League Joint Operations Command

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In the years following the end of the breakdown, the League's politicians and strategists were faced with multiple problems: The need to ensure the League militaries were able to effectively cooperate, the need to ensure the League was up-to-date militarily, and the need to create collective institutions to ensure the League stayed bound together. A cornerstone of the efforts to combat this is the Outer Sphere League Unified Force.

The Unified Force is a multinational service under the auspices of the League General Council, with a remit to police space lanes, uphold the territorial integrity of the League member states, and to accompany and assist member states in a military capacity. Notably, while it accepts recruits from all league worlds, it is not actually prerequisite to be a citizen for enlisted personnel and lower officer ranks. This policy was designed to expand the recruit base and to aid in the modernisation of the military by attracting skilled individuals from Inner Sphere militaries, but has also made the Unified Force a foreign legion of sorts, offering a new life (with fast-track immigration and generous benefits) to those who desire one.

