dispel the air of the alien pathogen. Still, even as the pathogen finally began to dissipate, perhaps as much a product of it naturally running it's course as Valeran scientific efforts, the consensus was that Valeran society would never be the same again, and it grimly prepared itself for this new reality, both internally and particularly externally as they gradually came into contact with the Core and other colonies.


Dramatis Personae

