Jonas Flavius

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Grand: Republican virtue!
Personal: The honor and bonds of comradely


Grand: Our dreams, our way of life becoming not even a memory.
Personal: The deaths of my troops

Grand Goal: Restore the dream that was the Republic
Personal Goal: Protect my troops

Hero Level: Local Hero

  • Officer
    • Mecha Ace

Distinguishing features


Inflects respect vibes on Elves of CZ Centeral

Core Stats

Physique 5
Senses 6
Intellect 6
Aether 4
Adrenaline 5
Focus 6
Willpower 6
Core Ether 4


General Skills

Alertness 2
Athleticism 1
Intuition 5
Stealth 2

Combat Skills

Firearms 2
Melee Weapons 2
Quick Draw 2
Tactics 4
Unarmed 1
Weapon Systems 3

Academic Skills

Problem Solving 1
Military Theory 1

Social Skills

Noble Circles 3
City Elf Circles 2
Pleb Circles 1
Republic Military Circles 1
Conversations 5
Deception 3
Graces 3
Leadership 5 (+2 when dealing with Elves)
Quick Uptick 2
One Liner 1

Technical Skills

Drive 2
Mecha Pilot 6

Aetheric Skills

Aether Channel 2

Max: 15
Mental Stress
Max: 10


Physique Traits

Shake it Off (X): Cancel a Light Wound by spending 1 Adrenaline.

Physical Training (X): Gain +5 maximum Physical Stress level.

The Rush (X): Gain 2 Adrenaline every time you roll initiative.

Senses Traits

Extended Overwatch (X): Gain a free Shoot action while in Overwatch.

Fallback (X): This character Can spend one Focus to automatically retreat from an advancing enemy over whom they hold initiative so long as they have actions remaining and are in Overwatch.

Combat Veteran (X): This character increases all cover against ranged attacks by one step.

Intellect Traits

Combat Re-assessment (X): This character can spend one Willpower to force a reroll of all initiative for the current combat at the start of the combat round. This ability can only be used once per round, but can be used in any round, including the first round of combat.

Natural Pilot: Combat Senses (X): Can apply the Combat Senses ability to vehicles with a maneuverability rating of X or greater.

Just as Planned (X): When combat is declared, but before the first round begins, this character can spend one Willpower to conduct a Tactics roll to influence the current combat.

Powerful Orator (X): When rolling a Social action against a group of 10 or more people, this character critically succeeds on a 9 or a 10.

Aether Traits

General Traits

Negative Traits


Banked: 9XP

Session 1 "A Worthy Enemy": 3XP + bonus skills
Bonus Skills: +1 City Elf Circles, +2 Leadership when dealing with Elves
+1 to One Liner
+1 to Quick Uptake
+1 to Conversation
Session 2 "The Ball, Part 1": 3XP
+1 to Pleb Circle
+1 Conversation
+1 to Grace
Session 3 "The Ball, Part 2/Redemption:" 4XP
+1 to Leadership
+1 to Elf Circle
+1 to Republic Military Circles
Side Story: "Baka Jonas! :[": 2XP
+1 to Intuition
Session 4 "What dreams may come": 13XP
-2 banked XP for rerolls
+1 to Tactics
+1 to Leadership
+1 to Military Theory
+1 to Intellect (5XP)
+1 Athleticism
Session 5 "The Battle of Railway Road": 6XP
-1 banked XP for reroll
+1 to Conversation
+1 to intution
Session 6 "The Heart of a Patriot": 4XP
-4 banked XP for rerolls
Session 7 "Ingriaception": 2XP