Talk:Agents of ANIMA

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General Seras Lunagood

Tarot: The Magician
Concept: Magitek General
Player: Silence
Bio and World: The world of Silvan is dominated by the Empire of Arkadia, under the rule of Empress Gesthalia XV, a former Witch, whose taken to body swapping in secret and been engaged in shadow war against the forces of the "Greater Aether" as she calls ANIMA. As one of her vatborn Generals, Seras has lead both armies and personally connected to her summoned Mek <Alexander> victories against those who would rebel against the Empress. The sudden charge of treason and arrest and flight from Imperial forces saw Seras run into arms of ANIMA. It remains to be seen if this was caused by paranoia or part of a greater plan by the Empress.

Vivane Elala

Tarot: The Empress
Concept: Sinister Priestess
Player: FBH
Bio and World: An agent of the Chrysanthemum organization in her home universe, where it attempts to preserve human cognition and morality. In order to truly fulfil her organizational mission she has given her loyalty to ANIMA and become an agent across the multiverse, where she controls many sinister conspiracies, usually involving light, gold and beauty.


Tarot: The Tower