FRW Conspiracies
The SolFed Senate
Exactly what it says on the tin. Connections right at the top.
- Type: Overt (as they come)
- Strength: Political power, Requisitions, Reinforcements, Resources
- Connection: INTACT, SolFed Fleet
The Independent Tactical Armoured Counter Terrorism unit. The Solar Federation's mecha-SS, FBI and Homeland Security all rolled into one.
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Intelligence, Reinforcements, Requisitions, Nuclear Weapons
- Connection: SolFed Fleet
SolFed Fleet
The 'big stick' of the Solar Federation. While they lack the individual expertise and effectiveness of INTACT ships and pilots, the Solar Fleet has a lot of battleships.
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Reinforcements, Requisitions, Battleships
- Connection: INTACT
The Engo Houses
The various Engo transhumans are a powerful bloc in the Solar Federation's politics, the owners and rulers of the vast orbiting city of Glakurant.
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Political power, Resources, Reinforcements
- Connection: SolFed Senate, Glakurant Technologies
The Futurists
An 'Old Boys' network dedicated to advancing the security and interests of the Solar Federation, by which is meant a strong central government run by transhumans. A spiritual successor to organizations like the Grand Army of the Republic
- Type: Covert
- Strength: Political power, Intelligence, Requisitions
- Connection: SolFed Senate, Nivium Aerospace
Nivium Aerospace
The Lunar-based Nivium Aerospace is a primary SolFed contractor for advanced technologies, particularly physics-related.
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Requisitions, Resources, Upgrades
- Connection: The Futurists
Glakurant Technologies
The Engo design and build a significant number of different weapons, specifically tailored for their physiological limits.
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Requisitions, Resources, Upgrades
- Connection: The Engo Houses
The Seraphim Organization
Originally part of the Space Independence Alliance around Saturn, the Seraphim Organization has become an increasing part of the Solfed military industral complex, supplying cutting-edge equipment to the Solar Federation. Rumors persist of darker connections however . . .
- Type: Overt
- Strength: Intelligence, Resources, Upgrades
- Connection: ??
Cypress is a pro-baseline organization, quietly working to improve the status of baseline humans in the face of unfortunately common high-grade prejudice.
- Type: Covert
- Strength: Intelligence, Resources, Manpower
- Connection: The League of Outer Stars?
Neo Jove
Sieg Jove!
- Type: Covert (for now...)
- Strength: ???
- Connection: Everywhere...