Collegium (LoE20)

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The emperor — so they say — has sent a message directly from his death bed to you alone, his pathetic subject, a tiny shadow which has taken refuge at the furthest distance from the imperial sun. He ordered the herald to kneel beside him and in front of the entire crowd of those witnessing his death—all the great ones of his empire are standing in a circle on the broad and high soaring flights of stairs—in front of all of them he dispatched his herald. The messenger, powerful and tireless, started off at once. But the crowd is so huge, its dwelling places are infinite. If there were an open field, how he would fly along, and soon you would hear the marvelous pounding of his fist on your door. Instead, he is still forcing his way through the private rooms of the innermost palace, and if he did manage that he would have to fight his way down the steps, stride through the courtyards, and after the courtyards through the second palace encircling the first, and so on for thousands of years. And if he finally burst through the outermost door — but that can never, never happen — the royal capital city, the centre of the world, is still there in front of him, piled high and full of sediment. No one pushes his way through here, certainly not someone with a message from a dead man.

Yet you sit at your window and dream of that message when evening comes.
- Franz Kafka, “The Imperial Message”

The Sublime Yuhwan College of Nations including the Pious Common Kingship of the Hoopoewood and the Sanctified Tsintsar Crown of Yuhwasattva Vãduva
Gyerim-Covasna (Colloquial)
Yuhwan Starburst Seal of the Eoraha
Motto: ýezî drujem vêñnghaitî"
("The Righteous will smite the Liar.")
Yatha Ahu Vairyo
Royal Anthem
Saka March
System Map
Temporary Capitals Main:
Soreaobol (Auxiliary)
Royal Capitals Soreaobol (Gyerim)
Official languages Liturgical Arshan
Koine Yavanan
High Gushan
Other spoken languages:
Gyerimean Sakan, Low Gushan, Vaspurakan
Religion Orthodox Yuhwaism
Demonym Yuhwan, Dahae(derogatory)
Government Federal Theocracy
- Eoraha
- Marshal of the Sejm
- Grand Domestic
Legislatures Looya Jiirga (Floating Chamber)
- Ecclesiastical College of Magi
- Federal College of Princes
- Popular Assembly Celestial Sejm
- Floating Chambers
- White Turban Rebellion
- Battle of
- Treaty of
Regions 16
Currency Drachma
Patron Saint The Uncrowned King
Patron Yazata Yazd Tavus
Preceded by
Faryunid-Mashanid Dynasty

Western Gushan

In Brief

Type: Empire
Population: 70 Million Housed (70 SP)

  • + 35 Bonus PP/month
  • Population Growth (3%): 2,100,000 per annum

Terrain: 16 Regions
Infrastructure (190 SP)

  • Industry [45 PP/month] 10 PP/month (10 SP) + 35 Bonus PP/month
    • Build Time [2x]
  • Wealth [70 WU/month] (70 SP)
  • Research [40 RP/annum] (40 SP)
    • Artificing Build Time [(Base Batch Cost+Capabilities)x5 Months]
  • Ether Collection [70 EU/month] (70 SP)
  • Magical Creatures & Friends (Magic Haven)
    • [25 RP/Month]

Technological (125 SP)

  • Engineering [TL3.75]
  • Chemistry [TL3.75]
  • Mathematics [TL3.75]
  • Biology [TL3]
  • Psychology [TL3.25]

Magical (150 SP)

  • Destruction [ML3]
  • Creation [ML3]
  • Movement [ML5]
  • Mental [ML5]
  • Matter [ML4]

Advantages (75 SP)

  • Fanatical Population (-25 SP)
  • Mystic Haven (-50 SP)

Disadvantages (-145 SP)

  • Factious World (+5 SP)
  • Weak Government (+25 SP)
  • Incompetent Armed Forces (+50 SP)
  • Nuke Free Zone (+30 SP)
  • Disaster Zone (+10 SP)
  • Home is Where the Heart is (+25 SP)

Starting Military
Starting Military (135 SP): 1,350 PP
Initial Production

  • Half Builds: 225 PP
  • Magical Wildlife: 25 PP


“In this region stands a bronze vessel, as much as six times greater than the cauldron dedicated by Pausanias son of Cleombrotus at the entrance of the Pontus.10 To any who has not yet seen this latter I will thus make my meaning plain: the Scythian bronze vessel easily contains five thousand and four hundred gallons, and it is of six fingers' thickness. […] For their king, whose name was Ariantas, desiring to know the numbers of the Scythians, commanded every Scythian to bring him the point from an arrow, threatening all who should not so do with death. So a vast number of arrow-heads was brought, and he resolved to make and leave a memorial out of them; and he made of these this bronze vessel, and set it up in this country. Thus much I heard concerning the number of the Scythians.” 
– Herodotus, the Histories, IV.81
70 Million (70 SP)
Housing: [70/70], +35 Bonus PP/Month
Growth (3%): 2,100,000 per annum


