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Revision as of 13:27, 12 January 2010 by Maloncanth (talk | contribs) (moved Londenium to Londinium: wikipedia and google say you spell it like this)
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System Info
World Name:
Map ID:
Surface Gravity:
Population Breakdown:
Domestic He3:

National Overview

As Of January 2195


Head of State:

Head of Government:


Political Alignment:



A lush garden world with a surface gravity of approximately 1.2 G, Londinium is the de facto capital and bureaucratic center of ZOCU, where most of the union's various agencies maintain their primary offices. One of the most populous worlds in the Expanse, Londinium has a minority transgene population that makes up much of the 'aristocracy' that is both a relic and contemporary expression of the original primarily-transgene settlement. The ratio of transgenes is steadily increasing as Londinium (like most ZOCU worlds) subsidizes the cost of genetic upgrades. This large, capable population also allowed Londinium to get an edge up on industrialization, and until recently was one of the few worlds in the Expanse capable of building large warships. Nonetheless, it remains an economically and scientifically important world.


A lush garden world with a surface gravity of approximately 1.2 G, Londinium is the de facto capital and bureaucratic center of ZOCU, where most of the union's various agencies maintain their primary offices. One of the most populous worlds in the Expanse, Londinium has a minority transgene population that makes up much of the 'aristocracy' that is both a relic and contemporary expression of the original primarily-transgene settlement. The ratio of transgenes is steadily increasing as Londinium (like most ZOCU worlds) subsidizes the cost of genetic upgrades. This large, capable population also allowed Londinium to get an edge up on industrialization, and until recently was one of the few worlds in the Expanse capable of building large warships. Nonetheless, it remains an economically and scientifically important world.

Initial Colonization Mission Type

Early National (+ CIP)

Initial Colony Population

Mixed (+ transgene, + SP)

Destination World

Garden World
Population Boom (++ pop, - wealth)

History of the Colony, Volume 1

Transgene Migration (+ transgene, + population)

History of the Colony, Volume II

Artifacts! (+ dust)
Active Machinery (+ theta, - dust)

The Breakdown

Broken-down (+ PIP)
Become energy independent (+ Helium, + dust)

The Zodiac Organization

Solidarity! (+ Dust, - debt, Treaty of Sirius)

ZOCU World Politics

Put It Behind Us (+ Wealth, + Pop, + stockpiles)

ZOCU World Economics

Arms Production Center (+ PIP, + RP, + weapon tech)

ZOCU World Military

Giant Robots Rule (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha tech)

Government Type

Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + Tech, + Wealth)

Starting Technology

+ Mega-Particle Tech, + Power Tech, +3 Hangarize, +4 Shipbuilding, Cruiser Construction
Capital Construction, Propulsion Tech


+ SP
++++ Pop
++ Transgene
+ Morale
+ Wealth
++ PIP
+ RP
++ Dust
+ Theta
+ Helium
+++ Doctrines
+++++ + Specific Techs
+ Techs
Treaty of Sirius


Dramatis Personae
