ND Rules

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Adaption of the Gurps 3d6 roll under system to an Empire SD format.



While the military is the most obvious sign of power, ones true potential lies in the muscle and bone that drives its fearsome blade. Such is the important of ones infrastructure, as the strongest military force in the world is all but powerless unless backed by a matching ability to support it. infrastructure is treated somewhat differently then in other SD's with the status of each point being split into four states, Inactive, Active, Mobilized, and Mothballed; with the second difference being its expansion is resolved Monthly. Not all states are applicable to all Infrastructure types, exceptions will be noted under their relevant section.
Inactive is Infrastructure that is lacking the minimum population 'draft' required needed to operate, and as such produces nothing. This represents idle industry, power plants, or farms that are short of staff, and if left unchecked for long durations will eventually lead to the capability represented rotting away.
Active is Infrastructure that has been provided its minimum requirements but has not been Mobilized to government ends. In this state, depending on the infrastructure in question, its assumed to be happily producing goods and services for the civilian sector and eventually generating government income via taxes. Most infrastructure will likely spend its life here.
Mobilized is Infrastructure that is Active and with the application of Wealth has been mobilized for government use. While in this state it can be used to produce military goods and equipment, the trade off is its no longer contributing to the civilian sector and thus generating no taxable Wealth.
Mothballed is Infrastructure that is Inactive and has special preparations made for long term storage and caretaking. In this state no Population is required and the represented capability will not degrade provided a yearly upkeep payment of Wealth per point is made. However such infrastructure also does not contribute either to the civilian sector or government, and can only be brought back online at the rate of X points with an immediate Wealth payment per month .


Represents one industrial might, and is split into Four sub categories. Each are required to construct or produce a certain type of product from Tanks and Infantry to WMDs. All Industry types are assumed to generate X Wealth per Active but un-mobilized point, representing their taxable profits on the Civilian market. The amount that can be mobilized without drawing public ire is controlled by Domestic Support.
  • Primary:
    • Conventional industry, from forges and steel furnaces to microchip lithography and advanced programming. Most goods are produced with this.
    • Costs X Wealth to Mobilize per Point.
    • Requires X Population per point to function.
    • Costs X Mobilized Primary Industry per Point for expansion, and 1/2 this cost per level of Hardening against attack.
    • Can be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.
  • Biological
    • The production of Food which is vital for the continued survival of your Military and Population. However when Mobilized this takes on a darker size, as it shifts from producing life to death in the form of weaponized biological agents.
    • Produces X Food per Active point, costs X wealth per point to Mobilize in which case it production can be applied to turning out biological agents instead.
    • Requires X Population per point to function.
    • Costs X Mobilized Primary Industry per Point for expansion, and 1/2 this cost per level of Hardening against attack.
    • Can be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.
  • Chemical
    • Ones chemical industry, while its assumed to produce many useful things in game terms its most important for the refinement of certain resources into Fuel. When Active its assumed to produce X fuel from each point of resource which is required to power all vehicles and field structures. However when Mobilized this switches to the production of weaponized chemical agents instead.
    • Produces X Fuel per Active point when provided Resources, costs X Wealth to mobilize in which case it production can be applied to turning out chemical agents instead.
    • Requires X Population per point to function.
    • Costs X Mobilized Primary Industry per Point for expansion, and 1/2 this cost per level of Hardening against attack.
    • Can be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.
  • Nuclear
    • Ones ability to apply Nuclear technology, this represents the ability to produce civilian nuclear technology and more importantly process Nuclear Material, or when Mobilized the fabrication of physics packages for nuclear weapons and military reactors.
    • Allows the production of Reactors and Refinement of Nuclear Materials per X point of resource, or the production of nuclear weapons when mobilized.
    • Requires X Population per point to function.
    • Costs X Mobilized Primary Industry per Point for expansion, and 1/2 this cost per level of Hardening against attack.
    • Can be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.



If the Military is the sword, and Industry the muscle behind it, Research would be the brains.
  • Allows the development of new Systems or Vehicles, and the Advancement of Technology categories when Mobilized.
  • Requires X Population per point to function.
  • Costs X Mobilized Primary Industry per Point for expansion, and 1/2 this cost per level of Hardening against attack.
  • Can be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.


Unlike in other SD's Wealth is not automatically produced each month, instead it comes from Active but Un-mobilized Industry and Research, Trade, and certain resources.
  • The exact amount is controlled by Economic Strength and Corruption.
  • Does NOT requires any population to function.
  • Cannot be mobilized or hardened.
  • Cannot be: Inactive, Active, Mobilized, Mothballed.

Social Modifiers

Economic Strength


  • Robust
    • 100%
    • Wealth Bonus: x4
    • Upkeep:
  • Very Strong
    • 81%-99%
    • Wealth Bonus: x3
    • Upkeep:
  • Strong
    • 61%-80%
    • Wealth Bonus: x2
    • Upkeep:
  • Average
    • 41%-60%
    • Wealth Bonus: x1
    • Upkeep:
  • Weak
    • 21-40%
    • Wealth Bonus: x0.5
    • Upkeep:
  • Very Weak
    • 1-20%
    • Wealth Bonus: x0.25
    • Upkeep:
  • Depression
    • 0%
    • Wealth Bonus: x0.1
    • Upkeep: Free!

Domestic Support


  • Absolute
    • 100%
    • Wealth: x0.25
    • Draft: 90%
  • Very Strong
    • 81%-99%
    • Wealth: x0.50
    • Draft: 70%
  • Strong
    • 61%-80%
    • Wealth: x0.75
    • Draft: 50%
  • Average
    • 41%-60%
    • Wealth: x1
    • Draft: 30%
  • Weak
    • 21-40%
    • Wealth: x2
    • Draft: 10%
  • Very Weak
    • 1-20%
    • Wealth: x3
    • Draft: 5%
  • Non-Existent
    • 0%
    • Wealth: x4
    • Draft: 1%





Design and Manufacture


Also know as 'how do I build all these neat toys?'

Better organized blurb here on how Research works for Systems, System Integration, and Tech advancement requiring three cumulative successes per point of cost/advancement on a 3d6 set of dice vs 14 with each month getting a single roll per point of mobilization. Previously researched Systems/vehicles that are related can be used to speed development, with only the difference having to be developed. Failures count as a month wasted, Crit success counts as three successes, Crit failure counts as success but means the System or Vehicle has one or more hidden design flaws that won't become apparent till actual combat; or an automatic failure for all rolls that month in the case of tech advancement.

These flaws do no decrease production cost or system size as they are unintentional and can only be researched out once known as per related systems, but a critical failure during this refinement will mean one or more flaws are a intrinsic part of the design and cannot be removed save by starting from scratch. An additional roll can be bought per point by every full mobilization payment made after the first, increasing the speed of research but also the chance of significant failure.