Theme: Undeveloped
Terrain Regions: 16 Regions (1 + 7 from Housed Population, x2 from Undeveloped)
Terrain Points: 35 TMP

The Pious Common Kingship of the Hoopoe Wood

The Sanctified Tsintsar Crown of Yuhwasattva Vãduva

The Three Zunisdans



Principality of Tao

Saka Paradraya

Saka Tigraxauda



10 PP/Month + 35 Bonus PP/Month

70 Wealth/Month

  • Treasury: 350 WU

40 Research/Year

75 Ether Collection/Month

  • Strategic Reserve: 140 EU



“Or, one should see with one's own eyes the Reception Hall of Khosraw, that powerful achievement of Persian architecture. Ar-Rashid intended to tear it down and destroy it but failed for all his trouble. He began the work, but then was not able to continue. […]  It is worth noting that one dynasty was able to construct a building that another dynasty was not able to tear down, even though destruction is much easier than construction.” 
- Ibn Khaldūn, the Muqaddimah
Engineering [TL3.75] 100 Base +275 RP
Chemistry [TL3.75] 100 Base + 275 RP
Mathematics [TL3.75] 100 Base + 275 RP
Biology [TL3] 100 Base + 200 RP
Psychology [TL3.25] 100 Base + 225 RP


In this offering, with this Baresman, I desire to approach the sublime immortals with my praise,
And I desire to approach the Saints with my praise,
And I desire to approach the spirits of the waters with my praise, and the spirits of the mountains with my praise,
And I desire to approach with my praise those chiefs who strike the wing, those which wander the steppe with my praise,
Witnesses of the ritual, each in their turn.
-Avesta Visperad 2.1
Destruction [ML3] 100 Base + 200 RP
Creation [ML3] 100 Base + 200 RP
Movement [ML4] 100 Base + 300 RP
Mental [ML5] 100 Base + 400 RP
Matter [ML4] 100 Base + 300 RP



Fanatical Population

"O King of kings, I am ready to do thy commandments, for my mother brought me into the world that I might weary myself for thee, and unto thee pertaineth rest and joy, and unto me combat everlasting."
- Firdausi, “Shahnamah”

Mystic Haven (50 SP):

We circled once, at screaming speed, well outside the null. I was astounded at what Darling had put together. About fifty windwhales, including some monsters over a thousand feet long. Mantas by the hundred. A vast wedge of walking trees. Battalions of human soldiers. Menhirs by the hundred, flickering around the walking triees, shielding them. Thousands of things that leaped and hopped and glided and flopped and flew. So gruesome and wondrous a sight.
- Glen Cook, “The White Rose”

You can add your own Added Capabilities to them using your Advancement Levels, in which case the creatures are treated as uncapped ‘base’ units (with a cost of Base Batch Cost x Advancement Level) that are already built, reducing build times. Otherwise, you can treat them as ML3 or ML4 units designed using the Artificing rules and they enter service immediately. Note that this is limited to units that have a Base Batch size of 1:1 or smaller.


Factious World (+5 SP)

It is this fact of a great continent which is so essential for our country. God's Kingdom is part of a continuum, the greatest shard of the ancient spire. Should it have been isolated it would not have formed at all. Every country on Camad shares things with the others, and the innumerable little nations of this place have been shaped by our connection. It also means, to our detriment, we must sometimes share this place with those we'd rather send very far away.
- Pontiff-Prelate Samangan, Marginalia on the pages of Study of the Spire’s Fragments

Weak Government (+25 SP)

What are the nobles doing who join him instead of the commanders? Trampling on law. What is the army doing? Violating discipline. And is he, a citizen, is he, a soldier, to stand at the head of lawlessness? Is he to cover it with his own dignity? Is he to give an example of insubordination, arbitrariness, disregard of law, all merely to receive power two months earlier? Is he to give such a fearful example to succeeding ages? To-day Prince Yeremi acts in this way; tomorrow, Konyetspolski, Pototski Firlei, Zamoyski, or Lyubomirski. And if each one, without reference to law and discipline, acts according to his own ambition; if the children follow the example of their fathers and grandfathers, what future is before that unhappy country? The worms of arbitrariness, disorder, self-seeking have so gnawed the trunk of that Commonwealth, that under the axe of civil war the rotten wood is scattered, the dry limbs fall from the tree. What will happen when those whose duty it is to guard and save it as the apple of the eye put fire under it? What will happen then? Oh, Jesus, Jesus!
- Henryk Sienkiewicz, "With Fire and Sword"

