Violette Voclain

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Born to an impeccable but illegitimate pedigree, Violette grew up without knowing anything of magick, the Order and her true parentage. After being abandonned by her mother, she was adopted by a couple of American circus performers who were living in Rome. Although somewhat atypical, she grew up in pleasant circumstances and took to the semi-nomadic life of her parents very well, moving from city to city without complaint. Deciding that she wanted to follow her parents' footsteps, she dedicated herself to the circus as well, picking up great skill at physically-intense nouveau cirque acrobatics and experimenting with stage magic and commedia dell’arte.


  • Small ordeals are sometimes necessary to achieve swift victory (from session 1 of the Arizona Arc).

Vital Statistics

Name// Enni Herrera
Craft Name// Violette Argyris Vasiliki Ysolt Voclain bani Verditus
Shadow Name// Violette Argyris Vasiliki Ysolt Voclain bani Verditus; the Knight of Wands, Grandchilde to Balor of the Evil Eye, Remembrancer of Arcadia, the Scourge's Jester
True Name// Violette Argyris Vasiliki Ysolt Voclain bani Verditus; the Knight of Wands, Grandchilde to Balor of the Evil Eye, Remembrancer of Arcadia, the Scourge's Jester; Noqui Mitretre Kopuff Sakwanvi
Tradition// Order of Hermes (House Verditus)
Concept// Bastard Heir to the Art of Wands
Image Song// Go West - Eye to Eye
Nature// Jester (Empathy/Hypocrisy)
Demeanor// Conformist (Cooperation/Low Self-Esteem)
Essence// Questing

Things to Track

Willpower// 6
Temporary Willpower// 2
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 4
Quintessence// 0/0 + 0/0 (Parma Magica)
Paradox// 0


Strength 2//
Dexterity 4// Performer
Stamina 3//
Perception 5// Burning Gaze
Intelligence 2//
Wits 4// Improviser
Charisma 2//
Manipulation 4// Utterly Convincing
Appearance 3//



Alertness 1//
Athletics 3//
Awareness 3//
Blatancy (Stage Magic) 4// Pyrotechnics
Subterfuge 3//


Acrobatics 4// Death Defying
Craft 3//
Performance (Circus) 3//
Stealth 2//


Enochian 3//
Cosmology 1//
Investigation 4// Research
Linguistics 4// Calligraphy; Italian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic
Lore (Faeries) 2//
Lore (Traditions) 3//
Occult 4// Wands


Foci and Spheres

Correspondence 3//
Forces 4//
Prime 0//
Spirit 1//



Avatar 5// Odin
Destiny 2// Destined to live in bright and interesting days; whether good or bad is up for grabs.
Resources 3// Receives a handsome stipend from her family. Actually a somewhat popular street magician, as well.
Legend 5// Odin Báleygr, Bileygr, Faðr galdr. Embodies the Allfather in his aspects as a master of wisdom and magic, possessor of a deadly eye, a creator of magic and collector of power.
Spirit Mentor 7// Lord Balor, lord of the Formorians
Favored of the Formorian lord Balor for the power of her gaze and destructive power, despite her being yet incapable of visitation of the Umbra on her own. He taught her the arts of weaving power into staves and of destructive power of focused eyes. He visits her in her dreams, held back from plundering her mind for Glamour by the puissance of her Avatar and the vagueries of fate, which have declared her a grandchild by proxy and thus as much of a danger to him as Lugh was in ancient times. As a consequence of this patronage, both the Seelie and Unseelie courts have a curious and somewhat malign interest in her.
  • Themes: Destruction, drought, plague and other disasters; kingship.
  • Realm: Deep Dreaming (Imprisoned)
Status 2// Hailed as the renewal of a bloodline of Verditus magi, commanding substantial respect. Loses some for playing at being a debased street magician, though.
Wonder 5// Voclain's Cabochon - (Quintessence 23/30)
A fine cabochon of an unidentified gemstone said to be found on the Moon. The symbol of the lineage of Voclain Balestrini, one of Verditus' own disciples and a master of wandcraft said to have been taught by the faeries of Italy. His household continued the tradition throughout the centuries until persecution by the Catholic Inquisition and repression under the fascists bled them dry and most of their Awakened members died out. In the modern age, only two members are proper members of the Order of Hermes. As symbol of her inheritance of the lineage the periapt has been granted to Violette, who wears it as a glass eye and has been made to swear stricter oaths than are usually required to use it.
  • Resonance: Dynamic (Energetic/Playful/Imaginative)
  • Processes Quint into any of three types of Dynamic essence and provides them to the user on demand.
  • Must be of the lineage of Voclain.
  • Must carry oath to the legacy of Voclain and House Verditus to wield.





