Crisis of the Lighthouse Empire

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Common Units

Firangi Squad (Melee Infantry) - Common soldiers armed with three weapons: a molecular steel longsword, a short oscilloknife and a subsonic dart-thrower with poisoned or explosive tips.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Sauterelles Squad (Ranged Infantry) - Sharpshooters named after their great shoulder-carried variable-speed rifles, found in all modern militaries.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Aerochar Unit (Armored) - Mobile fortresses buoyed by suspensor fields, these craft terrorize infantry with flamethrowers and crush them under the gravitic 'wake' created by their primary drive.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Akinci Flight (Aerospace) - A common pattern of multirole tiltjet, with a small transport bay, advanced CnC avionics and armed with ground-strike kinetics and thermobaric missiles.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Standard-Bearer (Champion) - A high honor among Pariya armies, the Standard-Bearer is responsible for the care of the legion standard and the performance of regimental music. He will also be called upon to minister to troops, execute stratagems in the field and may be the chosen champion in duels.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Cockatrice Battery (Artillery) - Exceptionally common mobile rocket artillery batteries, primarily carrying either thermobaric warheads or shield-penetrating corrosive payloads.

  • Tags: Tier 1
  • Cost: TBD

Rare Units

Grenadier Squad (Melee Infantry) - These veteran soldiers are found in great numbers among the armies of the Hindstadt, combining skilled swordsmanship and skill with explosives.

  • Tags: Tier 2
  • Cost: TBD, Old Guard

Imperial Vettakarn Squad (Ranged Infantry) - A prestigious Imperial sharpshooter force composed of noble sons drawn up from the consort families at the margins of the Imperial house and other sons-of-socialites in the capital region. The recent patronage of the Marquise zu Menkent, a famous mistress of the Emperor has seen them outfitted with the finest weapons and armor available.

  • Tags: Tier 3, Imperial, Political
  • Cost: TBD

Desolator (Armored) - House Menkent's infamous superheavy hovertanks are armed with thermonuclear boreguns that can knife through shields at close range and atomize opposing troop formations. Their only weakness is their antiquated sensors and shoddy computer systems, which have not been updated in centuries.

  • Tags: Tier 4, Late
  • Cost: TBD

Hatzegopteryx Flight (Aerospace) - These gorgeous flying machines were created by House Quess in great numbers by a reclusive master ornithwright who tragically perished when a splinter of Old Machines invaded their fief-world from a hidden darkspace terminal. Quess' airforce became hardened veterans in the years of fighting that followed, but every one of their craft is now an irreplaceable antique.

  • Tags: Tier 4, Parade, Old Guard
  • Cost: TBD

Misthia of the Azmidi School (Champions) - The penultimate rank in a sect of all-female swordfighters, the Misthia serve as trainers and mercenary field commanders to various noble houses.

  • Tags: Tier 3, Mercenary
  • Cost: TBD

Imperial Illuminator (Artillery) - A minor court noble with powerful Phosphor abilities manifesting as spontaneous electromagnetic discharges within line of sight that play havoc with shields and cause common ground troops to combust violently. Illuminators are recognizable by their reflective garb and the permanent, deep tan that blankets all their exposed flesh.

  • Tags: Tier 4, Imperial
  • Cost: TBD