FBH Pathfinder: Curse of the Rune Throne
God Prompts for Exhack
Lawful Good Giant Stone Head that gives sensible advice
- Purview: knowledge, law, good sense
- Giant Stone Head
- LG
- Hundred Armed War God
- CN
- Purview: War, Slaughter, etc.
- A giant warrior with a hundred arms
- God of the cycle of death and rebirth
- LN
- Purview: Death, Law, reincarnation
- Big Jade judge on thrown
- Drow Goddess of Rebellions
- CG
- Purview: Chaos, Goodness, rebellion etc.
- Attractive young drow women wearing pure darkness.
- Giant Building that's also a god
- N
- Purview: Architecture, Fortresses, Ambition
- Giant fucking building, holy shit, it's actually a building that is the physical creation of a god.