Cinnabar Wand// Strength +0B, Conceal: P
A wand of cherrywood stained with China Red and refined silver particles for shine and varnished with Moroccan Sandarac. The appearance is raw and twisted from a combination of steam-forming and burn hardening, coupled with the natural shape of the branch used in the wand's creation. The base is crowned with a cabochon of polished cinnabar and mounted on a setting of copper wire. Despite the fancy design, it is actually an ordinary object that merely functions as a superb foci of Forces, with a particular affinity towards manipulating fire and distance.
Magical Girl Rod// Strength +2B, Conceal: O
A simple quarterstaff made of reinforced aluminum, given a glossy finish of glossy red aluminum oxide that is basically impossible to scratch. The headpiece is evocative of a bird, with a smooth beak-like protrusion and white wings. Excels as a tool of magical-girl themed Blatancy shenanigans.
Sonic Screwdriver// Strength +0B, Conceal: P
A low-budget show on the Beeb eventually became one of the modern world's most powerful, imaginative myths. People want to believe that a plastic prop with LEDs and a noisemaker possesses real magic.
Blood-Verdigris Throwing Wand [3]// Forces 4/Prime 2 Lighting Strike, [2] successes each or [4]L, Conceal: P
Made during the first chapter of the Sigrun arc, wands of simple oak (sacred to Zeus) from a tree struck by lightning, painted with a dye derived from Violette's blood and bound with copper wire. Each stores a small amount of lightning.


Merits and Flaws


Catlike Balance// Literally a circus performer. All difficulties for rolls involving balance or body coordination are reduced by -2.
Concentration// Surviving high-flying trapeze acts and psychedelic nu-cirque routines requires incredible mental focus. No penalties from non-harmful environmental conditions or things like being thrown around, hung upside down, etc.
Parlor Tricks// Can perform little magic tricks, making small objects levitate, pull out cards, light flames, etc. Not useful for combat but stylish and allows for small tricks in placing foci in the right place at the right time.


One Eye// -2 to vision-based Alertness or Awareness tests and all actions that are dependent on depth perception.
Geas 3// Do not betray House Verditus on penalty of death.
Primal Marks// Looks suspiciously like if the Allfather was a young woman of her mid-twenties. Hair and hats frequently cover her missing eye and coats appear more like regal cloaks than simple clothes.



Attribute Points 64/44/24

Perception 5 (40)
Intelligence 1 (0)
Wits 4 (24)
Strength 2 (4)
Dexterity 4 (24)
Stamina 3 (12)
Charisma 2 (4)
Appearance 1 (0)
Manipulation 4 (24)


Talents 39/39

Alertness 1 (3)
Athletics 3 (9)
Awareness 3 (9)
Blatancy 3 (9)
Subterfuge 3 (9)

Skills 27/27

Acrobatics 4 (15)
Craft 3 (9)
Stealth 1 (3)

Knowledges 15/15

Enochian 3 (6)
Occult 3 (6)
Investigation 1 (3)


Background Points 21/21

Resources 3 (9)
Influence 2 (6)
Destiny 2 (6)


Sphere Points 65/65

Forces 3 (31)
Prime 3 (34)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 126/105 +21

One Eye (+6)
Geas 3 (+9)
Primal Marks (+6)
Intelligence 2 (4)
Appearance 3 (12)
Correspondence 2 (18)
Stealth 2 (2)
Blatancy 4 (6)
Occult 4 (3)
Linguistics 2 (3)
Investigation 4 (6)
Acrobatics Aptitude (3)
Blatancy Aptitude (3)
Parlor Tricks (3)
Spirit Mentor 7 (21)
Legend 5 (15)
Avatar 5 (15)
Wonder 5 (15)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (104/99/5)

  • Bonus Chargen XP (50)
  • GM: Session 1 (1)
  • Player: Session 1 (5)
  • Player: Session 2 (5)
  • GM: Session 2 (1)
  • GM: Session 3 (1)
  • GM: Session 4 (2)
  • Player: Session 3 (4)
  • GM: Session 5 (2)
  • GM: Session 6 (1)
  • GM: Session 7 (1)
  • GM: Session 8 (1)
  • Player: Session 4 (4)
  • GM: Session 9 (2)
  • Player: Session 5 (6)
  • GM: Session 10 (2)
  • Player: Session 6 (5)
  • GM: Session 11 (1)
  • Player: Session 7 (4)
  • GM: Session 12 (1)
  • Player: Session 8 (5)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (104/99/5)

  • Forces 4 (24)
  • Prime 4 (21)
  • Linguistics 4 (5)
  • Willpower 6 (5)
  • Lore (Traditions) 3 (6)
  • Correspondence 3 (16 -2 [Mentor] = 14)
  • Spirit 1 (10 -3 [Mentor] = 7)
  • Performance 3 (9)
  • Lore (Faeries) 2 (5)
  • Cosmology 1 (3)