Incompetent Armed Forces (+15 SP)

“I have to confer with you!” Pause. “I’ve been abused,” he resumed, peering straight into the lawyer’s sparkling glasses, and noticed after a while that words were failing him. He should have brought the primer along. With that odious object in hand, he would have had a far easier time explaining things.
“What kind of abuse?” asked the lawyer.
“I never served with the cavalry.” That was how Captain Trotta felt he might best begin, although he himself realized he was not making himself clear. “And here these shameless writers write in the children’s books that I galloped up on a sorrel, they write, on a sweat-covered sorrel, to rescue the monarch, they write.”
The lawyer understood. He knew the piece himself from his sons’ books. “You’re taking it too seriously, captain,” he said. “Don’t forget, it’s for children.”
- Joseph Roth, The Radetzky March

Nuke Free Zone (+30 SP)

“[…] if anyone kills a human being, unless it is in punishment for murder or for spreading corruption on earth, it will be as though he killed of all human beings. And, if anyone saves a life, it will be as though he had saved the lives of all human beings. Our Messengers came to them with evidence of the truth. Yet, many of them continued to corrupt earth by their over indulgence.”
- The Qur’an 5:32 (Trans. Safi Kaskas & David Hungerford)

Disaster Zone (+10 SP):

Between the trees, there is a bear ghost.
Bottom of the pond, there is a water ghost.
Beyond the sky, there is a phoenix.
Behind the traveler, there is a goblin.
What a shining bright full moon, EOLSSU!
Behold, Now the greatest tiger is coming down to this whispering mountain.
Let’s dance on this night until you lose your mind
Let’s dance right under the teeth of the Mountain God.
- Ahn Yeeun, “Changgwi”

Home is Where the Heart is

The ocean can be yours; why should you stop
Beguiled by dreams of evanescent dew?
The secrets of the sun are yours, but you
Content yourself with motes trapped in beams.
- Attar Nishapuri, "Conference of the Birds"



College of Magi

College of Princes

Regular and Republican Guard

Infantry & Cavalry

We knew that we should lose him. For one thing, we knew that he would be promoted. It was our great hope that some day he would command the company. Also we knew that he would be killed. He was so amazingly unself-conscious. For that reason we knew that he would be absolutely fearless. So it proved… 

Bombs and air torpedoes were dropping round us all day. Of course the captain was there. It seemed as if he could not keep away. A torpedo fell into the trench, and buried some of our chaps. The fellows next to them ran to dig them out. Of course he was one of the first. Then came another torpedo in the same place. That was the end.

But he lives. Somehow he lives. And we who knew him do not forget. We feel his eyes on us. We still work for that wonderful smile of his. There are not many of the old lot left now; but I think that those who went West have seen him. When they got to the other side I think they were met. Someone said: "Well done, good and faithful servant." And as they knelt before that gracious pierced Figure, I reckon they saw nearby the captain's smile. Anyway, in that faith let me die, if death should come my way; and so, I think, shall I die content.
- Donald Hankey, “The Beloved Captain”


Artillery in battle has its men grouped around the pieces, stationary assembly points, broadly distributed, each one having its commander and its cannoneers, who are always the same. Thus there is in effect a roll call each time artillery is put into battery. Artillery carries its men with it; they cannot be lost nor can they hide. If the officer is brave, his men rarely desert him. Certainly, in all armies, it is in the artillery that the soldier can best perform his duty. 
-Ardant du Picq, Battle Studies IV. “Artillery”

Logistics Corps

“It’s a matter of accountability!” 
- Hasemi Rasenjin, Guns & Stamps

Regular and Republican All Flags Fleet

“A navy is essentially and necessarily aristocratic. True as may be the political principles for which we are now contending they can never be practically applied or even admitted on board ship, out of port, or off soundings. This may seem a hardship, but it is nevertheless the simplest of truths. Whilst the ships sent forth by the Congress may and must fight for the principles of human rights and republican freedom, the ships themselves must be ruled and commanded at sea under a system of absolute despotism.” 
-John Paul Jones, Letter to the Naval Committee of Congress (14 September 1775)


“Meanwhile we wait and prepare, and prepare to make ourselves fit to fulfil our destiny. Let us hope that destiny is the destruction in a fair fight of the High Seas Fleet.” 
- Sea Saga, Lt. Stephen King-Hall

Fleet Air Arm